The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 923 Falling in love and poaching each other (4)

Seeing this, Mrs. An felt more and more that Mo Yan might not be satisfied with the marriage, and continued: "The Cui family is a family that has lasted for hundreds of years. No matter how prominent it is, the children in the family are very promising, and they have a lot of wealth outside. A bit of face, and the men of the Cui family are gentle and easy to get along with. At least they are not rough people who don’t know how to care for others..."

At this point, Mrs. An felt it was inappropriate and stopped abruptly, but the meaning between the lines was obvious.

Now, Mo Yan finally understood what Mrs. An meant, and couldn't help but feel a little confused. She made her words so clear, but she didn't expect that Mrs. An would actually poach someone in a fair and just way. What about everyone's demeanor and bearing?

It turns out that she was really thinking too much. This is a disease and it needs to be cured!

Seeing Mo Yan's expression changing, Mrs. An mistakenly thought that she was moved, and felt a little proud. She said that no one could refuse a marriage proposal from the Cui family. Even if there were some bad things going on in the Cui family, Master Cui Qi was still good. At least he had a grandmother who cared about him from the bottom of her heart. As long as the married grandson's daughter-in-law could live a peaceful life. , the old lady will definitely protect her well, how much grievance can she endure?

Thinking of this, Mrs. An was very happy. Her husband's family is dependent on the Cui family. The men of the Cui family don't seem to have high official positions, but they have wide connections, and there are many benefits to making friends with them.

Seeing that she was about to finish the job (it was a complete illusion), Mrs. An was about to clarify her words and completely shake Lord Hejia's heart, when she saw the little girl running in and said breathlessly: "Sister Yan. , the imperial edict is coming, hurry up, get ready to receive it."

Mo Yan stood up immediately, looked at Sheng'er and asked, "Sheng'er, are you sure the imperial edict has arrived?"

Sheng'er nodded her little head, opened her big eyes and said, "It's true, Sheng'er didn't admit her mistake."

As he was talking, there was a sound of footsteps in the courtyard, and then a sharp shout came: "The imperial edict has arrived, Lord Hejia will receive it!"

Mo Yan finally believed it and didn't care to think about why there was such an imperial edict. He quickly asked Sheng'er to go to the back and ask Li Xiu and the others to come out to receive the edict. After Sheng'er left, she said to Mrs. An, who was already in a daze, "Mrs. An, I will go and make preparations first. Please help yourself."

Although the imperial edict was for Mo Yan, everyone else present also had to kneel before the imperial edict, so naturally Mrs. An couldn't avoid it.

Mrs. An came back to her senses and said quickly: "Junjun, you are busy, so don't pay attention to me."

Mo Yan didn't say anything more, turned around and went outside to greet the eunuch who announced the decree. After inviting the person into the house, she asked a few insidious questions and found out that it was not a bad thing, so she went to prepare the incense table with peace of mind.

After the incense table was set up, Mo Yan knelt at the front, while Mrs. An and others knelt behind her, listening to the order. Mrs. An, in particular, listened very carefully, but the more she listened, the uglier her face became. In the end, she didn't even know how she got up.

"By God's blessing, the emperor issued an edict: I heard that the Lord of Hejia County is respectful to Duan Min and has outstanding appearance... Xiao Ruiyuan, the pillar of the country, has pure virtues and good etiquette. They are a match made in heaven. I now grant marriage to you two, and I will accept this honor." En, Yongguang boudoir, admire this——"

After the eunuch declared the imperial edict, he looked at Hejia Jun who looked stunned and had obviously not recovered. He couldn't help but remind him: "Hejia Jun, please accept the edict quickly!" But he felt a pity in his heart. Such a sweet-hearted girl was actually given a marriage to such a terrifying evil god.

Mo Yan was really stunned by this sudden imperial edict of marriage, and didn't quite understand why Emperor Hui'an suddenly changed his style of painting. However, this is always a good thing. With this marriage decree, no one can interfere further with her marriage to Brother Xiao.

After hearing the reminder from the eunuch who announced the decree, Mo Yan quickly kowtowed and accepted the order, and by the way, he stuffed the purse he had prepared into the hand of the eunuch who announced the decree.

The eunuch who announced the decree knew what was in the purse as soon as he touched it. The smile on his face became more and more genuine, and he said with a smile: "The Za family is here to congratulate the Lord."

"Thank you, father-in-law!" Mo Yan said her thanks with a smile. Her expression of joy from the bottom of her heart showed that she was obviously extremely satisfied with the marriage.

The eunuch who announced the decree suddenly didn't understand, but this was his own business and had nothing to do with him. After a few pleasantries, he left the Mo family with a few young eunuchs.

After receiving Mo Yan's favor, the eunuch who declared the order returned to the palace and told Eunuch Liang vividly how happy Lord Hejia was. He hoped that Eunuch Liang would make a few preconditions before the Holy Emperor. In this way, he could indirectly flatter the Holy Lord for his vision, which contributed to the success of the project. A good marriage. In this way, it can be regarded as a kind word for Lord Hejia and left a good impression in front of the Holy Master.

Eunuch Liang just smiled and did not answer. Having served the Holy Lord for many years, he did not say how well he knew the Holy Lord, but he also knew that the Holy Lord had other plans and was unwilling to give the Lord of Hejia County to General Xiao. Today, after writing the imperial edict of marriage, his face was not clear. If he had the courage to go in and say this, wouldn't he be looking for trouble?

Mo Yan put away the imperial edict and turned around to see Mrs. An's face not looking good, so she knew that she had given up completely. She also breathed a sigh of relief as she no longer had to think about how to send the person away.

Mrs. An looked at the smile that could not be concealed in Mo Yanmei's eyes, thinking that she would have a promising husband if she was proud to be married to a high-ranking family, so she looked down on this county prince in her heart.

I thought that I could really keep my heart and not be disturbed by external things, but I didn't expect that external things were not attractive enough. Look, with this imperial decree of marriage, I immediately threw the previously arranged husband's family out of the sky, but it was also a greedy one. Just a vain woman!

Not to mention the evil god who kills people without blinking an eye, there are more than a lot of bad things going on in the Weiyuan Marquis Mansion alone. Do you really think that is a good place to go?

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