The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 911 Revenge against strange visitors (1)

Mo Yan didn't worry much when he learned that the Cui family had no intention of giving up and would come to their home to formally propose marriage soon. When the day comes, tell the truth to the Cui family that she is engaged. The Cui family can never do anything to break up a marriage. Even if they can, it depends on whether she and Xiao Ruiyuan agree.

She didn't tell the matchmaker clearly before, thinking that she could be turned away by simply saying she was not the right person. Otherwise, she would have told the truth long ago, and the Cui family would not let her keep an eye on her.

It has to be said that the two women in the Zhao family, one old and one young, are very vicious. If she agrees to the Cui family's marriage, she will not only have a sick husband, a grandmother who is difficult to deal with, but also a bastard who hates the bastard to the core. My direct mother-in-law, how can such a day be described as dire straits?

And that mother-in-law was no ordinary person, but the eldest princess of Da Chu and the youngest sister of Emperor Hui'an, Princess Fuyun. Although Mo Yan didn't know how the eldest princess got between Mr. Cui San and his married wife Cui San, which directly caused Mrs. Cui San to be reduced from a wife to a concubine, and she died of hemorrhage after giving birth to the sick seventh master of the Cui family. Damn it, her identity alone makes people fearful.

A powerful person like Mrs. Cui had to send Young Master Cui to the south for more than ten years on the pretext of recovering from illness. This shows that Princess Fuyun is really not easy to mess with.

Even without Xiao Ruiyuan, with her small body, there would only be endless fighting waiting for her. Such a day is not something that a scumbag like her can handle.

If she refuses, she will definitely offend the Cui family, and maybe she will create a conflict with the Cui family. She may not know what will happen in the future. This is not what she wants to see.

Those two women dared to plot against her like this. If they didn't reciprocate, wouldn't they have let down their "good intentions"?

With a wicked smile on Mo Yan's lips, he summoned all the noisy birds on the roof into the space and gave them a detailed division of labor.

"Yan Yan, you are so bad, but I like it, hehe!" After hearing Mo Yan's plan, Xue Tuanzi smiled so obscenely that his cute and docile appearance was completely ruined.

Mo Yan flicked Xue Tuanzi's belly with her finger and sneered: "They are unkind, so don't blame me for being unjust. It would be fine if Mr. Zhao had clean hands and feet. Otherwise, those two smart-aleck women would harm more than just themselves." Got it!"

Xue Tuanzi dodged Mo Yan's hand and said in agreement: "As long as you don't kill them, this revenge is nothing. If they commit suicide, we can't stop them."

The words sounded pleasant to the ears, so Mo Yan pulled it, put it in his arms and rubbed it fiercely: "God can forgive you for doing evil, but you can't live if you do it for yourself. I just watch them do it for themselves and kill themselves." ."

Xue Tuanzi was not honest, and took the opportunity to rub Mo Yan's chest with his two snail eyes, and said with a smile: "Yan Yan, you have become bigger and softer here, keep working hard!"

Mo Yan didn't react at first. When she knew what Xue Tuanzi had done, she grabbed his fat body and said angrily: "If you dare to take advantage of me again, I will cut off your two eyes and feed them to the birds."

Xue Tuanzi quickly shrank her eyes, shook her body and said, "Yan, Yanyan, I don't dare anymore, I definitely don't dare anymore!"

Mo Yan stared at it distrustfully, grabbed its stretched and retracted tentacles and threatened: "Tell me, how many times have you said this, and how many times have you really remembered it? I think from now on you will just change your form. Transform yourself into a female. If you dare to transform into a male, I will cut off your penis and make you a eunuch."

Snow dumpling drooped its tentacles and almost cried! Why is its life so miserable? It finally met a reliable owner, but it always bullied it and cut off its penis. Even if it doesn't have this thing now, it will always have it in the future. It still wants to become a Male, he picks up girls every day!

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