On this day, people who put on makeup came one after another, and in the evening, there were also people who added makeup from the villagers of Wenjia Village, Ningyuan County, who were sent by the caravan.

It was getting dark, the banquet was dispersed, and everyone was sent away.

The gentle and warm two sisters have to make up again!

Nuan played the makeup artist this time.

She put makeup on Gentle first. The eighth princess has never tried makeup on her own. Seeing that Wennuan is so skilled, she couldn't help but try it.

"Nuan Nuan, I will follow you to learn!"

The eighth princess looked at Wen Wen: "Wen Wen, let me help you?"

Wen Wen hurriedly covered her face, and said with a look of horror: "Eighth princess, are you sure? I also wanted to surprise Brother Lin, but it's not shocking!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this!

Wen Ling glanced at Wen Wen, not understanding that Wen Wen dared to say that, the other party was the princess, so wouldn't she be afraid that the eighth princess would get angry and punish her for being disrespectful?

The eighth princess didn't want to be angry. How could she be angry about such a trivial matter? It's right to think about it. Wen Wen will go to the sedan in a while. If her makeup is not good, she has to wash it off and put it on again. !

The eighth princess looked at the sisters present: "Come on, who would like to practice for this princess! This is the first time this princess has done makeup!"

The eighth princess looked at Liang Ziyun, Liang Ziyun hid behind Wenxin and said with a smile, "Eighth princess spare me! I don't want to go back and forth!"

The eighth princess looked at Fang Fang again, and Fang Fang took a few steps back: "Eighth princess, spare me!"

The eighth princess looked at Wu Jingmei, and Wu Jingmei said with a smile: "Eighth princess, I think our country is beautiful and doesn't need makeup! I like natural beauty!"

Wen Ling saw that they were all hiding so boldly, the Eighth Princess might be angry if it went on like this!

She stood up and was blessed: "Eighth princess, please help me with makeup! The eighth princess can help me with makeup, I'm lucky for three lifetimes!"

The eighth princess glanced at Wen Ling and smiled: "Haha. Good! You still can talk! You two underestimate me! I will make you as beautiful as a fairy!"

Wen Ling was happy and felt familiar with the Eighth Princess, she smiled and said, "Thank you Eighth Princess!"

Wen Qian glanced at Huanxi's sister and didn't stop her.

After all, it is too slow to stop now!

All promised the Eighth Princess.

But it doesn't really matter.

Wen Qian knew that Wen Ling didn't have any bad intentions. She just had her habit and personality. She just wanted to get to know people of noble status. She liked to play with those with status and status. People who are snobby are actually a bit snobby, but people are really not bad and won't do anything harmful!

So the eighth princess followed the warmth to learn makeup!

Warm smeared rouge on Wen Ling's face, and the Eighth Princess also smeared rouge on Wen Ling's face.

Warmth put powder on Gentle's face, and the Eighth Princess also put powder on Wen Ling's face.

Warm to the gentle thrush, the eighth princess also thrush!

When it's over, everyone looks gentle and can't look away!

Gentleness is inherently beautiful, and under the warm and skillful hands, it is even more amazingly beautiful!

Especially the pair of eyes, the eyes are bigger and more agile.

Eyeballs moved, looking forward to Shenghui!

Looking at myself in the mirror tenderly, I also feel a lot more beautiful!

Who doesn't want to be beautiful on their wedding day? !

Everyone praised:

Liang Ziyun: "Gentle, you are so beautiful! Nuan Nuan, it turns out that you wear makeup like this! So beautiful! Gentle is already beautiful, and you are so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off it"

Wu Jingmei: "I thought Sister Rou was already beautiful enough, but I didn't expect it to be even more beautiful! Ning Gongzi can't take his eyes off of her when he sees it tonight!"

Fang Fang: "Haha. Don't make the groom Guanmei faint!"

Wen Ran: "Third sister, when I get married, you also have to put makeup on me! I'm more beautiful than the eldest sister! No, I'm more beautiful than you!"

The crowd laughed when they heard it!

Warm and unceremonious rolled his eyes: "Sister Ran, don't embarrass me! It's okay to be cute, but not to be beautiful!"

Then she glanced at Wen Ran's face with disgust, her eyes seemed to say, what do you look like, don't you have any points in your heart?

Wen Ran feigned anger: "third sister is too bad! I won't play with you in the future!"

The crowd laughed again.

It's not that Wen Ran is not beautiful, her facial features are also very delicate, but she is only eleven years old now, she hasn't grown yet, and her face has a little baby fat on her face.

And this girl doesn't grow flesh on her body, it always grows on her face, which makes her look like the first impression is not beauty, but cuteness! Pink and jade-like elves are cute!

In fact, it is also beautiful, but the sisters above are a little more immature, more cute and harmless!

The eighth princess said at this time, "Sister Ran, I'll help you with makeup!"

Wen Ran glanced at Wen Ling, the blushing area was as red as a monkey's butt, and the white area was pale!

There are also eight princesses who are painting eye shadow and eyeliner. Do you want to make your eyes bigger?

It is indeed bigger!

These eyes are drawn with two big circles, which are bigger than pandas!

And the mouth!

It's thicker than the sausage made by the third sister!

Wen Ran said unceremoniously, "Eighth Princess, I don't want to be a panda!"

Wen Ling looked at herself in the mirror at the moment and wanted to cry without tears!

She regrets it!

You shouldn't let the eighth princess do her makeup!

How can you meet people with such a face?

She didn't even dare to clean.

Wen Qian glanced at her and sighed in her heart.

But the eighth princess said: "No! This is my first time, hand-born! I have found the experience! This time it must be very beautiful!"

"I don't want it! I don't believe it!" Wen Ran said and ran away!

The eighth princess looked at the others, and the others stepped back!

"You guys are serious, don't believe me at all!" The eighth princess could only pull her maid to transform!

That maid sat there, daring to be angry and not saying a word, with a lifeless expression on her face!

"Nuannuan, hurry up and put on make-up for Wenxin! I want to continue learning!"

He smiled warmly: "Second sister, I'll help you with makeup first!"

Wen Wen Yan smiled and said: "Okay, but you have to help the second sister put on beautiful makeup! You make the elder sister beautiful, but you can't make me too bad, otherwise I won't be able to spare you!"

"Okay, I'll make you more beautiful than me!"

Wen Xin smiled: "Forget it, I'm still a little self-aware, and I dare not compare with you! It's enough to be as good-looking as the eldest sister!"

Warm look at the warm look!

Who dares to compare with her!

This girl is really the president, and she combines all the advantages of her father and mother!

Fang Fang glanced at the warmth, Princess Hui'an is a natural beauty embryo, there is no dead angle in 360 degrees, no matter from which angle it looks, it is so beautiful that people forget to breathe!

One is because of her appearance, and the other is because of her expression, even if she rolls her eyes, she is not good-looking!

There is also the temperament that her whole body exudes, as quiet as a virgin, out of the world and refined, graceful and leisurely;

Anyway, Fang Fang saw in her a supernatural, serene, graceful, unhurried, unhurried, graceful, pretty, dignified and graceful, also bohemian, domineering, informal and valiant!

It seems that any temperament can be exuded from her beautiful face, and there is no sense of disobedience!

Instead, it's always amazing!

Stunningly beautiful!

Therefore, whoever is present who wears makeup can't compare to Princess Hui'an!

In the evening, I suddenly felt unwell, went to the doctor, and only now went home. There's only one update tonight, sorry.

I'm going to have a hang-up tomorrow, I don't know how to update it.

Take a break first!

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