The Perfect Hidden Marriage

338. A stolen hug is the best gift.

In this world, family reunion is a normal thing.

Who doesn’t have parents, who doesn’t have a spouse, who doesn’t have children?

But this kind of thing is difficult for Su Jin, because she never knows who her parents are. No matter how well the Su family treated her, it was still the Su family, not this family.

In fact, this is also a difficult thing for Jin Hengyuan.

In his memory, it was rare that their family sat together and had a happy meal.

At this moment, he stood there, watching the back of his sister holding his mother with one hand and his father with the other, walking towards the main house of the villa, and he felt infinite emotions in his heart.

"What's wrong?"

Su Jin noticed something strange about him and asked softly.

"The most common family reunion dinner, I can't count ten times with my fingers. Xiao Su, you don't know at all that my father and mother have been divorced for fourteen years and have never been together again. Normally, when mother is present, there will be no father; at a banquet where father is present, mother will definitely avoid it. Unexpectedly, Jing Huan made it happen today. "

Jin Hengyuan sighed softly.

After Su Jin listened quietly, he also sighed. It's true that every family has a hard-to-recite sutra...

Even though their home is as bright as theirs, everything is not as expected.

While God gave them wealth and status, it did not give them the most precious family harmony and husband-wife love.

She thought, suddenly took his hand, gently rubbed it and persuaded him:

"You should think this: Compared to me, you are lucky. At least you still have parents who can see you, and a sister who can make trouble for you. As for me, I have nothing."

"You're wrong, you have it."

Jin Hengyuan's eyes flashed.

Su Jin was startled, then smiled:

"Yes, I do. Your parents are my parents, and your relatives are my relatives..."

It just sounds nice to say it this way.

Essentially they are different.

However, she was willing to go along with what he said.


Jin Hengyuan also smiled, dispelling the inexplicable sadness:



The two couples went hand in hand.


The dinner started very early and the dishes were very rich.

Jin Hengyuan feels that when a family gathers together, sometimes it’s not about the quality of the food, but whether the atmosphere is warm enough.

I remember Huanhuan once said something when she was young: "I think when my parents spend their birthdays with me, or when I spend their birthdays with them, we can all be together. That would be the most perfect thing." "

But it never happened.

Since that incident six years ago, he and his father have become strangers, so Huanhuan's idea has naturally become increasingly difficult to realize.

This also proves that today's gathering is not easy and precious.

Therefore, Xiao Jinghuan seemed particularly lively. Not only did she sing a birthday song to Xiao Zhidong, she also diligently handed the cake to her mother and called the word "Mom" very happily.

Because Jing Huan wanted to please, Jin Yuan was filled with joy.

A wonderful dinner.

Jin Hengyuan drank some wine, but Xiao Zhidong didn't drink because of his health problems. He only ate some freshly squeezed juice, but Jin Yuan was drunk.

Without him, Xiao Jinghuan toasted vigorously, and even took Su Jin to toast several times.

Jin Yuan Qihu couldn't bear to drink. In the end, he was drunk and turned into a puddle of mud, lying there motionless.

"Why are you making mom drink so hard?"

Finally, Jin Hengyuan blamed his sister for doing things willfully.

The younger sister was holding a glass of red wine in her hand, her face was very red, she was smiling innocently and shouting:

"You're so happy! Of course if you're happy, you have to drink more..."


Jin Hengyuan wanted to help his mother into the guest room. Seeing this, Xiao Jinghuan stumbled, came over and pulled him away, and said with a loud tongue:

"Brother, you, you, you... you are not allowed to move... you are not allowed to move... My sister-in-law is almost drunk. You help your sister-in-law back to your room. Mom is here with dad..."

Is Su Jin drunk?

No, she was not drunk at all, far from drunk, just a little dizzy.

Su Jin knew clearly and could hear it. That girl seemed to want to create opportunities for her parents to be alone.

This doesn’t seem appropriate!

The mother has already married another person, and the father also has his own marriage - what Jing Huan did was simply nonsense.

Su Jin glanced at her: her mother-in-law had already fallen down drunk, and her father-in-law was leaning on the side, staring at her deeply, not knowing what she was thinking.

She originally thought that Jin Hengyuan would stop him, but in the end, he glanced around, turned around, helped her up and said in a low voice:

"I'll help you go to my old room and have a rest..."


Xiao Zhidong has not been so close to Jin Yuan for who knows how many years.

So close that he could touch her with his tentacles.

