Xin'er is fine and cherishes the days of having no worries about food and clothing, while Zhen'er is still young and uncertain. Recently, she has been picky about food and likes to leave the bottom of the bowl, which is not a good habit.

As soon as Zhen'er heard this, she knew her sister was talking about him. Thinking of his waste of food, he couldn't help but blush. He pulled his sister's sleeve and said softly: "Sister, Zhen'er knows that she was wrong. She will never waste food again. Don't be angry, okay?"

How could Mo Yan be angry with him? Listening to his soft words in a childish voice, her heart softened, but she still had to teach what should be taught: "It's good to know that you are wrong! Before wasting food in the future, think about the past." If I can’t think of the hard days, I just go and look at the people on the street who have neither clothes to wear nor food to eat, and I always remind myself that I can’t waste it.”

Zhen'er nodded heavily: "Zhen'er listen to eldest sister. If Zhen'er wastes food again in the future, Zhen'er will be punished by not eating for a whole day."

Looking at his serious look, Mo Yan suppressed a smile and said, "You said this yourself, and your second sister and I are listening!"

"Well, Zhen'er is a man and keeps his word!"

Xin'er covered her mouth and snickered, winking at the eldest sister, Mo Yan smiled and touched her head.

Then, Mo Yan bought a few more kilograms of pork and a cube of tofu. She originally wanted to buy two crucian carps to make soup, but after walking around, she didn't see anyone selling fish, so she had to go back with her siblings.

When making lunch, Mo Yan originally wanted to do it by herself and let Xin'er do it, but Aunt Li Xiu and her nephew were too embarrassed to sit and wait for dinner, so they decided to come in to help.

The kitchen was not spacious, and it was difficult for four people to turn around if they were crowded in it, so Mo Yan sent Xiner and Li Yan out to cook with Li Xiu.

While cutting vegetables, Mo Yan talked to Li Xiu who was washing the pot: "Aunt Li, Grandpa Li said that your embroidery skills are very good. Xin'er likes embroidery very much, but there is no master, and the embroidery skills have not improved. If you are free, Can you teach her?"

When talking about embroidery, which she is best at, Li Xiu's eyes showed a strange look. Just thinking of her dirty past, that look dimmed again: "I, I can't do it, I..."

Mo Yan paused, seemingly unaware of the inferiority complex in her words: "No? Can't Aunt Li's embroidery skills be passed on to others?"

"No, it's not!" When Li Xiu heard this, he hurriedly explained: "I, I'm afraid that I won't be able to teach well."

Mo Yan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you just need to teach her common acupuncture techniques and skills. If she can't learn it well, it's because she is stupid. You didn't teach her well!"


The sincerity in Mo Yan's eyes made Li Xiu unable to find an excuse to refuse, and he didn't want to refuse in his heart, so he nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, Yan'er, I will teach Xin'er seriously."

Mo Yan happily thanked Xiner: "Aunt Li, let's make an agreement. If she doesn't study hard, don't be polite to her."

Li Xiu smiled shyly and agreed.

The two chatted happily while doing things, and Mo Yan also had a deeper understanding of Li Xiu.

As Li Zhong said, Li Xiu has a soft temper and is a bit introverted. If Mo Yan didn't ask, she wouldn't say much. She is so unsociable. It's no wonder that when she was framed in the embroidery workshop, no one was willing to speak out to help. she.

However, judging from her words and deeds, there should be no problem with her character.

Li Xiu also has a good impression of Mo Yan. She is generous, cheerful and considerate. Even though she knows about her things, she does not mean any discrimination. She can feel that Mo Yan really doesn't mind her past, not just superficially. The politeness is perfunctory.

The atmosphere in the kitchen was harmonious, and before you knew it, six dishes and one soup were ready. Six people were eating lively around the table, full of laughter.

Li Zhong kept picking up food for Li Xiu, and his eyes were full of love and satisfaction when he saw his daughter eating delicious food. Their family was finally reunited!

As Li Xiu ate, tears flowed down unconsciously. She quickly wiped them secretly with her sleeves, for fear of affecting everyone's mood for eating.

After lunch, Aunt Li Xiu and her nephew rushed to wash the dishes, but Mo Yan did not fight with them. The kitchen is a good place to cultivate relationships.

"Girl Yan, come here, Grandpa Li has something to tell you."

Mo Yan was about to go back to her room, but was stopped by Li Zhong. She turned around and saw a cautious look on his face, and followed him to the yard with some confusion...

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