The Perfect Hidden Marriage

397, she said: Letting Su Jin die in glory will be her reward.

At dawn, Jin Hengyuan ushered in the sunrise in City A.

On January 1, 2014, he and his beloved woman were at home, admiring the first sunrise of the new year. When they stood hugging each other, each other's body temperature warmed each other's hearts and bodies, and they felt that their lives were the same. Like the rising sun, it will shine brightly for a long time.

On January 2, 2014, he squinted for a while, but his mind was still in chaos.

Opening the window, he let the cold morning wind blow on his face, but what was bothering him was the impatience in his heart.

The cold night passed like this.

He didn't know how Su Jin and Xiao Xiao survived this night!

I wonder if they didn’t feed them?

Where will they sleep at night? Will it be cold?

I don’t even know if they are scared or not.

He is afraid, and they must be afraid even more!

What is fear?

He finally realized it deeply.

Six years ago, when Gu Lijun had an accident, all he had in his heart was worry and self-blame for delaying registration due to official business.

At that time, what he was thinking was: he shouldn't just focus on work and put her feelings aside.

At that time, his liking for Gu Lijun was only at the level of liking her. Because she liked him, because he didn't resent her, and because she needed emotional sustenance, they came together.

At that time, he thought that if the person who wanted to marry him that time was Su Jin, his choice would be: make time to get the certificate first, and then do other things.

No matter how important work is, it is not as important as marriage.


But that day, between work and marriage, he chose to work first and then get married.

What does this indicate?

Gu Lijun's weight is not as heavy as she thought.

This person and him are dispensable.

It doesn't matter, without her, he won't feel like he has lost his soul.

Yes, when something happened to Gu Lijun, his mood was far less anxious. Sleep when it's time to sleep, eat when it's time to eat.

That worry is just a matter of responsibility.

After finding her, I wanted to marry her just to make up for it.

Yes, at that time, his anger and anxiety were all caused by his sense of responsibility and apology.

There are very few factors that come from love.

Now, what he felt was that he was on pins and needles and restless.

He is afraid of losing.

At this moment, they are in a hotel in City A.

Yes, they.

He, Jing Huan, mother, father, Chang Ning, Yi Fan, and Yi Ye are all here.

Together they were waiting for Zhou Wen's second prompt.

Last night, after determining the location of Zhou Wen when he answered the call, the mobile phone they found was placed in a public telephone hall with a sentence recorded on it: "Jin Hengyuan, if you got the mobile phone, congratulations." You are lucky because you have found the first tip ahead of time. The tip is on your phone.”

Jin Hengyuan found the prompt, which was a text message that had been compiled but not sent yet: "Room 5924, XX five-star hotel in city A."

After they arrived, they asked the front desk of the hotel in detail who had booked the room.

The other party claimed that it was ordered by a person who called himself "Mr. Jin" and also provided his ID number.

Obviously, they came prepared.

They are obviously in a passive state.

It was now six o'clock in the morning, and it was gradually getting brighter outside, but in his heart, there was still a dark cloud covering the sun.

The phone rang, it was Ji Beixun.

"What's new?"

Ji Beixun did not come with him. He was interrogating Xiao Zhiyue with Xiao Zhibei in Beijing.

"Yes, he told these few things."

Jin Hengyuan found a sofa near the window and sat down:

"Say it……"

After living for so many years, this was the first time he had encountered the previous incident. It made him so anxious that he wished he had installed a human locator in his wife's body. In this way, as long as he started chasing her here,

With the tracking function, you can find people instantly.

The impatience at this moment could only be calmed by holding that woman in his arms immediately.

But as luck would have it...

This can only be a kind of wishful thinking in his heart, a kind of silly thought.

Who knows where she is being held now!

"Before you say anything, you'd better be mentally prepared."

This dose of vaccination made Jin Hengyuan's heart tighten.

"What's wrong?"

"He confessed another incident with tears in his eyes."

Jin Hengyuan didn't answer anymore, just listened quietly, his heart sinking uncontrollably.

I don't know what else he did.

After checking and checking, he will be found out, which is something he never dreamed of.

Now, something else has actually been discovered.

"The deaths of Xiao Zhiyue and Xiao Zhicheng are indirectly related."

Like an invisible iron fist, Leng Bulingding punched him in the heart. It hurts, like my heart has been broken.

"According to Xiao Zhiyue's account: He recognized Kailiner only after Xiao Zhicheng was transferred back to China.

"At that time, he made friends with a few foreigners. Those people got some information from elsewhere and determined Xiao Zhicheng's real name. Then, they took Xiao Zhicheng's photo and asked him. The whereabouts of your eighth uncle is exactly What leaked out through his mouth... He said that Kailin had studied him carefully and found out two weaknesses in him: one was the death of the information clerk at the orphanage, and the other was the fact that he was physically disabled. "


Unexpectedly, Uncle Lian's death was related to him.

