The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 940 Showing affection and jealousy (1)

In order to find Cui Qiye who had run away from home, not only the Cui family was on their feet, but there were also many patrolling officials in the streets and alleys of the capital, which made people panic. Several people even went south to Yuancheng, searching for Cui Qiye along the way. However, there was no trace of Master Cui Qi.

Worried that Mrs. Cui could not bear such a blow, Cui Qingrou and Mr. Cui tried their best to conceal it, but how could they really hide such a big news from Mrs. Cui!

After learning that her beloved grandson did not come home all night, Mrs. Cui was anxious and regretful. She could not eat anything from that night to the next day. Seeing that her eldest son had used all available connections but still couldn't be found, she couldn't help but suspect Princess Fuyun, thinking that Princess Fuyun was causing trouble and poisoned her grandson.

However, Mrs. Cui would not question anything in front of Princess Fuyun without proof. She would only ask her confidants to pay attention to Princess Fuyun's activities and report any abnormalities in time.

On the day Cui Pingan ran away from home, Princess Fuyun happened to be a guest at another eldest princess's house. She didn't know that Cui Pingan was missing until she returned home in the evening. She regarded Cui Pingan's mother and son as a thorn in her side. Cui Pingan's biological mother was dead, so she transferred all her resentment to Cui Pingan, wishing that he would die outside and never come back. So, she secretly sent someone to find Cui Ping'an's whereabouts, and when she found him, she got rid of him without anyone noticing.

However, as the day and night passed, no one found out where Cui Ping'an ended up going, except that he was almost deceived by a liar on the street and intended to rent a carriage back to Yuan City in the south.

Holding the peace letter written by Cui Ping'an and thinking that there was Princess Fuyun in Cui Mansion who was a threat to him, Mo Yan had an idea and gave up the plan of finding someone to send it directly to Cui Mansion and let an inconspicuous The bird was sent and thrown into Mrs. Cui's yard.

Although it is troublesome to take in Cui Ping'an, once Princess Fuyun finds this place, if she does not hand him over, then she will offend Princess Fuyun. However, the matter has come to this, and we can't drive people out any more. All we can do is to try to get people out. Hidden, she couldn't let Princess Fuyun know before notifying other members of the Cui family to come and pick her up.

Even if it was later found out that she was the one who hid the person, could Princess Fuyun still yell at her because of this? If Princess Fuyun was really petty and blamed her for not killing Cui Pingan, would she be afraid?

The messenger bird followed Mo Yan's instructions and dropped the letter from the air when no one was in Mrs. Cui's courtyard. I saw the letter fluttering down in the middle of the yard. Not long after, it was picked up by the maid and delivered to Mrs. Cui, and then she flew away with peace of mind.

Looking at the familiar handwriting on the envelope, Mrs. Cui sat upright excitedly, opened the envelope with trembling hands and took out the letter from her grandson. After reading it quickly, knowing that my grandson was safe and sound, my heart that had been hanging all day finally returned to its original place.

Just thinking that her grandson would rather wander outside and let his relatives worry about him than come back, Mrs. Cui Lai slapped the letter on the table and yelled loudly: "You are a worry-free thing." , left without saying a word, does he have the Cui family in his eyes, and does he have me as his grandmother?"

Cui Qingrou was worried that Mrs. Cui might have hurt her body due to worry, so she stayed with her here. When she saw that the letter was really written by her nephew, she didn't bother to comfort her mother, so she quickly picked it up and read it carefully.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong between the lines, I knew that there was no danger as my nephew said in the letter, and I breathed a long sigh of relief. Seeing the angry look on Mrs. Cui's face, she consoled her: "Mother, it's the Buddha who has blessed Xiaoqi that Xiaoqi is safe. He knew how to write a letter to ensure your safety, and asked about your health and apologized to you. It shows that this child is thinking about you. , just forgive him this time, and teach him well when he comes back."

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