The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 960 The school starts and another person comes to stay (1)

Not to mention what kind of turmoil the Zhao family would cause after Zhao Fengnian "successfully" rescued Fan Meijiao, Mo Yan put the matter aside for the time being and got busy with other things after letting the two birds stare at the Zhao family.

Early in the morning on the sixth day of July, a long string of firecrackers sounded in the sky above Liuyang Village, and the newly-built school ushered in the registration day. This is not only a great event for Liuyang Village, but also a great event for several surrounding villages. Villagers who are willing to send their children to school leave their work in the fields and take their children to school early in the morning to register.

At this time, there was already a long queue at the school's registration desk.

The two newly hired wives were too busy, so they asked Mo Yan, who was good at calligraphy and writing, to help.

"Junjun, Mr. Zeng and I should have done this, but we have to bother Junjun. Thank you very much, Shan." Taking advantage of the time to drink a glass of water, Master Shan quickly thanked Mo Yan.

Mo Yan was busy registering the children who had signed up to pay tuition. After hearing what Shan Fuzi said, she took the time to twist her sore wrist and said with a smile: "I am also very happy to be able to contribute to the school. You are welcome, Shan Fuzi!" The folks in the village all call me 'Yan Yatou', Master, you should also call me that in the future, it's weird to call me a prince."

"Haha, okay, I'll call you 'Yan Yatou' from now on." Shan Fuzi was not a pedantic person at first, so seeing that Mo Yan was not being polite, he readily agreed.

The two chatted and laughed for a while. Seeing that the other master over there was too busy, Master Shan said something to Mo Yan and went over to continue his work.

Seeing that the two ladies had been busy for so long in the hot weather and were still talking patiently to the children who had signed up, without a hint of impatience, Mo Yan nodded, thinking that the two ladies had not invited the wrong ones.

A few days ago, the two masters, one with the surname Zeng and the other with the surname Shan, moved into the small courtyard built specifically for the master behind the school.

Mr. Zeng is in his sixties, has been teaching for decades, and has a good way of educating children; Mr. Shan, who has just passed his thirties, failed to pass the imperial examination last autumn, so he stayed in the capital to study and educate the children nearby. He is open-minded, funny and has a unique way of teaching, which is very popular among children.

Both wives were invited by Mo Qingze after a lot of effort. They came to Liuyang Village in person and decided to stay after they were satisfied with the place. I learned that the school also provided free accommodation, so I simply brought my family members over.

Mr. Zeng has two children, and his son and daughter have already started their own families and raised children. This time, he only brought his wife and a young grandson. Since there were no formal classes, I took my wife and grandson around every day. After a few days, I became more and more fond of Liuyang Village with its beautiful scenery and simple folk customs.

Mr. Shan was not from the capital. His wife unfortunately had a difficult delivery when she gave birth to a daughter, and she died early. Over the years, due to various reasons, the marriage was not renewed, so he lived with his only daughter. He had been renting in the city before, and everything in the city required money. Most of the money he earned every year was spent on renting a house. He also had to buy books and read, so his life was very tight. Seeing that her daughter is already twelve and will leave the court in a few years, the single husband cannot even afford a decent dowry.

Although the education provided by the school is not higher than that in the city, there is no need to spend money on rice for daily food and no rent for the house to live in. This can save a lot of money. Shan Fuzi is very satisfied and decisively takes it with him. Daughter Shan Zhen came over.

There were many villagers queuing up in front of the table. Mo Yan glanced at it twice and then withdrew his gaze. While taking the bundles from the villagers, he recorded the children's names in the book.

In order to leave a good impression on the Master, the villagers put on good clothes that would only be worn during the New Year, and even gave the children brand new clothes. Many people were carrying egg baskets or live chickens, and some were carrying heavy meat sticks, which they gave to the two wives.

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