The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 941 Showing affection and jealousy (2)

Mrs. Cui scolded her, but she cared more about her grandson. After listening to her daughter's words, she picked up the letter and read it again. Seeing that her grandson did not indicate the return date, she became angry again: "I should have invited you back then." A stern gentleman went south with him, so that he would not be so bold as an adult now. When he comes back, let your elder brother find a gentleman to discipline him well, otherwise I am afraid it will become more and more disgraceful in the future."

Knowing that her nephew had violated her mother's bottom line this time, Cui Qingrou smiled and said: "Mom, Xiaoqi is a good boy with a simple temper. But there is nothing wrong with this. Otherwise, we will leave him alone in the south for more than ten years." Years ago, anyone else would have been resentful."

"Xiao Qi is a good child with a pure heart." Mrs. Cui agreed very much with her daughter's words, and her words were full of pride.

When she had no choice but to send her grandson south, she was worried that her grandson would be separated from the Cui family when he grew up. Unexpectedly, when he came back a year later, he would still be willing to get close to her as a grandmother, and he also respected his aunts and uncles who cared about him. This showed that he was really a good person.

Although she thinks so in her heart, Mrs. Cui still hopes to find a husband to teach her grandson well, for no other reason than to help her grandson learn how to behave and live more smoothly in the future.

Seeing that Mrs. Cui was a little more cheerful, Cui Qingrou hesitated for a moment and asked, "Mom, should you wait until Xiaoqi has had enough and come back, or should you continue to search?"

Mrs. Cui said without hesitation: "Naturally continue to search. If he is doing well, let him play for a while. If he is not doing well, bring him back immediately."

Cui Qingrou thinks this is okay, but the problems that should be faced still have to be faced. If there is no way to solve it, this wayward nephew may run away from home again in the future. I was lucky enough not to meet a bad guy this time. Who can guarantee that I will have the same luck next time?

Thinking of this, Cui Qingrou said tentatively: "Mom, Xiao Qi is the most rebellious at this age. He now values ​​the girl who grew up with him. If he firmly opposes it, he is afraid that he will want to be with that girl even more. It is better to be fulfilled. He brought the girl to his house. Maybe over time, the relationship with the girl has faded. It is better than breaking them up abruptly and letting Xiao Qi remember the girl in his heart for the rest of his life. "

Mrs. Cui's face changed, and she sighed helplessly when she looked at her daughter: "It's not like you don't know Xiaoqi's temperament. Although he is still a child at heart, when did the things he was sure about change? Mother is worried about that. When the girl was brought to the house, she didn't understand the rules and bumped into someone, but it was not for Xiao Qi's good, but to hurt him."

It turned out that Mrs. Cui still had the idea of ​​bringing the girl into her house, but since she saw Cui Ping'an dare to contradict her and run away from home for the girl, she completely gave up such thoughts.

After hearing this, Cui Qingrou instantly understood the implications of her mother's words and couldn't help but frown.

Xiao Qi is protected by her mother. Even if Princess Fuyun has evil intentions towards Xiao Qi, she will still be wary and not dare to attack Xiao Qi openly. That daughter is Xiao Qi's weakness. If she is taken into the palace, how can Princess Fuyun let go of such a person who can attack Xiao Qi?

They can protect Xiao Qi only because Xiao Qi is a bloodline of the Cui family and the master of the Cui family. So what does that girl mean? Princess Fuyun could just find an excuse to deal with the girl, and they didn't even have an excuse to stop her.

It seems that she needs to persuade Xiao Qi more so that he can understand his mother's intentions and have some confidence in his heart...

Cui Ping'an, who was still struggling with a pile of logs at Mo's house, didn't know that the road was going to be bumpy. He looked at more and more firewood on the ground with a happy smile on his face.

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