The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1025: Repay the other person the same way he did (2)

As Xiao Ruiyuan expected, Emperor Hui'an knew the truth of the matter the next day. In addition to severely punishing the censor who had casually reported the matter before finding out the truth, he also ordered Jing Zhaoyin to quell the rumors in the market.

Jing Zhaoyin did not dare to be careless, and soon ordered his subordinates to post clarification notices all over the capital. He also made it clear that if anyone dared to spread rumors about auspicious beasts that scare people to death, if they were caught, they would be punished with a cane. Thirty, or even ten years in prison.

This move by the court was very effective. Within a day, the rumors disappeared. The people who had been frightened by them also felt at ease and were willing to believe that those wild beasts that did not bite or scare people to death were sent by God. Auspicious beast.

Even if someone had a dark heart and suspected that the court was biased towards Mo Yan and deliberately covered up the truth, they would only dare to murmur a few words in their own homes.

However, just as one wave subsided, another wave started again. That afternoon, there were new rumors pointing to Lord Hejia. This time, he was unfilial and unvirtuous!

The Mid-Autumn Festival is originally a day for family reunion. What does it matter if a fiancé seduced by an unmarried daughter-in-law is hanging out with her and leaving her future parents-in-law aside? Even a passing daughter-in-law can only stay at her husband's house on this day, and work with her husband to be filial to her parents-in-law, so that they can enjoy their family relationship.

But no one expected that Lord Hejia, who was personally consecrated by the Holy Emperor, would shamelessly seduce his fiancé, General Xiao, to spend the festival with him at his home during the Mid-Autumn Festival yesterday, leaving Marquis Weiyuan and Mrs. Hou to wait in vain until midnight.

For a time, rumors that Lord Hejia was unfilial and unvirtuous spread throughout the streets again. This time it was a little rosy, and it was more sensational than the auspicious beast scaring dozens of people to death.

The lobby of an ordinary teahouse was filled with people chatting and drinking tea. Wherever there are people, gossip is inevitable. At this time, everyone in the lobby was attracted by the person at the table, listening to the fat man in the middle reveal the inside story of the most interesting rumor nowadays.

"It is said that Marquis Weiyuan waited for most of the night to finally get his son, General Xiao, back. He couldn't help but complained a few words. As a result, General Xiao got into an argument with his father, Marquis Weiyuan. Marquis Weiyuan was furious. After saying to General Xiao, "If you have a wife, you will forget about your father." General Xiao became so angry that he quarreled with Marquis Weiyuan. Marquis Weiyuan was so angry that he called the doctor that night and couldn't get out of bed today. It's done." The fat man said and gestured, as if he had seen it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears.

"No way... Weiyuan Hou is General Xiao's biological father after all. How can General Xiao quarrel with his biological father over a woman?" Someone immediately raised a question, seemingly defending Xiao Ruiyuan, but in fact he was hiding it. Scheming.

"Hey, why can't we make a noise? If you knew the inside story, you wouldn't ask like this." Fatty deliberately let it go. Seeing other people looking over, urging him to ask about the inside story, he felt a wave of pain in his heart. Come proudly.

"Inside story? What inside story? You should tell me quickly!"

"It's just that, half of it is hidden and half of it is hidden. It's so boring."


The audience saw that Fatty stopped talking and actively urged him.

"Hey, why are you so anxious? Don't I have to say this?" After attracting the attention of the audience, the fat man finally spoke: "My cousin's wife's cousin's cousin is lucky enough to be here. I was on duty at the Weiyuan Hou Mansion. Last night, I came back to the house after seeing General Xiao with my own eyes, and then I had a quarrel with Weiyuan Hou and Weiyuan Hou's wife! I guess you don't know that the current Weiyuan Hou's wife is the successor of Weiyuan Hou. , she is not General Xiao's biological mother. General Xiao has never wanted to see this stepmother. It is said that every time they meet, he will either sarcastic or simply ignore her. For this reason, Weiyuan Hou often quarrels with General Xiao. Every time Weiyuan marquis Mrs. Hou negotiated with her and did not want the father and son to have any quarrel over her. General Xiao scolded them mercilessly. Because of this, Mrs. Weiyuan Hou often cried behind the back of others. If it were me, I would cry too. , stepmother is in trouble!"

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