The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 962 The school starts and another person comes to stay (3)

Mo Yan originally didn't want to take on the matter, but someone really needed to be responsible for the daily maintenance of the school, so she had no choice but to agree and leave the matter to Tang Xin.

Today was just registration for school, and classes would officially start the day after tomorrow. The villagers took their children home one after another. Mo Yan stayed to help the two ladies pack their things, and Li Xiu came over. After bowing to the two ladies, he said to Mo Yan: "Xin'er is cooking today, so I asked you to come back and review it again." Woolen cloth."

When Mo Yan heard this, she couldn't help but laugh: "How many dishes have you cooked? Don't use cold tomatoes to top up the list."

This girl, after being stimulated by some unknown source, came back from playing outside and started clamoring to learn cooking skills. She didn't think that girls must learn cooking skills, but Xiao Nizi wanted to learn, so she had no need to stop her, so she taught her seriously for two days.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Nizi consciously learned how to cook a meal by herself the night before yesterday. As a result, the rice served on the table was undercooked, and the fried meat was still bloody, which made the whole family lose their appetite. .

In the end, Xiao Nizi had to make a pot of porridge with uncooked rice and a salad with tomatoes, so that everyone could make do with the meal.

Li Xiu had obviously thought of this, and smiled with a crooked smile: "It's not bad this time, the food is cooked, otherwise I wouldn't dare to ask you to go back to taste it."

A half-year-old girl like Xiner in the village has long been arrested at home and abroad. Apart from doing embroidery work, she rarely interferes in housework. Her cooking skills are also honed slowly, and no one can bear it. Hit her.

With the addition of Li Xiu, the four of them quickly packed up their things and moved them to the school. Mo Yan originally wanted to invite the two wives to have a meal at home, but the food was cooked by her sister who was not good at cooking. She was really afraid that the dark dishes made by her sister would ruin the two wives, so she gave up the idea and went with them. After saying goodbye, the master went home with Li Xiu.

Seeing her sister coming back, Xin'er happily brought the four dishes and one soup to the table, and urged: "Sister, Aunt Li, please sit down and try my cooking. I promise you won't be disappointed this time." .”

Mo Yan smiled and nodded. Just when he was about to praise his sister, Cui Ping'an said with a sigh: "These vegetables are as black as if they were dyed with ink. Will they cause stomach upset if you eat them?"

Xin'er, who had a smile on her face, immediately changed her face when she heard this: "Huh, whether you like to eat or not, you can do it yourself if you have the ability."

Cui Ping'an touched his hungry belly and looked at the dark dishes on the table. He didn't dare to say anything more.

Mo Yan looked at this scene with a smile and said nothing. She picked up a thin slice with chopsticks that could not be seen clearly, and when she tasted it in her mouth, she knew it was a potato. Although the appearance is really not that good, it still tastes like potatoes, right?

So, under her sister's expectant gaze, Mo Yan praised it against her will: "Yes, it tastes very good. Given time, Xin'er will definitely be able to cook delicious and fragrant meals."

After being praised by her sister, Xin'er smiled happily, gave Cui Ping'an a provocative look, and started eating happily while holding her rice bowl.

Um, okay, although the meat slices are not tender enough, the potato-roasted chicken is a bit too much soy sauce, and the garlic-fried vegetables are a bit salty... but at least they are cooked, so they won't spoil your stomach, right?

With such comfort in mind, Xin'er ate two large bowls of white rice in one breath with tears in her eyes. It wasn't that the food she made was so delicious, but that she didn't pick up the second dish from the plate and eat it. I didn't have enough courage, so I could only eat one more bowl of white rice that was successfully cooked to comfort me.

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