"Xiao Huan, little bad guy, help mom go sit in the garden... You've made me like this, bad guy... How do you want me to go back... Xiao Yuan, find someone to take me home... I won't spend the night here... here This is not my home."

Jin Yuan muttered, her voice a little unclear.

The restaurant was already empty of people.

Jing Huan climbed upstairs, and Jing Heng also helped his wife leave. He sent the housekeeper to make tea, and no one from the staff dared to disturb her.

He went up to help her.

She leaned against him and followed his rhythm in a daze, going out and sitting on the swing that Huanhuan loved to sit on.

In fact, that's what she likes.

In the past, when she had nothing to do, she loved to sit on it and swing, while Jingheng would be there to help push...

After having Huanhuan, she and Huanhuan would often sit on top while Jingheng was enslaved - his son could control anyone now, but he was willing to be bullied by these two women...

Well, in other words, that's not bullying, that's an expression of love.

Xiao Zhidong helped her onto the swing.

"I asked someone to prepare some hangover tea, Ayuan, drink some..."

The housekeeper brought tea, and Xiao Zhidong personally brought it to Jin Yuan.

Jin Yuan felt dizzy. She turned around and felt as if she was somewhere else. The man's face was magnified infinitely before her eyes. He was warm, neither rigid nor cold.

Oh, it turns out it’s not Huanhuan, but Xiao Zhidong.

She frowned inexplicably.

A cup was placed on the swing seat, it looked familiar.

It seems that it was the same exquisite tea set she bought when she was here, with the pattern she liked.

She and he had few common hobbies, but drinking tea was her only preference.

However, she is a person who enjoys tea and likes to choose good tea sets, good tea leaves, and enjoy tea in a good environment; while he only pays attention to the quality of tea leaves and doesn't care much about anything else.

"Still using this tea set?"

It’s been thirty years!

"Well, this is the second birthday gift you gave me. It's also my favorite gift."

He answered in a low voice.


Jin Yuan smiled strangely, and facing the starry sky, she sighed and muttered:

"like the most?

“Do you have a favorite too?

"Of all the things I buy, how many things do you like?

"Others say I'm picky, but I don't think it's right. You are always the most picky.

"No matter how I try to please you, it's of no use. Nothing can make you like me.

"Now, you actually say that this is your favorite."

Xiao Zhidong was silent, and suddenly remembered that this woman had been with him for eighteen years, and he seemed to have never expressed his preference.

In those years, they spent less time together and more time apart, and wasted time, never letting their hearts get closer.

She once said that the wall in his heart was too thick, so thick that he lost the ability to perceive, and could only live in his own siege.

When she was tired, he wanted to break out of the wall and become one with her world.

But fate did not give him this opportunity.

"Yes, this is my favorite. I have always wanted to tell you, but never had the chance to tell you..."

He looked at the woman who was still beautiful thirty years later and said softly:

"I like everything you give me."

"Don't say nice things to make people happy...I am self-aware..."

Under the bright light, her face had neither wrinkles nor spots... With her eyes closed and her lips curled in mockery, she was charming, but she didn't believe what he said, so she insulted herself, and then said road:

"Xiao Zhidong, you have never pushed me on a swing..."

The jump in this topic is a bit too big.

However, it is true.

"Do you want me to push you now?"


Jin Yuan nodded.

"Okay! I'll push it for you."

He moved the cup of tea to a nearby stone bench and pushed it gently.

As for her, she just leaned on it.

The wind is clear, the moon is bright, and the bright silver light shines on the beautiful woman.

The artistic conception is incredibly beautiful.

And he peeked.

In the past, when he could see her openly, he was busy with messy things; later, he could no longer get close to her, and she became someone else's wife. He could only search for his wife in his memory.

Only when you lose it do you realize how valuable it is.

This price is too cruel.

"I'm sorry, Ayuan."

She seemed to have fallen asleep, and he stopped and sat on the edge.

After losing her, he would often swing alone, imagining that she was still around.

"This is what I want to say to you most..."

He stretched out his hand, slowly touched her hair, and stroked it gently:

"It's me who doesn't cherish you well enough. It's me who ruined this family. It's me who's ashamed of you..."

A low whisper, tearing at the heart.

The regrets in life were created by him himself.

In response to this result, he sighed deeply in addition to sighing.

At this moment, the desire to hug her again occupied his thoughts.

After enduring it again and again, he finally hugged her into his arms, but his nose was sore.

This stolen hug has become the best gift he has received in recent years.

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