The Perfect Hidden Marriage

396. Second New Year’s Diary: If the rest of your life is gone, just forget it (must read)

On the first night when I was arrested by Zhou Wen, I waited for dawn in fear, hunger and cold.

The vast night was dark, cold and desolate. A thin quilt wrapped Wu Ting and I clinging to each other for warmth, but it could not withstand the invasion of the cold air.

Wu Ting kept asking me: "Aunt Su Jin, can we really get out alive? Will we really be fine? When will Uncle Jin come to rescue us?"

I actually can't answer these questions.

However, I have to reassure the little girl.

"I don't know when he will come to rescue us. I only know that he will definitely come to rescue us. What we have to do is to stay calm and conserve our strength. There is no use panicking."


The little girl, who was tired and scared, fell asleep under my gentle pats.

In my sleep, I couldn't stop twitching and twitching, so I was naturally frightened.

As for me, I couldn’t sleep no matter what, thinking about Zhou Wen’s last words:

"You and Jin Hengyuan can only live one life. Tomorrow next year will be your memorial day. And you died willingly..."

It would be great if these words were just bluffing.

However, I vaguely feel that my good luck has been used up, and I will continue to have bad luck until the end of my life.

Looking around, the coldness seems to indicate that my future will be dark and no brighter.


I'm a little cranky, it's time to go to bed.

But, I really can’t sleep.

When life can only be measured in hours, should I waste time sleeping?


I want to use it for memories.

At this moment, my mind is swirling with an unprecedented wave of thoughts.

Things that I never thought about in normal times came to mind at this moment.

Of course, I also want to escape.

The question is, how do I escape?

First, they don’t have the skill to beat ten with one; second, they don’t have superior resourcefulness, and third, Xiao Xiao is still in their hands.

Even if I could escape, could I leave her and Wu Ting, who was too hungry to run away, and run away on my own?

I remember watching a Hollywood horror movie like this:

A group of good friends, going on an adventure together.

They entered a primitive cave with an unknown man-eating creature growing in the cave.

When these good friends face life and death, they can no longer care about their friendship in real life. In order to survive, they follow the most primitive laws of nature: each one depends on his own ability, the strong survive, while the weak can only become food for those creatures.

The whole escape process was very bloody and cruel. All the friends died tragically one by one, and only one escaped in the end.

Although she survived, the trauma left on her soul is eternal.

This story made me experience a cruel truth: people are all selfish. In a desperate situation, if you want to survive, you must be ruthless and righteous. If you want to be a compassionate person, there is a 90% chance that you will die there.

And I can't be ruthless and righteous, so I won't run away. Can't escape either.

I don’t want to spend my whole life regretting it afterwards.

I can only wait, endure the panic, and let the manic uneasiness invade my mind in this invisible night.

At this moment, I really felt a kind of coldness.

The house without heating is really cold.

Because of the cold, I crave warmth even more.

The warmth brought to me by my dear him.

The feeling that warms my heart is the most beautiful thing he has given me these days.

After half a year of marriage, the time at night is usually a matter of opening and closing the eyes. It passes so quickly, so fast that people can’t feel it. The next day is so hurried as we hug each other and fall asleep, and we can’t help it. Came quietly in the delicate kiss.

But tonight, the cold night without eternity is so long that I can’t stand it.

At this moment, longing is expanding in my blood vessels, and it is constantly expanding. It wants to grow wings, take my trapped body, fly to the place where my heart is attached, and then get into his arms and absorb the warmth. , draw in safety, draw in comforting smiles, to calm the fear and panic in your heart. When I opened my eyes again, everything was over. I continue to be stable in his world.

However, this idea can only be imagined.


Imagination is always beautiful.

I put my hand on my lower abdomen. Last night my husband and I slept side by side, talking about the future, but who can predict what will happen in the future.

At this moment, there were countless confusions in my heart that were difficult to resolve.

What happened back then that caused me to live outside the Ming family?

What grudge did that person have with the Ming family to make things difficult for me, a little young boy like me?

How did they bring Xiao Xiao out today?

I was thinking randomly, feeling panicked and feeling extremely uncomfortable.

I really can't get rid of that feeling.

