The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 955 A perfect match was kidnapped (4)

Originally, going to the temple to fulfill her vows should not be so public, but Fan Meijiao was afraid that others would not know that she was about to marry into the Mu family, so she wished she could bring all the servants in the house with her.

The temple where the ancestors and grandsons of the Zhao family fulfilled their vows was Baohua Temple, located fifty miles east of the city. Baohua Temple is the largest temple in the capital. All the ladies and ladies in the capital like to go there to pray and fulfill their vows. If they encounter one, they will inevitably compare themselves in private. .

Fan Meijiao was worried that she would be looked down upon, so she got up and packed up before dawn. At this time, she was sitting in the gorgeous carriage at the back, richly dressed and covered with pearls. She kept telling the driver to go slower, so as not to hurt her. Hair accessories all over his head were messed up.

Don't you know that Buddhism is a quiet place, and people compare whose wife or girl's temperament or inner spirit, instead of looking at these vulgar things. If Fan Meijiao does this, she is destined to not get what she wants. Of course, she didn't have the luck to be able to walk to Baohua Temple smoothly.

The carriage quickly left the capital. When it arrived outside the city, the road was not as easy to walk as inside the city. Even if it was going very slowly, it would still be bumpy. Fan Meijiao was timid and couldn't stand such bumps, so she couldn't help ordering the driver to slow down.

The driver had no choice but to go slowly and slowly. In this way, it was not much faster than walking.

Mrs. Zhao in front was worried that she had missed the auspicious time, so she did not wait for her granddaughter who was behind her. She asked her mother-in-law to speak to Fan Meijiao and then urged the coachman to leave quickly.

In this way, the two carriages gradually distanced themselves, and before long, Mrs. Zhao's carriage was no longer visible.

On this day, more than one family went to Baohua Temple to pray and fulfill their wishes. Like Mrs. Zhao, they all wanted to go early to express their sincerity to the Buddha. Therefore, there were originally several carriages traveling together, but gradually only Fan Meijiao was left.

Fan Meijiao didn't notice anything. She leaned on the maid and closed her eyes to rest. Suddenly, the carriage jolted violently, and the master and servant hit the wall of the carriage hard. They were in chaos!


Fan Meijiao was unprepared. She had no strength on her hands and feet before, so she was thrown the worst. Her whole forehead hit the car wall and soon became red and swollen.

Outside, the previously docile horses seemed to be going crazy, running as fast as they could. The coachman held on to the horse's reins tightly, but he was no match for the horse's strength. The rope was cut into his flesh, and even though it was dripping with blood, he could not stop the galloping horse. The guards were also left far behind, and soon disappeared.

The carriage jolted violently up and down, not only the people in the carriage were miserable, but even the coachman was almost knocked off the carriage.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Fan Meijiao was lying across the carriage. As the carriage was being tossed around, she covered her forehead and screamed in pain. She pushed the maid next to her to ask the coachman about the situation.

As if responding to her, the coachman outside shouted loudly with a crying voice: "Miss, the horse, the horse is frightened, I, I, I can't control it, I can only wait until it runs out of strength, talent, talent stop."

When Fan Meijiao heard this, she suddenly became angry and cursed loudly: "You are a useless dog slave. You can't even control a horse. What use do you have? When I return home in three days, I will definitely beat you to death, you are a useless slave." Dog slave.”

The coachman knew Fan Meijiao's temper, so she was definitely not joking when she said this. Thinking of the fact that he had worked hard for the Zhao Mansion for decades, without any credit, it was hard work, and it was not his fault that the horse was frightened, yet he was yelled at by his master to be beaten and killed. I was so disheartened for a moment that I was too lazy to think of another way to stop the galloping horse.

In this way, the horses galloped all the way, and the screams of the three masters and servants in the carriage resounded through the sky. Passers-by saw this scene, and they were so frightened that they stayed away from each other. No one dared to risk their lives.

Soon, a large forest appeared in front of them. The horse probably didn't think of the carriage behind it and plunged into it. As a result, the carriage got stuck between two trees and finally stopped.

However, the strength of the horse was too great, and the two ropes tied from its neck to the carriage were broken by it. The horse regained its freedom, raised its four hooves, and soon disappeared into the dense forest. The four people were saved.

The carriage was stuck between two trees and was out of shape. With the help of two maids, Fan Meijiao finally climbed out of the carriage.

At this time, Fan Meijiao's clothes were torn several times and became messy. Her hair was all down, with no hair accessories on it. Her nose and face were bruised and swollen under her hair. She was no different from a crazy woman. She had no trace of her previous dignity. Womanly style.

Even without looking, she knew what she looked like now. Fan Meijiao was so angry that she blamed all this on the coachman. She limped up to the coachman and slapped him hard: "You... You dog slave, you can't even drive the carriage, why are you just standing there stupidly, why don't you hurry up and get the horse back? If you dare to miss the auspicious time for me to fulfill my wish, you don't have to go back."

"Yes, yes, slave, go now!" Feeling the burning pain on his face, the coachman hid his resentment and hurriedly ran in the direction where the horse disappeared.

Fan Meijiao was a little satisfied. She just touched her messy hair and scolded the other two maids: "Are you Yumu? Why don't you get to the carriage and take out the dressing box to comb my hair?"

Hearing this, the two maids quickly climbed into the carriage to look for the dressing box. The carriage was extremely messy, and the two of them rummaged around before finding it.

But before they could climb out of the carriage, Fan Meijiao's frightened scream suddenly came from outside. When the two climbed out of the carriage in a panic, Fan Meijiao was nowhere to be seen!

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