The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 924 Envy, jealousy and hatred turned bad (1)

Mo Yan didn't care what others thought, and didn't bother to explain anything to a stranger. He politely sent Mrs. An away. After happily accepting the congratulations from his family, he closed the door and had fun by himself with the imperial edict.

Xue Tuanzi was irritated by someone's silly appearance and ran out to gain a sense of presence. Mo Yan suppressed him with one hand and blocked it out in his mind.

After the joy, Mo Yan thought about what the marriage decree was about, so she wrote a letter to Xiao Ruiyuan, mentioning the Cui family's marriage proposal. The purpose was to tell someone not to think that there was a marriage decree. With the imperial edict, everything will be fine. If she wants to climb the wall, there are still many opportunities!

Watching the turtle doves flying farther and farther away with fluttering wings, Mo Yan dusted off the non-existent dust on his hands. Just as he was about to go back to the house, he saw a big eagle hovering in the air. The eagle also spotted her, and the next moment it swooped down, and finally landed lightly on her shoulder.

"Hey, you damn Maomao, you do this every time." Mo Yan's thin shoulders were scratched by the powerful talons of the big eagle. She raised her hand and slapped Maomao's feet, signaling it to get away quickly.

"Hmm -" Maomao reluctantly let go of her paw, landed on the ground, raised one leg, and revealed the mailbox on her foot.

Mo Yan's eyes lit up, and she knelt down and took out the letter from the mailbox. After reading it carefully, she understood the origin of the marriage decree, and couldn't help but feel grateful to Chu Heng. As for why Emperor Hui'an did not want her to marry Xiao Ruiyuan before, although it was not stated clearly in the letter and she was not sure of the specific reason, he had already made up his mind to place the border soldiers on Chu Heng.

What she wants is merit. After the merit is completed, she can help Xue Tuanzi break away from the shackles of heaven, and then take her back to modern times to see the relatives who have raised her for more than 20 years. She will be very satisfied. As for those reputations, it's useless for her to marry Xiao Ruiyuan in the future. If she gets too much reputation and popular support, it may be a reminder. If the credit is given to Chu Heng, she can dispel Emperor Hui'an's doubts and gain The gratitude of the future king of a country, then all this will be worth it.

In the future, it will be much cheaper to do good deeds in the name of His Highness the Crown Prince. When the time comes, "funds are insufficient", she will be embarrassed to ask the royal family for money.

After thinking through this, Mo Yan wrote a letter with her thoughts in it and asked Maomao to send it to Xiao Ruiyuan to see if he had any better suggestions. Then he wrote a letter of divorce to his father, briefly explaining the marriage.

As for Xiao Ruiyuan, when the eunuch who announced the decree was still on his way to Mo's house, he was called back from the Yamen by the servants of Weiyuan Hou Mansion. Amidst Xiao Xiong's gloomy face and Wei's gloating, he indifferently stretched out his hand. After receiving the imperial edict, there was no emotion on his face.

Neither Xiao Xiong nor the Wei family knew that Xiao Ruiyuan was engaged to Mo Yan, nor did they know that Xiao Ruiyuan was extremely happy at this time. Seeing that there was no trace of joy on his face, Xiao Xiong said coldly: "You are nothing more than this in front of the Holy Master. Giving you a wife who is born as a peasant girl has simply brought down the face of my Weiyuan Marquis Mansion. It’s a good thing you evil star has done.”

No matter how much he hated his son, he didn't want to have a daughter-in-law with a low status. Even calling him "father-in-law" was embarrassing to him.

Seeing Xiao Ruiyuan staring at the imperial edict without saying anything, Mrs. Wei quickly stopped Xiao Xiong who was about to get angry, and persuaded with a look of relief: "Master Hou, in this generation of the Hou family, there are only two heirs, Shizi and Qing'er. After all, it's a bit weak. Now that the prince has finally found a marriage, it won't be long before he can start a new branch of the Hou family. Isn't this a great happy event? But he is more successful than Qing'er, so the prince shouldn't blame the prince. Besides, the prince who has been given the marriage cannot make the decision, so why should the Marquis be angry?"

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