The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 904 The matchmaker comes (2)

In the lobby of the Mo family, a middle-aged woman in brightly colored clothes was beaming and praising the Cui family, as if all the blessings that everyone in the world was looking forward to went to the Cui family!

Mo Qingze listened to the matchmaker's endless flattery with an expressionless face. If he hadn't had good control, he would have driven him away long ago.

Mo Yan, on the other hand, listened with great interest and wanted to see what kind of family Fan Meijiao had spent all her efforts to find for her.

However, if a family like that sends a matchmaker, they either don't pay attention to the marriage, or they are sure that they will not refuse. No matter which one it is, it makes people feel very uncomfortable.

The weather in June is extremely hot, and the hoarse cicadas outside add to the annoyance.

The matchmaker said it all, but she couldn't get even a word of response from the real owner. The smile on her face was a bit unbearable, but she was still concerned about the identity of the Mo family father and daughter, so she said politely: "Master Zhuangyuan, Junjun, the Cui family is a famous family. Not to mention the future prospects of the children in the family, the background alone is beyond the reach of ordinary families. If you can marry into such a family, what else is there to choose?"

It is said that a family is made of iron and a dynasty of flowing water. Although the Cui family does not have a thousand years of foundation, it has a history of five hundred years. The ancestors of the Cui family followed Emperor Taizu of the previous dynasty to conquer the world and make a fortune. The previous dynasty has been dead for more than two hundred years, but the Cui family is still standing.

To this day, they are still well received by the Da Chu royal family. Ordinary people can't even find the connections to such a family. But this family is not interested at all in the good marriage that comes to their door. They are indeed ignorant bumpkins!

The matchmaker was scornful in her heart, but very respectful on her face. As long as we agree on this marriage, we will definitely get a lot of benefits in the future. Even if we don't take on other business for a year, we don't have to worry about the whole family going to the northwest.

Mo Yan had heard of the Cui family. Although they did not have the power of Duke Wu'an, they were far more established than Duke Wu'an, and they were treated politely by the royal family. Naturally, they should not be underestimated, and they could not be offended easily.

Mo kept his face low, but in his heart he was extremely angry with Mrs. Zhao and Fan Meijiao, the culprits of this trouble. After making up his mind to "repay" the "deep friendship" between his grandfather and grandson, he turned his mind to dealing with it. Enter the Cui family.

Taking a peek at his father, he saw his sullen face, obviously not even thinking about perfunctory matters. Mo Yan coughed dryly and had no choice but to send the matchmaker away: "The Cui family has a good family background, but this county prince can't reach you. Just go back and tell the old lady of the Cui family truthfully, and say 'sin' to the old lady on behalf of my Lord."

As he said that, he took out a purse from his sleeve and handed it to the matchmaker, whose expression turned ugly.

Seeing the bulging purse, a flash of joy flashed in the matchmaker's eyes, but she declined: "Oh, my old lady failed to facilitate this good marriage, how can I have the nerve to accept the prince's purse!"

Mo Yan's smile became gentler: "It's just a small amount of hard work, it's not worth it, so just accept it. Mrs. Cui is here to help you with your troubles."

The matchmaker was not stupid and quickly understood what Mo Yan meant. After hesitating for a moment, she reached out and took the purse. I weighed it quietly and estimated that it weighed twelve. I felt more and more satisfied that this trip was not in vain.

Seeing Lord Hejia watching, the matchmaker quickly agreed: "Don't worry Lord, I will tell you what you said truthfully. Mrs. Cui is a tolerant person, and I think she will understand the Lord's thoughts."

Mo Yan smiled slightly and said politely: "Then I'll help you!"

The matchmaker didn't even dare to say anything, so she flattered Mo Yan a few more words, and then left the Mo family happily and rode away on her little donkey.

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