The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 938 310 Tit for Tat Identity Revealed (3)

Until breakfast, Cui Ping'an couldn't chop a few pieces of wood. Worried that his thin body would faint from hunger, Li Yan gave him rice porridge and steamed buns with Mo Yan's acquiescence.

Cui Pingan refused, saying that he would not eat until he finished chopping the firewood. He was a man and he would do what he said.

Li Yan tried to persuade her for a long time to no avail, so she had no choice but to bring it back.

When Mo Yan saw this, she didn't say anything. She just let Mao Duan watch when he was full. If the person couldn't bear it and fainted, he would drag the person into the house.

Maodan tasted the sweetness last night, and he happily agreed this time. After eating and drinking, he lay down under the eaves and kept an eye on it.

Cui Ping'an mistakenly thought that Mao Tuan was sent by Mo Yan to monitor his work. He couldn't help but feel depressed and felt that he was not believed. So he chopped wood with a little more strength, and his efficiency improved a lot.

It's a pity that Cui Qiye's body is really delicate. Not to mention how delicate his hands are, the skin and flesh are so tender that they have big blisters. The logs have only been chopped twenty or so before they lose their strength. In the end, they are... He couldn't even hold the ax and fell to the ground helplessly, his face as pale as paper and dripping with cold sweat.

Seeing this, the bored Mao Tuan rushed up and dragged the person into the house, and also called Mo Yan in who was drying medicinal herbs in the yard.

Mo Yan looked at Cui Ping'an's miserable appearance and stepped forward to check his pulse. Seeing that the pulse was relatively stable, he knew that he was not used to doing physical work and was exhausted, so it was nothing serious.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Cui Ping'an to recover on his own, but he hadn't eaten breakfast and his body was still limp and weak.

When Mo Yan brought the rice porridge and steamed buns, he didn't refuse this time. He took the initiative to thank Mo Yan and started eating hungrily.

Seeing that he was fine, Mo Yan continued to go back to the yard to play with medicinal materials. Now that the sun is not too strong and there is no water vapor in the air, I quickly dry the medicinal materials to avoid being unable to withstand the heat outside later.

These medicinal materials are very common, some are dug from the medicinal fields, and some are taken out of space under the guise of collecting medicinal materials in the mountains.

The medicinal materials in the medicine field are watered with diluted spiritual spring water. The efficacy is better than ordinary medicinal materials, but not as good as the medicinal materials in the space. They are usually dried separately and then sold to Dushi Medical Center at two prices.

Mo Yan originally didn't intend to ask for the money for the medicinal materials, but Dr. Du refused to ask for the medicinal materials from his apprentice for nothing, so he insisted on giving them, and the price was three points higher than the market price, just because the efficacy of the medicine was worthy of the price.

Every ten days, Mo Yan would deliver medicinal materials, and the family's monthly income increased by as much as two hundred taels of silver. And because of the good efficacy of the medicine, more and more patients were cured, so more and more patients came here. The reputation of Du's Medical Clinic is even higher than before, and it has become the most famous medical clinic in the capital.

In addition to Mo Yan going over to help from time to time, and asking Old Doctor Du for advice while practicing, the medical center also hired two other doctors to help, otherwise it would be really busy.

In Mo Yan's previous plan to accumulate merit, the medical center was an important part of it. It's just that medical clinics are prone to disputes. Without the support of strong forces to deter all those with sneaky intentions, she would not dare to do it rashly.

After the Double Ninth Festival, the three hundred soldiers at the rear border were resettled. She put the credit on Chu Heng. If Chu Heng was willing to take over, then there would be no problem in the medical center. When the time comes, she will discuss with her master to see if she can rely on the reputation of Du's Medical Clinic to expand Du's Medical Clinic to surrounding towns. Even if the time comes, it is not impossible to open Du's Medical Clinic throughout Chu.

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