I can only let it, clinging to my heart and clogging my chest.

The first ray of light in the morning came quietly in my wild thoughts.

I quietly put Wu Ting down, got out of the not-so-warm bed, and went to check.

There are anti-theft windows outside the windows, and the only door to go out is locked from the outside. It is a dream to escape.

Yes, now, the situation I face is: I can’t fly without wings.


I sighed quietly in my heart again!

Wherever I looked, I accidentally saw Wu Ting's schoolbag, which was thrown aside.

I stepped forward and flipped through it. They were all junior high school textbooks and test papers. Each double-digit score starting with the word "9" showed that the little girl was an outstanding child. A girl full of future, her life has just begun.

Finally, I found a blank notebook and a pen, and sat down on the withered grass.

I stared at these two things for a while, and finally wrote the second entry in my New Year’s diary on them.

It's just that the taste is completely different from when I wrote it yesterday.

At this time, I don’t know what the future holds, and I don’t know if I still have a chance to go out.

If I can't get out, then these words may be the last thing I can leave behind.

If these things will eventually be destroyed, if I write them, it will be in vain, but I still want to write something to kill my thoughts and panic.

Yes, when facing death and an unknown fate, who would remain calm and calm?

After all, I am just an ordinary person, and I cannot escape this most instinctive mood swing.

But what should I write?

There is a voice inside saying to me:

I should leave a few words to my dear him...

What if I can’t survive this disaster?

All right!

Dear brother Erjin, dear Mr. Jin, there are a few words I really want to say to you:

If one day I am no longer here, can you promise me?

Live well, live happily, find a girl that suits your needs, fall in love again, have a baby, forget about me...

Or lock me deep in your heart, don't let your next wife know, give her happiness, give yourself happiness, don't let this hundred years of life go down...

In the faint morning light, Su Jin looked at the words he had written, and sighed quietly. His heart ached, and he wanted to tear it up, but in the end he still left the date and signature on it: 1, 2014. On March 2, Su Jin wrote in an unknown prison hut.

After writing this, she closed the notebook silently, rubbed it in her hand for a long time, and wanted to stuff it into her bag, but took it out again and wrote a few more sentences in the last blank space:

"Hengyuan, when I was a hundred days old, you secretly kissed me. At that time, I was just an ignorant little baby with no memory.

"When I was eight years old, you gave me a sense of stability and stability. At that time, I regarded you as my only support.

"At the age of twenty-six, you made me fall in love with you with all my heart. At this time, I always felt that I was destined to marry you and be your wife.

“Since it’s destined, we should grow old together.

"So, I just hope that all my worries about the future today are just unnecessary worries; I just hope that I am really your destined bride, and all the happiness in the past six months is not a sweet dream.

"Hengyuan, to this day, I feel that my decision to marry you was the wisest decision I made in my life. Now, when I am here, I know how deeply I love you. Only when people encounter disasters, will they become more aware. Greedy for the ordinary life. This is true.

"I always feel that I can't hold you tightly enough, I always feel that I don't accompany you enough, I always feel that I don't love you deeply enough. If I have the rest of my life, I will love you twice as much until I can no longer love or hold you, and I need to be with you. At the moment of long burial, I will accompany you in the cold underground.

"This is my wish.

"But, if I don't have the rest of my life...

"If I don't have the rest of my life...

“If you don’t have the rest of your life, just forget about it.


After writing the last word, she glanced at it quietly, held it close to her heart for a long time, and then stuffed the pen and paper into her school bag.

At dawn, a noisy voice came from outside the door: "Let me go, let me go, let me go... Big bad guy, let me go quickly..."

It was Xiao Xiao's voice.

Su Jin was startled and anxious, and ran to the window, looking outside eagerly. He didn't yell, as yelling would not solve any problem.

Xiao Xiao was carried by a man wearing a black hood like an eagle catching a chicken. Then, the door opened and Xiao Xiao was pushed in.

The action was rude.

Su Jin hurriedly helped Xiao Xiao, who almost fell.


"Xiao Xiao..."

She hurriedly hugged the frightened child who turned pale green.

The door was locked again.

"Mom, who is this? Who is this? Why do they want to arrest us? Why do they want to imprison us?"

