The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 990 It's fun to go over the wall together, isn't it?

Warm and startled!

His arms clasped even tighter, and immediately admitted his mistake:

"I was joking! I was wrong! Just kidding! Just kidding! You look like a man with many children and grandchildren, energetic and harmonious husband and wife! Really!"

Nuan let go of a hand and tapped a certain acupoint on his body.

Nalan Jinnian's body went numb.

Warming his body and turning over neatly, his feet landed, he stood up directly, staying far away from Nalan Jinnian: "Brother Seventeen, I'm joking! I'm looking for you for serious business!"

Warm and quickly change the subject.

Otherwise, she was really afraid that he would prove himself.

Nalan Jinnian turned his paralyzed arm and glared at her.

Then he walked to the toffee chair and finished it, he beckoned to Wen Nuan: "Come here!"

Warm and unmoved: "It's really a joke! I have something serious to say!"

"Come here!" Nalan Jinnian said angrily.

Nuan thought about it and walked over. Anyway, I never fought with him. I wonder if I can kick him out of King Jin's mansion with one kick?

The thought popped up, and Nuan suddenly felt that his feet were a little itchy!

Be prepared to kick out at any time.

Wen Nuan walked to Nalan Jinnian's side.

Nalan Jinnian picked up a cloth towel on the side and threw it to her: "Dry my hair, I will forgive you!"

Wen Nuan reached out and caught the towel: "."

What did she do wrong? Need his forgiveness?

Seeing that she didn't move for a long time, Nalan Jinnian turned to look at her: "I'm not too young. If I want to have many children, I have to work hard now."

Warming agitated, he immediately came to the top of his head with a cloth towel: "Brother Seventeen is young! Eighteen years old is crisp! There will be no problem with ten or eight in the future!"

Nalan Jinnian: "."

this girl!

What the hell is 18-year-old Bubu Crispy?

However, ten or eight will be born in the future?

It's a good idea.

Nalan Jinnian decided not to care what she said that she was not good enough!

The warmth wrapped a towel around his wet hair and wiped it gently.

He always wiped her hair, and it was the first time she wiped his hair.

This hair is so good!

Wipe warmly and carefully.

She knew a little bit of head massage, so she gave him a button by the way.

Nalan Jinnian felt the warm little hand pressing on her scalp, and there was pain in some parts, but it was very comfortable after pressing.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed: "What's the matter with you coming to me?"

Nuan then talked about the Eighth Princess.

"Do you have to marry? Why don't you ask Amber what conditions Nalan gave him, and he is willing to retire. I'm not willing to let the eighth princess go! You have to say it well."

Amber didn't do anything wrong, and came to greet her with full sincerity, and it was warm to see that Amber really liked the Eighth Princess.

That look, she was chasing the eighth princess all day, she couldn't even see it!

Although she also sympathizes with Amber, people's feelings are all selfish.

The eighth princess has a good relationship with herself, and the warmth naturally hopes that the eighth princess will be happy.

Emotionally, few people can be fair and just.

Nalan Jin replied softly, "Well, I'll ask tomorrow."

Although it's a bit tasteful, this girl thinks people other than herself are so important.

But for her request, he has always been obedient.

Nalan Jinnian reached out and held her hand, preventing her from moving. She couldn't bear to be too tired: "Okay, no need to wipe. Are you tired?"

Although he liked her to wipe his hair for himself, he knew she had a busy day.

I am afraid that last night was also accompanied by her two sisters, did not sleep.

"I'm a little tired. I'm going to talk to you about this before I go back to take a bath and sleep." Wen Nuan said honestly.

Nalan Jinnian sat up straight: "I'll take you back."

Wen Nuan rolled his eyes, threw the cloth in his hand on his face, and left!

Stop being funny!


The two families were only separated by a wall, and she climbed over the wall and returned to her yard.

What's the point of sending her back?

It's fun going over the wall with her, isn't it?

Besides, when he combed his hair and sent himself, she was already taking a comfortable bath in the tub!

Nalan Jinnian took off the cloth on his face, watched the girl's figure flash past the door, and shook his head with a smile, as if the two mansions were too close to each other!

He wanted to take her back to the house with an excuse, and he couldn't stay with her any longer!

Since returning to the capital, he has not been at ease in Ningyuan County these days.

After getting married, let's take her back to Ningyuan County to live a life!


Early the next morning, the people in the streets and alleys of the capital were talking about the marriage of the two girls from the Anguo Gongfu yesterday.

What did you say, I didn't expect An Guogong to be so rich!

What do you say, the dowry simply fills the streets and alleys of the entire capital!

He also said that he did not expect that Duke Ang, who came from a farm family, became so rich not long after he became the Duke, and the dowry was almost the same as that of a princess.

The Minister of Industry and his staff walked into the teahouse, just in time to hear everyone talking about the marriage of Duke Anguo.

The two entered the private room.

The staff of the Minister of Industry and Commerce said with a smile: "Yesterday, the marriage of Anguo Gong's mansion really caused a sensation in the city! I really did not expect Anguo Gong's mansion to be so rich."

The Minister of Industry snorted coldly: "Of course Duke An is rich! The county lord of Hui'an has two fiefs, and there are several jade mines! They still manage the salt lake! Can they be rich? In another year, maybe they will be rich. It's an enemy country!"

When the Minister of Industry said this, what did he think of?

That's right, the rich can rival the country!

Even if the county master of Hui'an has two fiefs, the taxation of Nanning County was not enough to be self-sufficient, and the imperial court still subsidizes it every year!

Another city has just been recovered. It will take a lot of money to rebuild and appease the people. This year's food towns will not be too much.

As for the jade mine he won from Dongling, although it sounded good, he knew that the quality of the jade was not good. The people of Dongling were not stupid and would not be able to take out the jade mine rich in beautiful jade.

As for salt, although it is extremely profitable, it has only just started, and it has not made too much money so quickly.

The construction of the new city outside the city is in full swing, and the materials used in those buildings are all excellent. It can be said that money is being burned every day!

As the Minister of Work, he naturally knew how much money would be needed to build those shops, houses, and roads and bridges.

But when the two daughters of Duke Anguo got married, each daughter could still give out so much dowry!

No one believed that they did not smuggle the money from the previous treasury!

This time the Anguo Gongfu exposed so much wealth, it was just an opportunity.

The Minister of Industry and Commerce whispered his thoughts to his staff.

The staff was shocked: "This is not good! I am afraid that the third prince will not do this for the time being."

"No, I will explain it to the third prince when the time comes. You know a lot of people in the market, so just find someone to spread the word about."

The third prince now intends to deal with the Anguo Gongfu well, and it is estimated that he will not take action against them for the time being.

But raising tigers is a problem!

He doesn't quite agree with this.

When the tiger grows up, it might eat itself!

Of course, while it was young, he was pressed to death.

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