The Perfect Hidden Marriage

271, shocked, the person next to her pillow is actually her Erjin brother (you have to watch it)

The morning glow spreads on the lake, and the breeze blows, bringing thousands of golden lights, which shine under the bright blue sky and are reflected on the man.

White clothes, black pants, red flowers, green trees, blue waves, golden waves...

This is a painting.

And he is the most dazzling presence in the painting. He is indifferent and his sleeves are breezy. It makes people completely unable to tell that he is such an unpredictable person. It makes people feel that he is a sunny man who can give people warmth and warmth. He is a warm man who can be completely trusted.

He did warm her, but he also really hurt her.

"Yang Jiahui, I haven't had breakfast yet. Please help me buy some fried dumplings. Thank you."

Jin Hengyuan smiled at Yang Jiahui and politely pushed him away.

Not far away, Bo Feihong stood guard, and when Yang Jiahui approached, the two of them walked away together.

However, after walking a few steps, Yang Jiahui turned around and glanced a few more times, her eyes full of worry.

Su Mubai or Jin Hengyuan, who will Su Jin choose?

What would happen to Jin Hengyuan if he chose Su Mubai?

They are husband and wife now.

If Jin Hengyuan is chosen, what should Su Mubai do?

He's miserable enough.

At that moment, she felt that no matter what Su Jin chose, it would be a harm to the other person.

She couldn't help but sigh slightly.

On the lake embankment, they were the only two people standing under the rising twilight, looking at each other.

"Are you crying? Why are your eyes so red?"

One step away, Jin Hengyuan stared at him, his expression so focused and serious.

Su Jin watched silently and did not get angry on the spot.

That's not rational.

She felt that she should use a calm perspective to study this man carefully.

He is her husband, but he is still a stranger to her, even if he has the most intimate relationship, even if he has had heart-to-heart conversations several times, even if they have shared the simple things in life... But his complexity, She still didn't quite see it through.

The fact that he came here shows that he already knows that she has met Su Mubai.

This man is really calm.

"How did you come?"

The hoarse voice contained a bit of coldness that could not be concealed.

"I should have come here a long time ago, but I came late to pick up something. Do you want to know what it is?"

His voice was still as gentle as ever.

But Su Jin was not interested.

That's none of her business.

But she had no chance to refuse.

When getting along with this man, the rhythm is always in his hands.

The next moment, he stretched out his hand, a big fist, spread out in front of her, and a shining silver bracelet appeared in front of her:

"Check it out. Is this your thing?"

Her attention then fell on the gadget worn by the child, and she instinctively touched her wrist.

Really, yes, that was the bracelet she wore as a child.

That year, after she was abducted by human traffickers, the bracelet on her hand was snatched away by them. Her memory was very vague, but she deeply remembered that there was a bell on the bracelet, and there was a beautiful totem on the bell. There is a dragon on it, and the round and bright bracelet is engraved with thin characters, like Sanskrit.

"Where did you get this?"

She was startled and took it with a hoarse voice.

Of course, it is impossible to wear this bracelet on her hand now. She is an adult, not a child.

"Are you sure it's yours?"

He watched.

"It's mine. Lost for many years."

This silver bracelet has been around since she could remember.

She should be happy to see old things again.

But at this moment, she really couldn't be happy.

"How did you get it?"

She raised her head, doubts rising in her heart:

"Also, how did you know that I had such a silver bracelet when I was a child?"

I feel like this silver bracelet is a bit strange.

He suddenly appeared in front of her without any warning. There must be something famous here.

"Remember Li Gong? He was the man who beat you to a fever... I found him and he gave it to me."

"Li Gong?"

Su Jin thought for a while, and the distant memory was brought back.

She certainly remembered that he was a terrible man who had four wolf dogs. If anyone dared to disobey, he would let his lackeys bite them. If someone didn't go along with his wishes, he would beat him and kick him. She didn't even remember how many times she had been beaten by that man.

Therefore, when I think of this person, my body trembles inexplicably.

"He has been imprisoned for sixteen years. Now he can no longer do evil to hurt you, don't be afraid."

Jin Hengyuan immediately comforted him.

Very surprised, Su Jin's thoughts became frightened and confused, and she looked at him complicatedly:

" went to find out what happened when I was a child?"

Otherwise, how could it be so clear?

Jin Hengyuan watched intently and smiled lightly: "Xiao Shu, your past was all told to me by you yourself. Have you forgotten?"

Su Jin was stunned.

Had she mentioned those things to him?


Since being adopted by the Su family, she has never mentioned the life of being trafficked, nor has she ever talked about the time when she lived in the village as a child.

Although her adoptive parents asked her before, she only said she couldn't remember and never mentioned it again, so even Su Mubai didn't know what she had experienced before she was eight years old.

"When did I tell you? Why don't I remember?"

Su Jin frowned.

"A long time ago."

He stared at her with a deep and bright gaze, and in the overflowing light, a pleasant voice slowly sounded:

"That year, I was fourteen and you were eight. We met in a poor ravine in Baiyun County.

"That year, I had a scar on my forehead and my hair was very long...

"That year, I gave you medicine because you were beaten and had a high fever for several days and nights. The fever never went away, which made me worried and couldn't sleep for several nights.

"That year, I remember running up the mountain and picking flowers for you, because you wanted to smell the flowers. You said that if you didn't see those flowers before you died, you wouldn't rest in peace until you died.

"Later, your fever subsided and I washed your hair. At that time, there were a lot of lice in your hair. I tried many ways to help you get rid of these nasty little parasites...

"Oh, by the way, you are still a stubborn little girl. Because you pissed them off, they wouldn't give you food, so I secretly gave you food.

"Later, they wanted to send you away and sell you to some distant place, and I secretly took you to escape... Unfortunately, the plan failed...

"Later, I spent a long time and finally rescued you...

"Finally, I went to the hospital and asked you to wait for me. But when I looked for you again, I couldn't find you again...


Su Jin looked at him dumbfounded, his brain was completely confused again, and his heart was beating wildly.

This is impossible.

How can this be?

How could the boy he described be him?

This is completely impossible.

But if it weren't for him, how could he know so clearly?

Her eyes widened in disbelief.

A faint smile spread infinitely on his face while she was stunned, and the corners of her lips rose gracefully:

"You also told me that you love to laugh. No matter how they beat you, you have to smile, because a smiling face is different from a crying face. You are afraid that if you cry all the time, you will not remember how to laugh. You said you should always laugh. Because you are afraid that your grandma will not recognize you..."

Oh, yes, this sentence was indeed said by her.


How did that happen……

This is incredible...

She touched her lips with her hand...

A thin glimmer of water spreads under the eyes, and layers of deep surprise spread out...

Do not believe, doubt...

Finally, I had an epiphany because of a certain association.

So, no matter how much anger, no matter how much resentment, no matter how much sadness, they all turned into indescribable emotions in the next moment...

She wanted to hit herself on the back of the head, wondering why she didn't have such an association?

The word "two catties" basically means Jin Er.

That’s how the name came about!

She said, how could someone marry such a strange name?

It turns out that the true meaning of what he said about gain and loss, here, the so-called destiny, is also for this reason.

As soon as his eyes blinked, tears overflowed.

This is because of her loss and recovery.

She was even crying with joy.

"Why are you crying?"

He stretched out his fingers and gently wiped away the tears from her eyes.

She covered her mouth and her sobs intensified.

Can't answer.

Emotions completely boiled over at this moment.

She didn't expect it!

How could she imagine that?

The person beside her pillow turned out to be the Erjin brother she had wanted to see most for eighteen years.

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