The child nestled in her arms and screamed in fear, holding it tightly with both hands.

Su Jin coaxed her, not knowing how to explain their current situation to her.

After coaxing for a while, Xiao Xiao finally settled down.

Wu Ting naturally woke up after such a fuss, and she snuggled up.

Xiao Xiao was very surprised when she saw Wu Ting. The two children talked for a while, fear was the only expression on their faces.

Su Jin looked at it, his heart heavy, like a dark cloud suppressing the sky, and the whole world was dark.

After an unknown amount of time, the door opened and someone came in with a tray and some cold steamed buns and cold water.

Wu Ting was already starving and ate immediately.

Xiao Xiao shook her head. She had never suffered such grievances. How could she eat such things?

Su Jin gave some advice: "I don't know when Dad will come to rescue us. We must eat something. If we are starving, we won't see Dad anymore..."

Xiao Xiao reluctantly ate some.

Time is ticking in the past.

Xiao Xiao and Wu Ting hugged each other and talked quietly.

Su Jin walked around the room, knowing that there was no hope of escape, but still trying to find a slim chance of survival.

The utility room was divided into two rooms. They were locked in the east half and the door of the west half was locked.

She went to the outer door to observe, and the person guarding them seemed not to be there.

Maybe she should break open the inner door and find out.

After thinking this way, she actually did it.

It didn't open the first time, the door came loose the second time, and the lock cylinder was broken by the third time. The door opened, and the sound was a little loud. I hope the wind outside was loud enough that they couldn't hear it. movement.

Various machine parts were placed inside, and it was covered with thick dust. There are windows on three sides, all closed. The air was filled with a strong iron smell of engine oil, which was very unpleasant.

Su Jin pinched his nose and checked. There were security windows at the front and rear.

Peeking out from the front window, I saw a man wearing a mask playing with his mobile phone on the opposite side facing the sun.

She went to take a look at the back window again, and she also made a security window. However, because the material used was not very good and it was a bit old, it didn't look very strong...

She pushed the aluminum alloy window to the side, leaned over to look at it carefully, and lifted it a few times with her hands. A surprise happened. The screw holding the anti-theft window broke, and she picked up the window frame in her hand.

Su Jin's face lit up with joy.

At this moment, she was afraid that if the anti-theft window fell, it would make a noise and attract all the people in front of her. What should she do?

"Xiaoting, hurry up, squat on the window sill and help me lift it.

She called Wu Ting over and gave up half her position.


The little girl climbed up and helped hold it up.

Su Jin jumped up and found a support point. Together, the two of them quietly lowered the big guy to the ground bit by bit.

"Okay! Xiaoting, you jump down, and then I send Xiao Xiao out and you pick it up. Can you do that?"

Su Jin felt that the child was obviously weak.

"no problem."

Wu Ting gasped for a few times, nodded, and jumped down first with Su Jin supporting her.

After landing safely, Su Jin returned to the house and carried Xiao Xiao out.

Wu Ting was small and had been hungry for two days, so she couldn't hold Xiao Xiao up. The two of them slid down the muddy ground full of white frost, making a little noise.

Xiao Xiao was hurt by the fall, his skin was scratched, and he almost screamed, but Wu Ting covered his mouth. The two children stared at each other, seeing the panic in each other's expressions.

"Can't bark."

Wu Ting warned in a low voice.

Xiao Xiao nodded.

At the right time, Su Jin crawled out, picked up Xiao Xiao, and asked, "Did it hurt after the fall?"


Xiao Xiao also lowered his voice.

"What do we do now?"

Wu Ting asked quietly.

Although they escaped from the house, there was a wall outside, so how could they get out?

"There's a dog hole over there, let's climb out and have a look..."

She took the two children and walked towards the dog hole where many bricks had been demolished.

There were random bricks all around the dog hole. Su Jin carefully moved them away one by one, then lay there and looked out to see what was going on outside the wall.

Separated by a wall, there was a long alley paved with bluestones, and opposite there was a dilapidated courtyard house. The wall had been knocked down in half, and sunlight was refracting from the broken walls, reflecting brightly into her joyful eyes. .

At the end of the road, there are pedestrians passing by...

Great, they can escape.

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