The Perfect Hidden Marriage

337, Warmth: He is really an awkward man who is not good at expressing himself.

Before coming to Hong Kong, Su Jin asked Jin Hengyuan: "You can't go empty-handed. What should I do with my birthday gift?"

"Dad likes to drink tea. Let's buy a set of tea sets..."

In the morning, they went to pick out a set of tea sets.

Jin Hengyuan chose very carefully. He went to three places and finally chose an antique tea set.

When choosing, he said: "Both my parents like drinking tea. This is their only common hobby. When I was a child, what impressed me most was that my mother was playing tea ceremony while my father watched quietly. The two I personally enjoy the fun brought by tea culture."

When he said this, there was a faint smile hanging on the corners of his lips.

Su Jin could tell that that was the childhood time he missed the most.

Without having a childhood growing up with your parents, what do you look forward to most?

With her, there is a random door to Doraemon, and she can instantly go back to the past, to the moment when her mother gave birth to her - she wants to see who gave birth to her, and then go back to a certain moment in her childhood, Go find them and enjoy a peaceful family life.

It's a pity that Doraemon is just a fairy tale.

As for Hengyuan, he had more or less enjoyed the love of his parents. Because I have had it, I will be even more nostalgic for the happy scene.

Alas, they are all people who long for the warmth of home.

When she came out of the tea set shop, she held his arm tightly and stayed with him silently.

When the special plane arrived in Hong Kong, at two o'clock, the car sent to pick them up was waiting at the airport.

The car drove into the Xiao family villa, and in the distance, you could see a handsome figure standing at the door of the main house, looking calmly at the children who were coming.

After getting off the car, Xiao Jinghuan walked quickly, like a butterfly, fluttering up, hugging her father, and shouted sweetly:

"Happy birthday, Dad."

He also kissed his father on both cheeks.

Xiao Zhidong has always been reserved and rarely smiles, but because of Xiao Jinghuan's hug, a rare smile appeared on his face:

"Thank you Huanhuan..."

The sound is pleasant and airy.

It can be seen that this Xiao Jinghuan is definitely Xiao Zhidong's caring quilt.

She looked at it and smiled slightly, a little envious!

Xiao Jinghuan, who has grown up to be able to rely on her father and brother to act like a spoiled child, is a lucky child even though she has experienced unfortunate love.

"Dad, you are hanging around the gate, are you waiting for us to come back?"

"I...I just walked around casually..."

"Lie, you just want to see us sooner. You obviously think so in your heart, why do you have to say such a duplicitous sentence when you answer? Don't you feel awkward?"

Xiao Jinghuan revealed all her father's little thoughts, with a cunning light in her eyes.

Xiao Zhidong chuckled, his face full of indulgence.

The scene of father and daughter getting along was so heart-warming - this was in sharp contrast to the tense atmosphere when mother and daughter got along, and Su Jin couldn't help but sigh secretly.

As for Jin Hengyuan, because of this scene, he looked a little dazed for no reason.

When he was young, what he did most often was to stand outside the gate of the old house with his grandparents and elder brother, waiting for his father to come back.

At that time, waiting for my father to return was something that people looked forward to.

Nowadays, the roles seem to have been reversed: it is the elders who are waiting, and it is the younger ones who are being waited for.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that his father was really old.

"We're back!"

Still didn't call me father.

After not calling him for many years, the word "Dad" seemed strangely unfamiliar.

"Happy birthday."

Then, he added another sentence.

Su Jin glanced at him and saw that he didn't scream, so naturally she didn't scream either - the couple moved forward and retreated together.

"Happy birthday to you. The tea set was chosen by Hengyuan for you. This calligraphy and painting was painted by me before. It is not valuable, but it expresses my feelings..."

She stepped forward and handed over the two things she was carrying.

"It's good if you can come, it's good if you can come."

Xiao Zhidong wiped away a happy smile and took the things happily, not caring that neither of them called "Dad".

"Come on, come in! It's a little cold outside."

He beckoned them inside.

"Dad, wait a minute, there is another person who will be here soon!"

Xiao Jinghuan pulled Xiao Zhidong and looked at her watch:

"Five minutes max."

She made a gesture. Wearing a rabbit hat, she looked shadowy.

"Who else did you invite?"

Jin Hengyuan looked at her sideways.

"you guess."

