The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 939: 310 Tit for Tat Identity Revealed (4)

If we really get to that point, we will need a lot of doctors. Mo Yanzhuo is committed to cultivating talents himself. Even if not every doctor has medical ethics, it is much better than looking for those who don't know the basics.

Whether it is opening a medical clinic or training doctors, it is a huge project that cannot be completed overnight. These are still in Mo Yan's plan, and she doesn't know when they will be realized.

After drying the medicinal materials, Mo Yan returned to the house and heard the crackling sound of chopping wood from the backyard. Seeing the thin young man swinging the ax vigorously, he could accurately chop the logs in one go. He couldn't help but smile. This is Does practice make perfect?

Even if you hit it with an ax, the log will still be a log, but this is how you can exercise, right?

Mao Tuan was lying under the cool eaves, watching Cui Ping'an chopping firewood with his tiger eyes half-opened. When he saw his master approaching, he quickly stood up and rubbed on her legs, stretched out his big scarlet tongue and licked his mouth non-stop. , making a smacking sound.

As soon as Mo Yan saw it, she knew what Mao Tuan was thinking. She smiled and took out three watermelons from the well in the backyard, and let him go into the house to eat the five animals hiding in the shade.

"The sun is too hot, you should take a break and eat the watermelon before chopping it." Mo Yan went to the kitchen to get some time to cut the watermelon, and said to Cui Ping'an who was full outside the window.

Cui Ping'an was indeed tired and thirsty. When he heard that there was watermelon to eat, he immediately became energetic. He quickly put down his ax and ran into the kitchen. When he saw the big and round watermelon, his mouth watered. After washing his hands and face, the others and the six beasts are all here.

Mo Yan cut the watermelon into pieces, and gave two of the large watermelons to the six beasts who also had big appetites. The remaining small watermelon was just enough for seven people.

The watermelon is grown at home, in an open space outside the backyard wall. Due to the frequent watering of Lingquan water, the watermelon grows large and juicy, and has a sweet and sandy texture, which is very delicious.

The Mo family often ate it but didn't feel anything. But Cui Ping'an tasted it for the first time. He thought it was the most delicious watermelon he had ever eaten. He ate three large pieces in one go and was still not satisfied.

Mo Yan stopped him from eating the third piece, not because of reluctance, but because Cui Ping'an was in poor health. Even though watermelon is rich in spiritual energy that is beneficial to the human body, it is cold in nature and eating too much can easily cause diarrhea.

Cui Ping'an obviously knew that he couldn't eat more, but he was greedy and couldn't hold it back. Now that Mo Yan told him, he didn't insist. After resting for a while, he went to the back of the kitchen and started chopping firewood.

When Mo Yan saw this, she didn't say anything. Just as she was about to go back to her yard to take a rest, the birds she had let out to inquire about the news in the morning came back one after another.

Listening to Xue Tuanzi's translation of the birds' feedback, she realized that, just as she thought, the boy was indeed born extraordinary, but she never expected that this was Cui Ping'an - the Cui Qi Ye who the matchmaker came to find her a match for!

Mo Yan rubbed her twitching forehead, not sure whether Cui Pingan knew about this, but regardless of whether he knew it or not, she couldn't keep him anymore, so she found Cui Pingan and said straight to the point: "Your family is everywhere. Looking for you, the whole capital has been turned upside down by your family, you’d better go home quickly!”

"No, I won't reply!" Cui Ping'an shook his head and refused without thinking. He just waited for him to realize what Mo Yan said and stared at Mo Yan with wide eyes. He didn't even know that the ax in his hand had dropped: "You How do you know my family is looking for me? You know who I am, right?"

Mo Yan waved her hand impatiently: "Don't worry about how I knew your family was looking for you. I don't know who you are. Anyway, I can't keep you anymore. If you don't leave, I'll ask someone to visit you." Home, ask your family to come and take you back.”

"No, you can't do this!" Cui Ping'an shouted excitedly and blocked Mo Yan's way, fearing that she would really ask someone to inform the Cui family: "The capital is not my home, I don't want to go back, and I don't want to marry my uncle's cousin. , I want to return to Source City, and I want to find Fangcao."

Mo Yan was startled, and seeing Cui Ping'an's extremely resistant look, her tone couldn't help but soften a little: "Your family is looking for you everywhere, which shows that they care about you. Do you have the heart to make them anxious and worried? Your grandmother is very kind to you, isn't she? She is very old and still worries about you, do you think this is right?"

Cui Ping'an shook his head subconsciously, thinking of how weak his grandmother looked when he ran out last night, and a trace of worry appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Mo Yan continued: "Then you go back and really make your grandmother come out of trouble. Will you be able to live peacefully and happily in this life?"

A flash of struggle flashed across Cui Ping'an's face, and he said with difficulty: "But that's really not my home. I'm not happy there at all. I don't want to go back! If my grandmother is willing to come back to Yuancheng with me, I will be filial to her for the rest of my life. "

Mo Yan looked at it and suddenly felt sympathy for this stupid-looking young man. Maybe he is not very smart, maybe he knows everything in his heart. Thinking about what Fangcao he said he wanted to go back to Source City to find, Fangcao was the name of a girl, and this girl was probably his sweetheart.

Cui Ping'an didn't know what Mo Yan was thinking. Seeing that she was looking at him without speaking, he clenched his fists nervously: "Miss Mo, I will write a peace letter to my grandmother. You ask someone to send the letter to Cui Mansion. My grandma wouldn’t be worried if she saw it.”

Seeing the begging look on his face, Mo Yan finally softened her heart and nodded helplessly and said: "Just write it and I will find someone to send it to you. However, if your family follows this letter and finds my home, they will When the time comes to take you back, you have to go."

When Cui Pingan heard this, he nodded fiercely, his delicate face full of gratitude: "Thank you, thank you Miss Mo."

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