The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 915 Revenge against Strange Visitors (5)

Tang Xin gasped and said, "Sister Yan Yan, there is someone here who claims to be Master Xiao's subordinate. He comes to see you specially. Please go back quickly!"

When Mo Yan heard this, he handed the wooden bucket in his hand to Tang Xin: "I'll go back first. You can take this fish home, clean it, cut it into pieces, and marinate it."

"Hey, leave these to me. Sister Yan Yan, go back quickly!" Tang Xin took the fish bucket and urged.

Mo Yan hurried home and saw a burly man standing in the hall. The man's back was turned to her, so she couldn't see clearly, but just the sight of his back made people feel a great pressure.

Hearing the movement behind him, the man turned around, but saw that he had deep features and strong outlines, and he looked a little different from ordinary people. After looking Mo Yan up and down with his sharp eyes, he suddenly walked towards Mo Yan, cupped his fists and saluted: "I've met Madam!"'am?

Mo Yan was almost stunned by this unfamiliar name. She stared at the man in front of her, wanting him not to call her that, but facing his serious and straight face, she couldn't say a word.

After a long time, Mo Yan digested this new title, and said to the man with a slightly stiff mouth: "I wonder what your surname is, why are you here this time?"

"My surname is Qi Nan, that's the name my wife calls me by!" Qi Nan said, clasping his fists again.

Qinan, is he Qinan?

A flash of surprise flashed in Mo Yan's eyes, not only because Xiao Ruiyuan mentioned this person in his last letter, but also because he was the legendary man who delayed his marriage and later married the Tanhua Lang who was drunk and drowned in the river. A fourth-grade general who gave birth to his wife.

Hiding her thoughts of gossip, Mo Yan said with a smile: "So you are General Qi. Brother Xiao mentioned you before. It is true that a sight is worse than a hundred hearings."

"Madam, thank you!" Qi Nan did not hear the playful meaning hidden in Mo Yan's tone, and directly stated the purpose of his visit: "The general ordered his subordinates to assist madam and place the soldiers stranded at the border with madam. I wonder if madam has any Charter?"

Mo Yan was so embarrassed that one lady on the left called her on the other, and she couldn't help but said: "General Qi, your general and I are not married yet, so the word 'Madam' is not appropriate. You can call me 'Miss Mo'" 'That's good."

A faint smile flashed across Qi Nan's eyes, but his voice and face remained straight: "Since Madam and the General are engaged, it's not an exaggeration to call her 'Madam'."

Mo Yan rubbed his forehead feebly, knowing that this could not be corrected, so he simply gave up. Just scream, it won't be short of fast meat anyway.

The two sat down and began to discuss how to resettle the soldiers who had lost the ability to work on the border.

There are 20,000 such soldiers at the border. Due to the limited relief from the imperial court, many people sent their pension money home. Except for some who had skills and could barely support their two thousand people, the rest relied on farming to make a living. Sometimes when the harvest was not good, They can't even make a living, and many people starve to death.

At present, the Mo family's orchards and medicinal fields can accommodate up to three hundred people, and this is calculated based on two people being counted as one labor force. Compared to the crowd of 20,000, these three hundred people are nothing.

Mo Yan hopes to help more people and accumulate more merits. A large amount of food can be produced in the space. It will definitely not be a problem to feed 20,000 people. However, if these 20,000 people are willing to accept help from others, it will not be their turn. She's here to do this.

After thinking about it, Mo Yan said: "Let's do this. General Qi will send the people with the most difficult lives here first. If we need more people in the future, I will tell you, what do you think?"

Qi Nan had thought about this issue before he came, and he had basically the same idea as Mo Yan, so he said: "Just follow what the madam said. When my subordinates return to the border, I will personally send these 300 people over. I don't know what the madam wants here." Is the time right?"

Mo Yan had already thought about this and said: "The weather is hot right now and it is not suitable for traveling. The houses to house the soldiers have not yet been built. If possible, General Qi will send those soldiers here after the Double Ninth Festival. If the situation changes , I will inform General Qi in advance, and General Qi will take care of the arrangements."

Qi Nan thought it was feasible and nodded in agreement.

The two discussed some more details. After reaching an agreement on all issues, Qi Nan declined Mo Yan's kindness and stood up to leave. Before leaving, Mo Yan went to Xiaoqing River to catch a bucket full of fish for him to take back. In addition to inviting him to try something new, he also asked him to send the rest to Xiao Ruiyuan and Yan Junyu.

Qinan didn't like fish, and neither did his wife and children at home. After returning to the city, he asked his servants to send most of it to Weiyuan Hou's Mansion, and the remaining half to Wu'an Duke's Mansion.

At this time, no one knew that something big had almost happened just because of these few fish...

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