In the end, none of the eight princesses learned how to make up well, and the second one was even more appalling than the first one. When people couldn't bear to look directly, she gave up!

Next, Gentleness and Warmth have to change their wedding clothes, open their faces, and comb their hair. Once they are busy, the sky will be bright.

The Lin family and the Ning family welcomed their relatives.

"Come! Come! The welcome team is here!"

The eighth princess said excitedly: "Who's here?"

"It's all here! It's all here!"

The Eighth Princess immediately said: "Quick, close the door! The courtyard door is closed! The house door is closed!"

The maids hurried to close the door.

Wen Nuan ran to Gentle and Warm again, squatted down, and directly removed one of the embroidered shoes on their feet.

The eighth princess was amazed: 'Nuan Nuan, what are you doing? ’

Others also looked at the warmth in surprise.

Why are you taking off your shoes all of a sudden?

Wen Nuan held two shoes, looked around and replied, "Hide the shoes!"

Everyone in the room: "."

Ran elder sister said curiously, "third elder sister, why are you hiding your shoes?"

Everyone looked warm and had such questions in their hearts.

Nuan then remembered that when my aunt got married, she didn't hide her shoes!

But there is a shoe hidden for the groom to find, which is common in modern times!

Probably because people in this era are more conservative, it is not good for the bride to show one foot like this, so there is no such custom.

Warmly said: "It's a difficult time! The groom will have to find shoes to hold the beauty back! And when the groom is looking for shoes, we can give some tips, one tip and one red envelope!"

The Eighth Princess immediately said, "This is a good idea! But it's not just about hiding shoes! Hide a few more things!"

Ran Jie'er pulled out a bead hairpin on the top of Gentle's head: "Bead hairpin! Hide a bead hairpin!"

The eighth princess immediately followed and pulled out a pearl hairpin on Wenxin's head!

Wen Nuan hid the shoes under the gentle and warm skirt, and then stood up: "This is not good, isn't it necessary to cover the head, so that the groom can't see the bride?"

"Yes!" Wen Ran put the pearl hairpin back on her gentle head.

"Then hide the bracelet!" Wen Ran immediately pulled out the gold bracelet in Wen Wen's hand!

The eighth princess also inserted the pearl hairpin back on Wenxin's head, and then removed the gold bracelet in Wenxin's hand.

Eighth Princess: "It's not enough to hide two things, let's hide more."

Warm: "The pearl hairpin on the head cannot be removed, we can cover a few more hijabs!"

The eighth princess said excitedly: "Yes! Cover ten! No, cover twenty! You have to lift the remaining one before you can go out! That's it! Where's the hijab? Hurry up and find some hijab!"

The gentle maid Chanyi immediately said: "But there are not so many hijabs! Only a few!"

This kind of thing is generally not prepared.

The young lady only embroidered one buddha lotus and one of mandarin ducks playing in the water.

However, because several people gave a set of wedding dresses, which included a hijab, there were only a few more.

But the eight princesses mainly cover twenty, so there is absolutely no one!

"Then take them all out! Hurry up, the wedding team is here!"

Chanyi and Qingdai immediately ran to find it!

As soon as the two found a few hijabs, there was a noise outside.

"The auspicious time is coming! Hurry up to open the door, the groom has to welcome the bride back to the house to worship! It is not good to delay the auspicious time!" The matchmaker shouted from outside the yard!

Then came the man's shout: "The auspicious time is coming! Hurry up and open the door!"

"Open the door! The auspicious time is coming!"

The eighth princess hurriedly put a few red hijabs on her gentle and warm heads, and ran out!

Warm also hurried out.

Gentle, Liang Ziyun, Wu Jingmei and other women who were sisters all ran out and stood in the courtyard gate.

The eighth princess said loudly: "You can open the door if you want! The red envelope is here! The princess is satisfied! The princess will open the door!"

"Open the door first! If you don't open the door, how can you give a red envelope?" Feng Nianchen said loudly.

Warm: "Wait!"

Wen Nuan said to Chen Xi and Chen Huan: "You keep the courtyard wall! Don't let people come in!"

Chen Xi and Chen Huan hurriedly responded: "Yes!"

So the two quickly found a wall each, climbed up the ladder, and looked outside the courtyard wall in case someone climbed over the wall and entered.

The Eighth Princess and Nuan also directly climbed the ladder that had been prepared for a long time and leaned against the courtyard gate.

Wen Nuan climbed up and smiled at the two welcoming teams outside the door: "If you want to open the door, you can! Bring the red envelopes!"

The Eighth Princess also said cheerfully: "Give more, if you are satisfied, we will open the door!"

The maids immediately handed them two butterfly nets for fluttering butterflies one by one.

Nuan and the Eighth Princess grabbed the bamboo pole and handed the butterfly net to the welcoming team.

The welcoming team was speechless when they saw Nuannuan and the Eighth Princess' saucy operation!

Does this work?!

When Amber saw the Eighth Princess climbed so high, her heart was lifted, and she couldn't help saying: "Eighth Princess, be careful, don't fall! I'll give you the silver, go down quickly!"

The eighth princess blushed: "Shut up! Who wants your money! You are not the groom!!"

Amber: "."

It turns out that only the bridegroom can give money?

Then he must prepare a little more money when the time comes.

Nalan Jinnian stood on the side and looked at the warmth, thinking about how much money she would need to prepare when she married the little girl next year.

But at that time, it is estimated that no one dared to ask themselves to take silver.

That's not right, little sister Wen Ran is a money jar.

Ning Huaijie and Lin Tingxuan immediately took out two red envelopes containing one thousand taels of silver notes, and they put the two red envelope branches into the two butterfly nets.

Ning Huaijie smiled and said, "Eighth princess, Princess Hui'an, please open the door! Whether Ning can marry a daughter-in-law depends on you!"

Lin Tingxuan also smiled and said, "Eighth princess, Princess Hui'an raises your hand! Open the door!"

Eight princesses and Nuan pulled the butterfly net back.

The two opened the red envelope and glanced at the silver note inside, only to meet the value of one thousand taels!

Wen Nuan turned around and gave the red envelope to Wen Ran below, and then said, "It's disingenuous to want us to open the door after only one thousand taels! We have so many sisters here, one thousand taels is not enough!"

The eighth princess echoed: "Yes! One thousand taels, for us sisters, a good meal is not enough!"

Cao Zihao and Liu Kai twitched the corners of their mouths when they heard that, they could eat a table of healthy dishes in Tao Ranju for a thousand taels!

Why can't it be enough to eat a good meal? !

Lin Tingxuan said with a smile: "Eighth princess, Princess Hui'an will give you the number, how many red envelopes you need to open the door, and Lin will definitely offer it!"

Ning Huaiji nodded: "Eighth princess, Princess Hui'an, please give me the number! As long as I can bring my daughter-in-law home, I will pay as much money as possible!"

Ning Huaijie is in business after all, he has already guessed that after opening the door, there are other places to give red envelopes, so he directly said that as long as he takes his wife home instead of opening the door!

I still feel unwell, I will update today~~

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