The Perfect Hidden Marriage

269. Jin Hengyuan said: I am afraid that if the two of us disagree on a few words, she will break up

Aunt Wang looked quietly, her eyes that saw through the world always made people feel that nothing could be hidden from outsiders in front of her.

"It seems that there is a real problem between you."

Jin Hengyuan nodded:

"This problem can be big or small. If it gets bigger, we might... part ways..."

Thinking this way seems to make the matter as serious as possible, but the probability is there and very high.

And this high probability is the reason why he is here today.

"Well, let's hear it."

Aunt Wang solemnly nodded her head.

"Let's chat while eating. I treat you to a meal, and I must not starve you because of my personal affairs. Then my sin will be great. Come, eat something first... What I call these are Yipinxuan The best new product here. Try it and you won’t know whether it tastes to your liking..."

Jin Hengyuan smiled, changed the subject, and began to invite others to eat, in order to relax the serious atmosphere.

Aunt Wang smiled, then picked up the exquisite silver-rimmed chopsticks and studied the delicacies.

After carefully commenting on the characteristics of each dish, Jin Hengyuan politely waited for the old lady to take a few bites of the dishes before speaking:

"Auntie, I heard that you loved someone when you were young, and you risked your life for that person. Later, that person was criticized because of his bad background, and was sent to a remote corner. At that time, you Both of them still had each other in their hearts. Later, my aunt, you were forced to get married by your parents. You were filial and were afraid of making them angry, so you reluctantly got the certificate with the son-in-law they liked, and the two of you made an agreement secretly. Yes, we will get divorced when the time comes. But later, when you didn’t divorce, you really got along with him... I was right about this..."

Regarding Aunt Wang's past, he heard from his grandma.

When I listened to it back then, I felt that this aunt's love was truly legendary.

"Yes, is there such a thing?"

Aunt Wang said with a smile:

"It happened so many years ago, why bring it up?"

"I just want to know, what made you fall in love with your husband? I remember that you and your first love had been in love for many years... In the end, what made you fall out of love..."

Jin Hengyuan asked piously.

In this regard, he was full of humility and wanted to ask for advice.

Now he really wants to get a secret recipe.

Although, he knew in his heart that there was no secret recipe for emotional matters.

But when a person reaches the end of his rope and faces a desperate situation, he will be willing to try any remedies.

And he is in such a situation now.

"It was his love and care for me that made me change my mind. No matter how much I miss you, it will never be able to compete with the meticulous care of the people around you. As time goes by, that care will naturally stick to my heart. All I can say is this : Life is not like a novel, your feelings will be corroded by the people who love you, this is the most real life."

When Aunt Wang answered, her face was filled with a hint of sweetness as she recalled the past. However, when she finally remembered that the people she loved were no longer here, her expression darkened, but she did not show it. Instead, she immediately came back to her senses and made a pertinent comment. stand up:

"Well, it seems that little Jin girl's situation is similar to mine... Xiao Jin, if you are like this, in the future, be more careful with her, and sooner or later she will understand you."

Time can indeed fade a person's memory in his heart, but God gave him too little time.

"Auntie, there is something I want to tell you..."

He didn't hesitate any longer and told all about the time when Su Mubai had a car accident and how he had been hiding it.

Aunt Wang was stunned for a long time after hearing this, and then she couldn't help but sigh:

"Xiao Bai actually suffered such a misfortune! Alas..."

After feeling deeply sorry for him, he asked again:

"Xiao Su is still in H City now?"

"Yes. I just had a phone call with Yang Jiahui. She just went to bed and was in a bad mood. I originally wanted to catch up, but then I asked Changning to drive the car to find you..."

"Well, it's good to let her take a breather. That child is already sensitive. If you are in front of her now, the two of you will definitely quarrel if you don't agree with each other. Let her digest those things... There is nothing you can do if you are angry for a moment. It's something. It's your fault if you hide it from her. But if you don't hide it..."

Aunt Wang thought for a while and shook her head again, expressing that she was not optimistic about that situation:

"With such a collision, maybe your unstable marriage will be shattered... From your point of view, it's normal for you to do this."

This affirmation did not reassure him.

"Auntie, what should I do next?"

He rarely felt at a loss, but today, he really didn't know what to do.

"That's your wife. No matter how much she complains about you, it's necessary to take her back and resolve the resentment in her heart bit by bit."

