The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 910 Hidden Time Travel and Rebirth (4)

Another point is that the Mo family has no foundation in Beijing, and it is not easy for Jun Jia to propose marriage to a high family. Unless His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can ascend to the Dabao tomorrow, and the new number one scholar can be reused, otherwise in three to five years, the Mo family will be in a real position. In the eyes of the high-ranking family, it is still nothing.

In this way, the Cui family and the Mo family were married. Although they were not from the same family, and the identity of He Jiajunjun just made up for this, no one was trying to outdo the other.

Hearing this, Cui Qingrou finally understood Mrs. Cui's good intentions. She thought of the past and felt sad.

If... if that person had not intervened between her cousin and third brother, if her cousin and Xiao Qi's mother were still alive, if the third brother had never fallen and tried his best to protect Xiao Qi and Er, why would her mother have to worry about Xiao Qi's marriage? Exhausted?

Seeing what her daughter was thinking, Mrs. Cui wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes with a handkerchief and comforted her: "Don't be sad, Rou'er. Mother has a strong body and will find a good match for you in the future. Don't worry about mother." .”

Cui Qingrou didn't want to make her mother sad, so she gradually stopped crying: "From now on, my daughter will stay with her mother and won't go anywhere. If her mother is annoyed, she should stop messing with you. You can't drive your daughter out anyway."

"You..." Mrs. Cui nodded her daughter's forehead, feeling quite helpless. She couldn't bear to drive her good daughter out, but she didn't want to see her die alone. I just knew that my daughter didn't like to hear this, so I didn't continue talking, but I was searching for a suitable candidate in my heart.

Cui Qingrou was also worried that her mother's old talk would come up again, so she turned the topic to her nephew Cui Ping'an: "Today I saw Xiaoqi was depressed, and after asking Broad Bean, I found out that he had a dream again last night, and this time he left a girl's name on his lips. I yelled all night long."

"Call the girl's name?" Mrs. Cui was greatly surprised. This grandson had always suffered from dreaming before, most likely dreaming about the days in the courtyard in the south. He couldn't wake up even if he shouted. This time, he actually called a girl's name. But it has never happened before!

Seeing the embarrassment on her daughter's face, Mrs. Cui's heart sank slightly and said, "Is Rou'er hiding something from mother?"

Cui Qingrou knew that some things could be hidden for a while but not forever. Sooner or later, her mother would notice what she was hiding. If she didn't tell her, she might be able to satisfy her poor nephew's wish.

Having made up her mind, Cui Qingrou glanced at Hongshang and said nothing.

Hongshang was a thoughtful girl and knew that what was coming next was not something she should hear. She quickly said to the two masters, Fuli, "We have made fresh hibiscus cake in the kitchen. I will go and see if it is ready."

Mrs. Cui nodded slightly and let her go.

After Hongshang went out and closed the door, Cui Qingrou said: "Xiao Qi met a girl from a tenant family in Zhuangzi in the south. Mother also knew that Xiao Qi lived there when he was five years old. It is normal for him to find two playmates. , it’s just that there are dozens of tenant farmers, and he plays with that little girl who is two years younger than him. Isn’t this fate? They have been playing together like this since they grew up, and their love is not deep. Xiao Qi shouted last night That's the girl's name. I think Xiao Qi went south with all his heart, probably because of that girl."

After hearing this, Mrs. Cui looked a little ugly. She was silent for a long time and said: "In that case, go to the south to fetch the girl and serve Xiao Qi. When Xiao Qi gets married and has a wife in the future, she will accompany her with a thick dowry. Let the girl go back to her hometown to get married. If she is unwilling to go back, let her find a marriage with a well-off family in the capital as a reward for taking care of Xiao Qi."

"But..." Cui Qingrou mistakenly thought that her mother failed to understand what she meant. Just as she was about to say something, she was interrupted by Mrs. Cui: "Mother knows what you want to say, but Xiaoqi must not marry a tenant girl. He treats that girl It’s just Zhulan’s love, Rou’er, do you understand?”

Cui Qingrou naturally understood, but she didn't agree with her mother's actions in her heart. However, looking at her stubborn mother, she knew that she would not listen to her persuasion, so she had to suppress it and decided to inform her nephew and let him make his own decision.

But before leaving, she couldn't help but persuade her: "Mom knows Xiao Qi's temperament. If she tries to be tough, Xiao Qi will probably feel grudge. He finally comes back, so mother should pay more attention to his thoughts! "

Mrs. Cui pursed her lips and said nothing, but her expression became more and more condensed, and she didn't know whether she heard it or not.

Cui Qingrou sighed secretly, praying in her heart that her nephew would not do anything to make her mother sad because of that girl.

In the room, Mrs. Cui, who was concentrating on her thoughts, did not notice that a gray bird quietly flew up to the window, flapped its wings and disappeared under the vast sky.

On the right side of Mrs. Cui's courtyard, there is an exquisite and small courtyard, but there are several tall maple trees growing in the courtyard. The bright sunshine passed through the layers of maple leaves, casting sparse spots of light, shining on a handsome young man in white under the tree.

At this time, the young man in white leaned weakly on the bamboo couch, ignoring the personal attendant Broad Bean who was standing beside him, frowning and puzzled: his grandmother had clearly chosen his grandniece for him in his previous life, but in this life But Lord Hejia appeared out of nowhere. Could it be that his memory was wrong?

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