Not long after Shopkeeper Xing left, Li Zhong took Li Xiu back. At this time, Li Xiu was wearing half-worn plain clothes. Perhaps because he had been worried and had not had a good rest in the past few days, his face was a little pale and his energy was not very good.

This is the second time Mo Yan has seen Li Xiu. Compared with the first time, she looks much calmer now, but there is still a slight sadness between her eyebrows.

Li Xiu also recognized Mo Yan as the girl she met by chance that day. She was weak-tempered but not stupid. When she thought that her father could find her so smoothly, she understood Mo Yan's good intentions after a little guessing. I have mixed feelings and my gratitude cannot be overstated.

But do they really not mind if she has been in a place like that? Thinking like this, a bit of uneasiness could not help but appear on his face.

Mo Yan couldn't see her uneasiness. She pushed Li Yan who was dumbfounded next to her and teased: "Yanzi, the aunt you miss so much is back. Why are you still standing there?"


Li Yan said blankly. She had never seen her aunt before. When she first saw this woman who was very similar to her, she was a little overwhelmed.

"Hey, good boy, good boy!" Li Xiu was also very excited when she saw her only niece. Thinking of her brother and sister-in-law who died tragically, her eyes filled with tears, and she felt even more sorry for Li Yan.

Feeling her aunt's joy, Li Yan also put her arms around her waist, raised her head buried in her arms, and put on a bright smile on her face.

After all, they are relatives connected by blood, with a natural sense of closeness in their bones. The aunt and nephew were so close that Li Zhong laughed to tears.

The three siblings, Mo Yan, were very emotional and were happy from the bottom of their hearts for the reunion of the Li family.

After the three members of the Li family calmed down, Mo Yan came forward with his younger siblings to say hello to Li Xiu. Naturally, he did so in a friendly manner, which made the last bit of uneasiness in Li Xiu's heart disappear.

In fact, apart from Mo Yan, Li Xiu's tragic past had not been told to anyone else, and she had no plans to tell anyone in the future.

Although her own father is not that kind of old-fashioned person, and her younger siblings are kind-hearted, it would be okay to know. But in the future, both families will go to Liuyang Village to live, and people are talkative. If this matter is accidentally leaked, those rumors will It would kill Li Xiu.

Li Zhong did not tell Li Yan about it due to various concerns, or he wanted to wait until Li Yan grew up and became sensible before he would consider telling her about it.

After talking happily for a while, Mo Yan left space for the three members of the Li family. She took her brothers and sisters to sell vegetables on the street, preparing to cook a delicious meal to celebrate the reunion of the Li family.

It's the end of March, and the weather is getting hotter. There are a lot more vegetable stalls on the streets, especially those selling mushrooms and wild vegetables. Mushrooms and wild vegetables are only as fresh as this season, so many people buy them back to try them out.

"Sister, in Mojia Village, we used to dig wild vegetables and pick mushrooms, but our home is too far from the town, and we don't have enough rice to eat, so we dug all the weeds to fill our stomachs."

Xin'er looked at the mushrooms and wild vegetables in the vegetable basket and thought of the hard days in Mojia Village.

"Sister, remember to cook brown rice porridge with wild vegetables and mushrooms. Add some salt and you and Zhen'er can eat a big bowl!" Mo Yan said with a smile, looking at the round and rosy faces of her siblings, she felt indescribable satisfaction in her heart. .

"But eldest sister, wild vegetables are not delicious, and our family is not short of vegetables, why do we need to buy them?" Zhen'er said with a bitter face. He really didn't want to eat unpalatable wild vegetables now!

Mo Yan stared at him and said in a rather stern tone: "If it doesn't taste good, why don't we eat it? Our family's life is better. When you were picky about food and wasted food, did you ever think about how many people are like us? Can’t even eat?”

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