Fan Meijiao was kidnapped by the gangsters!

It was already noon when Mrs. Zhao of Baohua Temple and Zhao Mansion in the capital received the news.

Madam Zhao couldn't help but cry loudly, packed up her things, and hurried back to the Zhao Mansion with her maid and mother-in-law, urging her son to find a way to rescue her granddaughter.

Zhao Fengnian was so anxious that he went to Jingzhao Mansion to ask Jingzhao Mansion to help find his niece, but was stopped by Mrs. Zhao.

If a man is kidnapped, it is a good idea to report it to the government and ask people from the government to help find him. However, the kidnapped person is the niece who lives in the Zhao family. Whether it is for money or sex, once word gets out, the reputation of the daughter's family will be ruined. .

When taking care of her, even the reputation of the daughter of the Zhao family will be damaged by Fan Meijiao, and she will not be able to live in a good family. Although Mrs. Zhao does not want to see Fan Meijiao and wishes that she would not be able to stay in the Zhao family without a good reputation and lose face by marrying into the Mu family, she will not make fun of her daughter's reputation.

Zhao Fengnian was also anxious, so he came up with this stupid trick. Not only could he not report it to the official, but he also had to keep the matter tightly covered, especially from the Mu family, which made several of his hair turn gray. After much deliberation, he couldn't come up with a good solution. He could only summon all the guards in the house and ask them to search for clues in the forest where his niece was kidnapped to see if they could get her back.

The Zhao Mansion is not like a rich and well-established family. The total number of guards is only about thirty. These more than 30 guards took their money to the horse dealer to rent fast horses and ran out of the capital quickly. They caused quite a stir on the street and were commented upon by pedestrians on the street.

Unexpectedly, an inconspicuous carriage entered through the city gate and passed by the guards of Zhao Mansion.

The guards went to the forest to investigate, but did not find any valuable clues. They could only divide their troops into several groups and search in different directions. There were no mountains nearby to hide people, so the villages they encountered became the focus of their search.

However, the villages around the forest were searched almost one by one by Zhao's guards, and there was no trace of Fan Meijiao. By the time they finished searching the last village, it was already dark, so the group had no choice but to return to Zhao Mansion and explain the situation to Zhao Fengnian.

Zhao Fengnian's face became extremely ugly when he heard that no one was found, and he didn't even have a direction to pursue. He knew very well that the longer time dragged on, the more dangerous his niece would be, and she might not know what she would encounter now.

He originally thought that the criminal who kidnapped his niece was doing it for money, but after a whole day passed and there was no news from the concierge, he began to suspect that the other party was more likely to seek revenge. I'm just not sure whether it's for my niece or for him...

Thinking of some of the things he had done that were not humane to outsiders, Zhao Fengnian shook his head violently, suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and hurried to Mrs. Zhao's yard.

Mrs. Zhao hugged Mrs. Zhao who had lost her daughter and cried. She had not shed tears all day. If Mo Yan were here, she would only say "You deserve it"!

Seeing her son, Mrs. Zhao stopped crying and asked anxiously: "But have you found my dear?"

Zhao Fengnian really couldn't bear to let my mother down, but how could he bring his niece back? He shook his head helplessly: "Mom, the guards in the house searched the nearby villages and couldn't find my daughter. My son suspected that the villain had I'm afraid I didn't kidnap you for wealth."

"My poor little girl -" Mrs. Zhao seemed to have thought of something and let out a shrill scream. Her whole body was crumbling. If her daughter Zhao hadn't supported her in time, she would have fallen to the ground.

Zhao Fengnian was startled, and quickly stepped forward to help Mrs. Zhao, who was crying silently, sit down, and said to the sobbing Mrs. Zhao on the side: "Sister, brother has something to tell mother, please stay away for a while, wait. Come back to stay with mother later."

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