Aunt Wang expressed her opinion with certainty.

"I'm afraid it's hard to get rid of it... Auntie, Su Mubai has other hidden reasons for marrying another... I also know about this... It's just that I didn't tell it... I - I dare not say..."

He smiled bitterly, and then he unhurriedly mentioned that Su Mubai had asked him for help when he wanted a divorce. After saying that, he made a conclusion:

"Now, Xiao Su's side should also know about it..."

After the words fell, he smiled, his voice was helpless, and his head hurt.

"So, you didn't rush to H City because you were afraid that Xiao Su would immediately file for divorce with you? He didn't even give you the slightest bit of room for maneuver, right?"

Aunt Wang finally understood it completely.

Things are indeed a bit complicated.

The proud child in front of him became very unconfident because he cared too much.

The next moment, a trace of self-deprecation unexpectedly appeared on his face:

"I'm really worried. Now I'm really afraid of facing her... I'm afraid that if we don't get along with each other, she will break up with me directly. So, I think I should think of a countermeasure before I go to see her, okay? Keep her from being angry...I can't ask my grandparents or my mother about this matter. After much thought, I still think you are the most suitable..."

Aunt Wang took a bite of the food, wiped her mouth, smiled softly, and did not answer. Instead, she asked another question: "Xiao Jin, do you have any background that you are hiding and haven't explained... For example, with one glance, you Just look at Xiaojin, there should be a story here, right?"

Jin Hengyuan couldn't help but smile when he heard it. People said: Ginger is spicy because of old age, and it is true.

"Auntie, you are about to become a sperm!"

He said something flattering first.

"Stop flattering me and tell me!"

Aunt Wang smiled.

Jin Hengyuan sorted out his thoughts and finally started talking again, telling everything about their first acquaintance eighteen years ago, their reunion fourteen years ago, the reason for this blind date and marriage, and his own selfish motives...

After knowing the whole ins and outs, Aunt Wang was very surprised: "No wonder, no wonder you got the certificate without saying anything. So that's it..."

After a pause, she stopped talking nonsense and directly gave an idea. After speaking, she blinked:

"In this case, I'm afraid Xiao Jin won't be able to get angry anymore. As for what she will choose in the end, let her make her own decision... According to my old lady's opinion, in this way, she will be able to understand your thoughts. So when choosing the future, you have to consider it more..."

"But grandma, don't you think it's a bit selfish to do this?"

In fact, he originally had such a plan.

But... after thinking about it, I still feel it's inappropriate.

"As a human being, who can be completely selfless?"

Aunt Wang asked calmly:

"When parents have children, do they expect to be well-supported in old age? How much less two people who have no blood relationship? Emotions are always interactive. In this world, selflessness without asking for anything in return simply does not exist. What's more, Xiaojin should know about that."

Hearing this, Jin Hengyuan fell into deep thought.

It took two hours to eat this meal.

After the meal, Jin Hengyuan called Changning over, and the two of them sent Aunt Wang back to the nursing home.

When he came out, a text message rang on his phone. He took it and took a look. It was a picture that Ji Beixun took and sent. He had already got the silver bracelet. The picture looked very delicate.

He looked carefully and called: "Beixun, that silver bracelet looks interesting..."


Ji Beixun responded over there:

"I've already asked people to check... I believe there will be news soon."


He agreed, looked up at the sky, and asked again:

"By the way, where are you now?"

"On the way back."

"Are you planning to take a break?"

"Maybe, we'll wait until the next service area!"

"Oh! In that case, I'll catch up right away. I'll meet you at the xx service area in three hours. I need to put that silver bracelet to some use... wait a minute, I have to take it and rush to H City..."

"no problem."

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Changning: "Call another person. You two will take turns driving. Now go to the xx service area."

Although Chang Ning didn't understand, he still did as he was told.

After driving for two hours, Jin Hengyuan received a call from Ji Beixun again:

"The origin of the silver bracelet has been found out. Although it is silverware, because it is made by a master, if it is really sold, the price should be between 300,000 and 500,000."

"Which master's work is it?"

Jin Hengyuan asked in surprise.

"A masterpiece by Chinese-American artist Ding Chunqiu."

Jin Hengyuan was stunned for a moment, because Ding Chunqiu was none other than his grandma.

It’s so strange, why did this matter come to my grandma’s head?

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