The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 947 Secret Omen (4)

Xiao Ruiyuan nodded slightly and did not hide anything: "Some time ago, a very powerful cavalry came from nowhere and destroyed the close neighbors of the Kucha Kingdom. Now he intends to attack the Kucha Kingdom. The situation in the Kucha Kingdom has just stabilized. There is no way. To resist this cavalry, I sent an envoy to ask the Holy One for help, and the Holy One planned to send troops."

The number of the cavalry was not large, only 20,000. However, this cavalry was well-armed and all of them were brave and good at fighting. In just over a month, they defeated the Qiuci Kingdom's neighbors. Although the Qiuci Kingdom has an army of 100,000, they will definitely not be their opponents in a real fight.

What's more, those 20,000 cavalry may just be the vanguard, and no one knows whether there are more cavalry waiting behind them.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If the Kingdom of Qiuci falls, the next target of the cavalry will most likely be Dachu. It is better for Dachu and Qiuci to join forces and block the cavalry outside the pass than to let them drive in and burn, kill and plunder the people of Dachu.

It would be great if we could unite with the Kucha army to destroy the cavalry and avoid future troubles.

When Mo Yan heard this, she suddenly remembered that Xue Tuanzi once said that an unprecedented war broke out in her first generation of Chu. After the invaders invaded the territory of Dachu, they massacred and enslaved the people of Dachu. However, in just a few years, the number of people surviving was less than 30% of the original number.

However, that war only broke out after she contracted the plague and died in her first life. The time did not match up. Could it be that she was overthinking that this powerful cavalry was not the invader in her first life? Or is it that the trajectory of history has changed, bringing all this forward?

Thinking of the latter possibility, Mo Yan felt chills all over her body, and she quickly asked Xue Tuanzi in her mind: "What on earth is going on? Has the battle been brought forward?"

Sensing his master's nervousness, Xue Tuanzi comforted him: "Yan Yan, don't worry. Although this cavalry is powerful and related to the army that invaded Dachu in the first generation, they are just an advance army and cannot make any waves." At this time in my life, this cavalry attempted to invade the Kingdom of Kucha, but was destroyed by the combined forces of Chu and Kucha."


Mo Yan breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay if it's not, it's okay if it's not!

However, she couldn't be happy when she thought that this cavalry was just an advance army, and there might be hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops standing behind them, eyeing the great Chu.

The battle twenty years later was probably unavoidable. Since she already knew about it, she could only find a way to remind Xiao Ruiyuan and ask him to remind Chu Heng and Emperor Hui'an to be careful. It would be best to find out the origin of this cavalry. Come out and know yourself and your enemy.

It would be even better if the invaders could be nipped in the bud before they were ready to invade Da Chu!

There are no eggs left when the nest is overturned. If the war still cannot be avoided twenty years later, she can only buy as much land as possible and use the cover of the land to take out the food and supplies stored in the space. Who knows that a war will break out? How long will the battle last? At that time, food and grass are the most important. More or less determines the success or failure of the war.

With a plan in mind, Mo Yan gradually calmed down and listened carefully to the conversation between her father and her fiancé.

"...The Holy One intends to train young generals. It is unlikely that my son-in-law will lead the troops this time. My father-in-law can rest assured." Xiao Ruiyuan called himself "son-in-law" and spoke of his father-in-law. He spoke very smoothly. It was obviously not the first time. Shouted like this.

This is indeed not the first time Xiao Ruiyuan has called him like this. Weng and his son-in-law are now officials in the same court. After the marriage decree came down, he began to call Mo Qingze his father-in-law openly and openly. This was the first time in front of the entire Hanlin Academy officials. When he was called that, it shocked everyone's attention.

Although it is not so compliant, but he can be respectful and polite to his father-in-law, who is a low-level official. Doesn't this just mean that the high-ranking General Xiao is satisfied with this betrothal?

Mo Qingze had a cold face at first, not wanting to just accept it, but after being shouted at by Xiao Ruiyuan so many times that he lost his temper, he acquiesced to this title.

"Ahem, there are really few generals in the court who are good at fighting. If the Holy One doesn't want you to go, don't stand up. You have to give young people some opportunities." Mo Qingze coughed and expressed tactfully that he didn't want to go. The meaning of son-in-law going to the battlefield.

There are no eyesights on the battlefield, so he naturally doesn't want his son-in-law to take risks, and the Holy Father has other plans, so he can only remind his son-in-law not to infiltrate into the battlefield with a large package. Will the Holy Father agree or not?

When Mo Yan heard this, he looked at Xiao Ruiyuan, whose eyes were twitching, covering his mouth and snickering. Could it be that in the eyes of his father, his son-in-law is very young?

When Xiao Ruiyuan saw this, he endured it for a long time before he slapped his fiancée on the forehead in front of his father-in-law, and only said respectfully: "My son-in-law will obey my father-in-law's instructions!"

If he hadn't been worried before and hadn't noticed Emperor Hui'an's thoughts, he would probably have taken the initiative to ask for orders and ask to lead troops to the border. Now that he has someone he wants to protect, he is not so enthusiastic about going to the battlefield.

Mo Qingze was very satisfied when he saw that there was no sign of reluctance on his son-in-law's face. After a few words of encouragement, he led Xiao Ruiyuan to fight for a few more games, and the atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

Mo Yan breathed a long sigh of relief and walked out of the big study carrying the empty fruit plate. She admires heroes who protect their homeland, but she doesn't want the man she likes to risk his life and go to the battlefield. It doesn’t matter whether you say she is narrow-minded or has no national justice, that’s what she thinks.

If he insists on going, she will not stop him, and will even prepare his luggage for the battlefield. But if this happens too many times, she really can't guarantee that one day she will lose her love for this job while waiting and worrying. The longing for feelings, I don’t want to wait and worry anymore...

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