The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 905 The matchmaker comes (3)

"It's too much! It's too much!" In the room, Mo Qingze was furious. He raised his hand and threw the cup. This was the first time he lost his temper.

Mo Yan felt distressed when she saw that a perfect set of white porcelain cups was missing just one cup. Seeing her father pick up a second cup, she rushed to stop him: "Dad, why bother using other people's mistakes to ruin your own things?" ! Those two women and daughters will deal with it sooner or later, making you angry. Don’t make yourself so angry..."

After being persuaded by Mo Yan for a while, Mo Qingze finally calmed down, looked at Yan Xiao Yanyan's daughter, stared at him and said, "I wonder what will happen to the Cui family, you can still laugh?"

Mo Yan immediately stopped smiling and put on a bitter expression: "Then what do you think we should do?"

When Mo Qingze saw this, he gave his daughter a hard slap: "You're not in good shape again!"

Mo Yan rubbed his forehead and said with a smile: "The formal form is for outsiders to see. Why do you want this in front of dad?"

After hearing these words, Mo Qingze's bad mood was instantly cured, and he helplessly nodded his daughter's forehead: "You!"

Mo Yan chuckled. Seeing that her father was no longer angry, she got down to business: "Mrs. Cui sent the matchmaker to her house this time to marry one of her concubines. In a family like that, the most important thing is the concubine. Mrs. Cui can take her concubine's grandson into consideration and take the initiative to manage her marriage. This shows that her concubine's grandson's status is extraordinary. In this way, she will not be careless in the marriage. At least this grandson's daughter-in-law must come from a wealthy family. Well, but Mrs. Cui has taken a liking to our family! Although her daughter is a county prince and her father is also the top scholar in the new science, after all, we are from humble backgrounds, so Mrs. Cui should not like her daughter. There must be something we don't If we figure out the reason, we might be able to avoid becoming enemies with the Cui family!"

The words he used to deal with the matchmaker before were very nice, saying that he was not worthy of the Cui family, but in the eyes of the Cui family, these words were completely perfunctory. Maybe it means that my Cui family doesn't mind, so why are you shouting? After all, I still look down on the Cui family. This is rude and disrespectful to the Cui family!

After all, the Cui family is a big family with a deep foundation, and they don't have this kind of tolerance. However, such a family usually values ​​their face more than their lives. Rejecting the Cui family's marriage proposal is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the Cui family. , the Cui family won't care about it openly, who knows if it will stumble secretly? Her father is now an official in the court, and there are many children of the Cui family in the court!

There is no actual conflict between the Mo family and the Cui family, and Mo Yan doesn't want to make such a powerful enemy. He said he was relaxed before, but he was worried in his heart!

Mo Yan's words were exactly what Mo Qingze was confused about. Not long after he entered the officialdom, he also knew how powerful the Cui family was. Although most of the officials surnamed Cui who join the capital are not high-ranking, with the highest official rank being the third rank, and most of the other fifth and sixth rank officials, there are so many people who cannot bear to be officials, so they call out "Master Cui" during the morning court. Several people looked back.

Moreover, they have been entrenched in Beijing for many years and have intricate relationships with many ministers in the court. Almost officials in every yamen in the capital have direct or indirect relationships with the Cui family. Some of the Cui family's own children also serve in local offices.

Once Cui's officials become one, their influence on the court cannot be underestimated. Of course, the Cui family's ability to last for hundreds of years is inseparable from their knowledge and interests, and they would not dare to act recklessly and disrupt the imperial court based on this, otherwise the current Holy Emperor would not be a vegetarian. As for the situation in the Cui family's back house, Mo Qingze just turned a blind eye and didn't understand it at all.

Mo Qingze also didn't want to be an enemy of the Cui family. He thought for a moment and said, "Tomorrow, daddy will go to the Yamen to inquire about it and find out the reasons as soon as possible. Before that, you must not act rashly. The two women from the Zhao family also Don’t move for now.”

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