The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 961 When the school starts, another person comes to stay (2)

The two masters have seen this kind of thing many times, and it is also an unwritten rule in this industry. After thanking each other, the two accepted it. As for the villagers who didn't bring gifts or forgot about it, they didn't show any shame. It all depends on everyone’s will, and it’s not beautiful to force it.

Seeing the Master accepting the gift, the villagers not only did not feel any physical pain, but breathed a sigh of relief. After successfully registering the child, they sent the child to the spacious and bright school and went back happily.

Mo Yan, who was pulled over to help, saw this and could understand the villagers' thoughts. In previous lives, many parents, in order to let their children get extra attention from teachers, usually gave gifts to teachers during holidays. At first this was nothing, but later on it changed its taste. Many teachers with corrupted moral standards used it to make money and caused a lot of troubles.

However, after getting along with each other for a few days, Mo Yan had a certain understanding of the character of the two masters. They paid great attention to their own moral cultivation and would not do anything to steal money from their students.

When I first found the Master, several village chiefs agreed that the Master's character was more important. If the teacher was not upright, how could he educate people? Mo Yan found that there were nearly a hundred children who came to sign up, mostly children between six and ten years old. Children over ten years old were rarely seen. After thinking about it, I understood the reason.

Children over ten years old are already half of the labor force. They can stay at home and work to bring income to the family. Usually, it is impossible for the family to let them go to school.

Another reason is that one family cannot afford the care of two children at the same time. Although the cultivation is not high, you only need to pay 500 coins per year, but the price of pens, ink, paper, inkstones and books is extremely high, at least 3 to 5 taels per year.

If two children go to school together, it will cost almost ten taels of silver a year. You must know that there are many poor people in several villages. If you work hard for a whole year, you may not be able to save five taels of silver. The number of ten taels is in In the eyes of most people, it is nothing more than an astronomical figure.

No one from an ordinary family has the courage to send two children to school at once. I might send one, but I thought about it for a long time before making up my mind.

Parents know that studying does not necessarily mean that their children will be successful in high school, become high-ranking officials, and have a distinguished family and ancestors. Most of them just want their children not to be blind, to be able to read and write, and to work as accountants in the city, without having to work hard in the fields like their parents.

Furthermore, many people think that if a scholar is born in the family, he will be more literary. Even if the son is not successful, it is good for the grandson to be influenced by it. Maybe after a long time, a literary star will be born in the family?

Both wives are very responsible. Mo Yan is here to register the children for school, and they are chatting with the children over there. It seems like they are just chatting, but a few words can roughly touch the children's personalities and the way they think about problems. Be clear, so that you have a preliminary understanding of the children, and you can teach them in an appropriate way in the future.

It took the three of them a whole morning to sort out the registration of the children. After counting, a total of one hundred and twenty-three children from several villages had signed up, and all had paid for the training, with a total of sixty-one taels and five cents of silver.

In addition to using the money for repairs for the two masters, the remaining money can be used for daily maintenance of the school.

When the registration date was set, several village chiefs unanimously requested that Shu Xiu be put in charge of Mo Yan. On the one hand, the Mo family is not short of this little money and will not be greedy. On the other hand, the Mo family is responsible for building the school, and Mo Yan has nothing to say to anyone.

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