The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 946 Secret Omen (3)

"Cui Ping'an, you'd better stop talking!"

Mo Yan vaguely guessed what Cui Ping'an wanted to say, but suddenly she didn't want to know anymore. With Xue Tuanzi, she already knew everything she could know about some things. No matter how bizarre Cui Ping'an's experience was, she was not interested at all.

How to go in the future can only be done by oneself, whether it is her or him.

After brewing for a long time, Cui Ping'an, who had decided to speak out, was immediately dumbfounded. Is there anyone in this world who really doesn't want to know other people's secrets? Does this mean that the person in front of me can really be trusted?

Mo Qingze didn't know Cui Ping'an's thoughts and said seriously: "No matter what secret you have, as long as this secret will bring you danger, you must not tell others, even if this person can trust you with your life!"

"Why, why?" Cui Ping'an asked naggingly. He really didn't understand why he couldn't tell even the people he trusted.

That secret has been hidden in his heart for too long. Every morning when he wakes up, he is thinking about who he is. Is he the Cui Ping'an who couldn't protect the girl he liked in his previous life and died of depression? Or is he starting over in this life? The tragedy has not happened yet, but it is about to happen to Cui Pingan.

"On the premise that there is no conflict of interest, the person who knows your secret may be willing to keep it for you, but once interests are involved, it is not necessarily the case. Even if the secret makes you sleepy and sleepless, you can try to forget it. You can also use this as a warning, but don’t tell others easily. By doing so, you are protecting yourself and others.”

Mo Yan knew that Cui Ping'an was simple and careless. If he only met kind people, he would be able to live a peaceful and happy life. But who wouldn’t encounter a few scumbags in their lifetime? If they don’t give them a heads up, who knows if they will be sold out one day.

One day, in order to deal with Cui Ping'an, someone threatened the people who knew his secret. Wouldn't this secret bring an unreasonable disaster to that person? Who knows if the secret will be revealed under threat?

Cui Ping'an was thoughtful, vaguely understanding, but also confused.

Mo Yan smiled slightly and quietly walked out of the kitchen with two plates of watermelon without disturbing her.

In the big study, Weng and his son-in-law got along quite harmoniously. When Mo Yan entered, they were playing chess.

In Mojia Village, Mo Qingze rarely had the opportunity to compete with others in chess skills, and his chess skills were not very good. Later, when I arrived in the capital, I had more opportunities to play chess. Coupled with the spiritual spring water optimizing my brain power, my chess skills improved a lot.

Xiao Ruiyuan has been playing chess with the deceased Mr. Xiao since he was a child. His chess skills are very good. In the past, he would have killed Mo Qingze without leaving any trace behind. Although he can win now, his son-in-law dares to win against his father-in-law because he thinks he is not enough. How annoying!

The two have completely different chess styles. One is calculating every step of the way, while the other is decisive and courageous. I can't say which one is better. It can only depend on the level of chess playing.

With Xiao Ruiyuan's subtle concessions, Mo Qingze won more often and did not realize that he was let go. After all, Xiao Ruiyuan's chess skills were better.

Mo Yan looked at the plate but didn't see anything, so he asked them to eat melon.

While eating, Mo Qingze remembered something and asked Xiao Ruiyuan: "I heard that the northwest is not very stable and the DPRK intends to send troops. Is this true?"

If it were anyone else, Mo Qingze would not inquire about the affairs of the DPRK at will, but who would let the person in front of him be his son-in-law! Once troops are sent out, his son-in-law will most likely go to the battlefield. How can he not be worried?

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