The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1026: Repay others with their own methods (3)

The onlookers nodded in understanding, and many of them had their own mothers or sisters doing the job for others, and they also knew how difficult it was for women to be in this awkward position.

It's okay that the child is too young to remember anything. He has been raised since he was a child. Not only is he closer than his own child, but at least he won't be a stumbling block for his stepmother. When some of them were still raising children, they would be compared with the people in front of them by the elders and relatives in the family. If they made any slight mistakes, they would be scolded as unkind. The stepmother would just like to dig out her heart and show them to them. , I suffer even more grievances on weekdays.

Of course, there are good stepmothers and bad stepmothers. Now it seems that the current Mrs. Weiyuan Hou is not a bad person. Otherwise, she would like her husband to have a quarrel with his stepson so as to profit from it. How could she try to persuade her from the side and secretly wipe her tears? !

These idle commoners like to hear about the grievances and grievances in the rich and wealthy families. Seeing that the fat man stopped at the exciting point, someone immediately urged: "Say it quickly, tell it quickly, what else is there, what else is there?"

The fat man stopped asking for Qiao and continued: "Because of the Marquis of Weiyuan's wife, General Xiao finally got into trouble with Marquis Weiyuan. General Xiao thought that he had lost Marquis Weiyuan's heart, and was worried that his position as the heir apparent would be overthrown. After Weiyuan Hou took it away, he took advantage of his authority to send his younger brother, the second son of the current wife of Weiyuan Hou, far away to his ancestral home to guard the ancestor's mausoleum. He also sent people to watch Xiao Er like a prisoner. Young Master, he is not allowed to leave the ancestral mausoleum even half a step, and Weiyuan Hou and Weiyuan Hou's wife are not allowed to visit. After all, Weiyuan Hou values ​​​​General Xiao, the eldest son, more, and cannot bear to let his reputation be damaged. He only talks about Xiao Er to the outside world. The young master did something wrong and was punished by General Xiao to guard the mausoleum of his ancestors for reflection. In private, he went to General Xiao many times to intercede, hoping that he would let his younger son go. However, General Xiao refused every time. Because of this, Wei Wei The father-son relationship between Marquis Yuan and General Xiao is getting worse and worse."


The audience did not expect to hear such an inside story. If the God of War in their minds did not like their stepmother and was at odds with her, they could understand it and think it was not a big deal. However, he was so cruel to his biological brother and even ignored his father's plea. , it would be too cold-blooded.

Some people did not believe the fat man's words, and expressed their doubts: "It's not the current Madam Weiyuan Marquis or the Second Young Master Xiao who did something they shouldn't have done, and burned General Xiao's eyes, so General Xiao sent him to prison." Go to the ancestral home, right? After all, General Xiao is the eldest son of the Hou family. If the mother and son had any ideas about the eldest son's position and deliberately discredited General Xiao in front of Marquis Weiyuan, it would not be unreasonable for General Xiao to find out and send him to Zuling. Maybe, I heard that General Xiao’s position as the heir apparent was obtained by the old Marquis who dragged his sick body to the Holy Father in person. I think the old Marquis knew that the mother and son had ulterior motives, so he took precautions and asked General Xiao for the title as early as possible. For the crown prince."

The old Marquis Xiao back then, like Xiao Ruiyuan today, was a being respected by all people. For such an old man to plan for his young grandson when he was on the verge of death, he had a purpose that he had to do, otherwise why would he go beyond the authority? Will Yuanhou do this? After all, it is what a father should do to make the crown prince a prince!

The man's words were reasonable and reasonable. As soon as he finished speaking, many people agreed:

"That's right, that's right. There are more doors in the gate of the deep house than ordinary people like us. The current Mrs. Weiyuan Marquis seems to be generous and a kind and loving mother. But who knows if she is pretending to be intimidating. Did Marquis Yuan watch it?"

"That's right, there is a family living next door to me. There are only two shops in the house. The stepmother wants to get everything into her son's hands. She is very kind to her stepson. She feeds her stepson so much fish and meat every day that he can't even walk. Not to mention the fat man, he stuffed a lot of beautiful girls into his stepson's room when he was only thirteen years old... Who doesn't know who would not praise that step-in-law? But if he is really good, can he raise his stepson like a waste? Maybe the current wife Mrs. Hou is a traitor inside, she looks like a loving mother on the outside, but inside she is as black as coal."

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