Xiao Jinghuan looked naughty and had a bright smile.

Jin Hengyuan narrowed his eyes: That mysterious light has flickered in his sister's eyes since she returned to Hong Kong and sent a few text messages - it is impossible for ordinary people to make her so excited, and let him guess?

He is definitely an unexpected person.

Or someone who has absolutely no chance of appearing here.

Of course it can't be Gu Lijun, this girl hates that person, hiring that kind of person will only ruin the scenery...

Therefore, the person who comes should make everyone happy.

"Did you invite mom?"

Su Jin gently expressed Jin Hengyuan's suspicion.

Xiao Jinghuan's eyes widened immediately, and she was extremely surprised: "Sister-in-law, how did you guess it?"

"Just a random guess."

It's actually not hard to guess.

"Huanhuan, you...did you really invite your mother here?"

Xiao Zhidong asked anxiously with a strange expression.

"Yes, yes... I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but my sister-in-law said it out loud. Dad, are you happy that mommy can come?"

The daughter looked happy to please.

The father looked shocked, and it took him a long time to reply:

"Happy... of course happy..."

On the side, Su Jin looked at her carefully, probably really happy. Xiao Zhidong's happy eyes seemed to light up a little more: it seems that mother-in-law Jin Yuan still has a very deep meaning to Xiao Zhidong.

"Wait a minute... Huanhuan, come here..."

Suddenly, Xiao Zhidong lost his composure and pulled Xiao Jinghuan to the side hurriedly. He lowered his voice and asked softly:

"Why didn't you tell me beforehand...Am I dressing too casually now..."

Xiao Jinghuan stared blankly, then hugged her father:

"It's not casual, it's not casual... My dad looks good in whatever he wears... There is no need to dress to look good... We are a family, and a family should be casual and natural..."

"That's right..."

The big boss in the business world responded gently.

The wind carried these words.

Su Jin felt extremely complicated after hearing this.

Because he was concerned, he would think about his improper appearance - Xiao Zhidong, a man who had failed his wife for eighteen years, would actually care about whether his clothes were suitable in front of his ex-wife fourteen years after his divorce. Question, this is really disappointing.

She turned to look at Jin Hengyuan. He held her hand. There was a hint of bitterness in the smile on his lips. He must be feeling sad for his father!

Five minutes later, a Maserati drove in, and the person who got out of the driver's seat was none other than the former hostess of this villa: Jin Yuan.



Jin Hengyuan and Su Jin greeted him.

Jin Yuan, who was fashionably dressed in an elegant skirt and carrying a beautiful bag, responded with a smile, then turned around and looked at Xiao Zhidong to greet him.


Xiao Zhidong looked at his ex-wife, who had been as beautiful as a flower for thirty-two years, his eyes were a little dazed for no reason, and then he sighed:

"I never thought you would come..."

"What? Not welcome?"

Jin Yuan asked calmly.

"no no……"

It is extremely rare for a business tycoon to reveal his clumsy side:

"how come……"

"Huanhuan said that Xiaoyuan will come over here to celebrate your birthday today. She said that if I don't come, she will never see me again in this life!"

I see.

He looked at the caring baby standing next to him and winked at him, and he felt so moved in his heart that he really had to thank his daughter!

"Old people don't like to celebrate birthdays. Every year makes you older. I remember that you don't like to celebrate birthdays either. But since Huanhuan said it, I have no choice but to come. Happy birthday."

Opening the bag and taking out a delicate brocade box, Jin Yuan handed it over:

"It's a pair of cufflinks. I bought them based on your previous hobbies. If you feel bad about it, please don't let me see it when you throw it away."

In the past, Jin Yuan spoke very tactfully in front of Xiao Zhidong, but now, every word she spoke was like a thorn, pricking people hard.


Xiao Zhidong took it, his voice was rare and gentle:

"Go in, sit in the room..."

He stepped aside, very gentlemanly.

There seemed to be a twinkle of tenderness in his eyes.

Su Jin carefully discovered that Xiao Zhidong's fingers were gently rubbing the cufflink box...

While Jin Yuan was talking to Xiao Jinghuan, he secretly glanced at the gift. There was cherishment in his eyes. He presumably liked it, but he was too restrained to show it.

Alas, now that things have happened, she finally fully believes that Xiao Zhidong is really an awkward man who is not good at expressing himself.

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