The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 916 Marriage Grant (1)

Xiao Ruiyuan stepped on the stars all over the ground and returned to the Weiyuan Hou Mansion. He changed into regular clothes and came out. Three dishes and one soup were already placed on the dinner table. Considering his identity and the wealth of the Weiyuan Hou Mansion, it seemed a bit light.

The Marquis of Weiyuan has a title and a large amount of wealth left by his ancestors, most of which fell into the hands of Xiao Ruiyuan. However, he has been in the army since he was a child. Not to mention the delicacies of mountains and seas, it is possible to go without eating for a whole day during a war. Therefore, the requirements for food are not high.

It's just that the food is almost the same as usual, but the fragrance in the air today is very different, which makes people appetite.

Xiao Ruiyuan thought the cook had been changed and didn't care. When he picked up the milky white fish head soup and took a sip, he realized that the taste was much more delicious than before. He said to Xiao Shiyi beside him: "This fish head soup is good, let the cook make it tomorrow."

Xiao Shiyi, like Xiao Jiu, was once a secret guard. Later, Xiao Ruiyuan lacked a trusted person to help him with his daily life, so he took him by his side, both as a guard and as an attendant.

Xiao Shiyi smelled the fragrance of the fish head soup and swallowed unimpressed: "This fish is raised by the madam. Qinan went over today and the madam asked him to bring a few back for the master to try!"

Since Xiao Ruiyuan and Mo Yan got engaged, Xiao Shiyi and others used the word "Madam" instead of "Madam" when mentioning Mo Yan in private. Later, they unexpectedly discovered that as long as these two words were mentioned, their master became particularly easy to talk to, so this title appeared in front of Xiao Ruiyuan more and more frequently.

Without Xiao Ruiyuan's acquiescence, Qin Nan didn't dare to shout out loudly when he saw Mo Yan for the first time, otherwise the penalty of running twenty miles would be considered light.

Upon hearing that Mo Yan had specially sent it, Xiao Ruiyuan's face softened a lot. He ignored Xiao Shiyi's salivating eyes and ate five bowls of white rice with fish head soup. Not a drop of soup was left. The food was not touched at all.

After the meal, Xiao Ruiyuan wiped his hands and face and said to Xiao Shiyi who looked resentful: "You look very hungry, you can eat the remaining three dishes!"

After speaking, without looking at Xiao Shiyi who looked depressed, he walked out of the dining room and went to the study to handle official business.

Xiao Shiyi looked at the three plates of heavy dishes, touched his already full belly, and then looked at the direction in which his master was leaving, with a look of despair.

Early the next morning, the people who bought ingredients from the Prince's Mansion had not returned yet, so there were three lively fish in the kitchen, two from the Weiyuan Marquis Mansion and one from the Wu'an Mansion.

In fact, the fish was so delicious, and the person who sent it was Mo Yan, so neither Xiao Ruiyuan nor Yan Junyu wanted to give it to him. However, there were several fish, and I couldn't finish them all in a short while. I was worried that the heat would spoil it and let Mo Yan's wishes down, so I had no choice but to send them to the Prince's Mansion for Chu Heng to have a taste.

There is no shortage of fish in the Prince's Mansion, but the person who sent the fish was unusual, and it was specially given to His Highness the Prince. Naturally, the people in the kitchen would not cook it for other masters in the Mansion. So in the evening when Chu Heng returned to the Prince's Mansion, there was a basin of delicious fish soup on the dining table. The smell of fish also greatly increased his appetite.

Chu Heng sat down and was about to have his meal served when Xiao Ruiyuan and Yan Junyu came hand in hand, obviously intending to enjoy the meal.

Although they meet every day, there are not many opportunities for the three of them to eat together. Chu Heng became interested and asked his servants to serve a jar of wine, planning to have a good gathering with his two cousins.

As a result, as soon as the mud seal of the wine jar was opened, a servant hurried in: "Your Highness, the Holy One has arrived and has already reached the gate."

A flash of surprise flashed across Chu Heng's face, and he quickly stood up and walked outside. As ministers, Xiao Ruiyuan and Yan Junyu naturally couldn't sit still, so they followed him. At the second gate, the three of them saw Emperor Hui'an who was dressed in plain clothes. Apart from Eunuch Liang, there were only two senior officials behind him to protect him.

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