The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 989 I didn't see anything!

Wen Nuan returned to the mansion, and told the family about the situation of the Ning family today. Everyone in the Ning family listened to the enthusiasm. The new house and the yard were well decorated. The servants who served were also honest. Madam arranged everything well.

"Grandma, parents, you don't have to worry, most people in our Ning family don't dare to bully eldest sister."

Wu and Wang felt relieved after hearing this.

Wu Shi: "It's fine! We're just worried that the Ning family is too complicated!"

Nuan: "It's okay, the eldest sister can handle it! If you can't handle it, there are also us! We will definitely not let the eldest sister suffer any grievances!"

Wang Shi nodded: "That must be! Well, Sister Nuan, you have been tired all day! Your body is not good, so go to sleep and don't be tired!"

Sometimes when Wang Shi sees Nuan Busy, she is always worried that her body can't stand it!

Wu shi also said: "Yes, go and rest!"

Wen Jiarui: "rest early! You are too busy these days, don't get up too early tomorrow, sleep a little longer~"

Nodding warmly: "I see, then I'll go back to the house and sleep."

Wen Nuan left after speaking, but she didn't go in when she returned to her yard, but went directly over the wall to find Nalan Jinnian!

There was no one else in Nalan Jinnian's courtyard. As long as he was there, Lin Feng was usually the only one serving.

Lin Feng was guarding outside the house, and Wen Nuan saw him and asked, "Is your master there? Forget it, you are all here, your master must be there!"

Warm and pushed the door directly in.

Lin Feng opened his mouth, then closed it!

Forget it, the master probably also likes Princess Hui'an to break in at this time!

Lin Feng thought about it and walked away.

He didn't know anything, he was in three urgency, and he just went to relieve it.

Wen Nuan walked in and saw that there was no one in the room, she was slightly surprised.

Is it in the library?

Nalan Jinnian's house is connected to the study, and even the clean room.

Warmly went to the study.

Nalan Jinnian had just finished taking a bath at this moment. He had just put on a white underwear, his blue silk was still loose, and he was steaming.

Just as he was about to go out, he heard a knock on the door, and then someone walked in.

There is no one else who dares to walk in like this, except his little princess!

Nalan Jinnian picked up the clothes on the screen and was about to put them on before going out.

Suddenly, he moved!

Nalan Jin quickly took off his white underwear, stepped into the tub again, closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, and made his breathing more uniform and long.

Wen Nuan didn't find anyone in the study, she couldn't help but be surprised that she wasn't in the study?

What about people?

Wen Nuan walked out of the study, opened the door and wanted to go out and ask Lin Feng, but found that Lin Feng didn't know where to go!

"Lin Feng!"

He shouted warmly and no one responded.

How did Lin Feng go?

Wen Nuan raised his foot across the threshold, and was about to go out and climb over the wall to return to the house.

Suddenly a sound came from a room in the house.

Nuan immediately retracted his feet, turned and walked in the direction from which the voice came.

In the clean room, Nalan Jinnian was pretending to be sleeping, but after pretending for a long time, he heard the door open!

The little girl was obviously leaving.

Nalan Jinnian can't take it anymore!

The little girl doesn't know how to look in every room?

He also wanted to pretend that he was so tired that he fell asleep in the shower, and tricked her into brushing his back!

Nalan Jinnian was worried that people would leave, so she quickly made some noise.

Nuan has been to Nalan Jinnian's house more than once, but she has only been to the study and this room, not to other rooms. I don't know what other rooms are used for.

At this moment, when she came to the door of a certain room, she shouted ""

"Seventeenth brother."

"Yeah." Nalan Jinnian deliberately hummed.

Nuan heard him answer, and habitually pushed open the door and walked in.

Nalan Jinnian just stood up from the tub and stepped out of the tub.


Nuan quickly covered his eyes, and then blushed!

"Why didn't Brother Seventeen say anything when taking a bath?"

"I thought you knew, this is the clean room." Nalan Jinnian walked to the edge of the screen, calmly picked up her underwear and put it on.

Wen Nuan quietly opened a small slit in his fingers, took a peek at it, and quickly turned to leave!

"how could I know!"

Wen Nuan dropped those words and ran out!

Nalan Jinnian's expression was originally as if nothing had happened, but after Wennuan ran out, the corners of his mouth couldn't help rising, and his eyes were full of smiles!

This little girl!

After Wennuan ran out, I thought it was okay

Warm couldn't help but patted his face!

Stop, what are you thinking? !

Warm and can't help but think of what I just saw!

I have to say, it looks great!

Nalan Jinnian walked out while buttoning his coat, his eyes full of evil interest: "Are you still satisfied with what you see?"

Warming her face a little hot, she said nonchalantly, "I cover my eyes quickly! I don't see anything!"

Nalan Jinnian clicked his tongue and smiled even more!

The little girl is dishonest!

Warm: "Really!"

Nalan Jinnian stepped forward and took her into his arms: "Really? How did I see someone secretly split their fingers?"

Warm and pretending to be stupid: "Is there? You read it wrong, I am pinching my fingers!"

She will never admit it!

Dead duck mouth hard!

"Haha." Nalan Jinnian couldn't hold back any longer and laughed.

Wen Nuan couldn't help pinching his waist!

Nalan Jinnian leaned over her shoulder and laughed even more impetuously!

The little girl is so cute!

Wen Nuan was a little embarrassed to be laughed at, and said stubbornly: "I'm just to see if there is any problem with your body! I'm a doctor, and I will habitually look at anyone's body when I see it to see if there is any problem with the other party!"

Nalan Jinnian couldn't stop laughing this time.

He circled one arm tightly and raised someone's chin with the other: "Huh? Who else's body have you seen?"

With full of danger in her eyes, if she only said one person, he would strangle him immediately!

Wen Nuan was almost unable to breathe, and she immediately raised her hand: "No! I've only seen yours! I swear!"

Nalan Jinnian pulled her hand down: "What a swear word!"

He couldn't help pinching her chin again: "Didn't you just say you didn't see anything?"

Eyes full of smiles!


This man actually deliberately set his own words!

so bad!

Wen Nuan stretched his arms around his neck and said with a smile: "I see! I saw everything! From a doctor's point of view, um, a bit."

Speaking of warmth, he compared his fingers, "You know what the two words in front of Jinghan are! Um, do you need me to prescribe a prescription for you to adjust it? Otherwise, it will not be good for the children, and it will not be conducive to the harmony of husband and wife in the future."

Nalan Jinnian's face really turned black this time!

this girl!

Really dare to say anything!

He was so angry that he stopped her by the waist, picked her up, and walked inside!

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