If his grandparents knew about this, they would probably be pissed to death by him.

He pinched his eyebrows and was speechless for a long time.

It’s so uncomfortable. Why did such a prodigal son appear in the family...

Why was it not him who died in the first place but Uncle Zhicheng?

Is it true that the saying goes: Good people live short lives, bad people live a thousand years?

"anything else?"

He suppressed his voice and asked.

“The second thing, you might be surprised.

“According to Xiao Zhiyue’s explanation, the Kailiner we captured was actually not the real Kailiner at all, but a substitute for Kailiner.

“The real Keliner is still lurking, and even he doesn’t know who that person is.

"He only knew that after the woman came to China, she married a rich man.

"Over the years, that woman has been controlling him and Zhou Wen through her right and left hands..."

Oh, this is really shocking news.

Jin Hengyuan pursed his lips, and his heart started beating wildly out of fear.

"The third thing, Kailiner sent someone to send a message to Xiao Zhicheng saying: She is tired of playing this game, so this time, she plans to end it. A beautiful ending. In revenge, we killed so many of her people, Letting Su Jin die with dignity will be her reward.

"Xiao Daoyue also said that he had already stayed out of this matter. Their plan had nothing to do with him... I was shocked when I found out about it, and I didn't know how to tell us. The last thing I expected was their The speed will be so fast.

"As for how they plan to let Su Jin die in style, he doesn't know."

Jin Hengyuan listened silently. He didn't say anything immediately. He just quietly thought about his thoughts in his heart, and then expressed his thoughts:

"He doesn't know about this plan, which is believable. Judging from his previous actions, he doesn't want to find fault. But, do you think he doesn't know the real Kailin?"

"I think the same thing as you."

Ji Beixun agreed.

"Did you ask what you wanted to know?"

"Tie Jing is still trying to trick him into progress yet...he bites his tongue and insists that he really doesn't recognize that Kai Lin'er."

"If he really doesn't recognize him, Kailin'er will definitely not let him go so easily. I'm thinking that this Kailin'er may have had plastic surgery, and he knows what kind of role she is playing now, and that woman is extremely It is possible that he cares about his current life. This just gives Xiao Zhiyue a chance to get rid of his control..."

This is what Jin Hengyuan concluded.

"Yeah, I think so too."

The two of them exchanged opinions with each other, and then hung up after a while, each going about his or her own business.

At that time, there was a knock on the door.

Jin Hengyuan went to knock on the door, but his mother Jin Yuan and his father Xiao Zhidong were standing at the door.

"Dad, Mom..."

Jin Yuan had deep bags under her eyes, and Xiao Zhidong looked like he hadn't slept all night.

"Did that woman call again?"

After stepping in, Jin Yuan asked earnestly.


Jin Hengyuan put his hands in his pockets:

"Mom, are you awake? You look so bad."

"How can you sleep?"

Jin Yuan pressed her temples and sighed with a heavy tone.

"Otherwise, you should go back to your room and take a rest... I will inform you if there is any news."

Because of Su Jin's incident, his mother had a very bad birthday, and he was really sorry for that.

"No, I don't need to rest. I'm just going to sit here for a while. I won't go anywhere, so I can be at ease... Don't try to persuade me..."

She sat on the sofa in the living room, leaned there and massaged her brain, murmuring: "I really can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out, Xiao Zhiyue, when did his psychology become so twisted...

"Also, if we follow what Ming Dan said, then you and Xiao Su will become cousins. In China, you cannot get married within three generations. You cannot have children... When I think about this, I feel very upset. , this is a rhythm that drives me crazy..."

The more she thought about these messy things, the more she got a headache.

Jin Hengyuan didn't answer.

Xiao Zhidong, as for Xiao Zhidong, silently went to get a glass of water, and at the same time handed over a plate of medicine to treat her headache. He knew that her old habit would occur whenever something difficult or annoying happened.

"Take one and calm down! Don't think too much!"

Jin Yuan looked at it, gave it a strange look, and finally took it:


She peeled one off and put it in her mouth and put it next to her ear, but she heard him say over there:

"Ayuan, the key now is to rescue Little Su, everything else is not the focus.

"Things that are prohibited in China may not be prohibited abroad. The worst case scenario is to immigrate. Two people are so happy, where can't they live together?

"You grew up in the UK, and they don't prohibit close relatives from marrying, right... So, those are not big things, you, stop thinking about it...

"You have been worried all night yesterday. Now it's better to calm down and take a good rest..."

It seems so!

Jin Yuan took a breath, drank some water, and swallowed the medicine. After putting down the cup, she leaned against the sofa and closed her eyes and stopped talking.

Xiao Zhidong watched quietly, with a soft light in his eyes.

The door was open. At the door, Yi Fan, who had just run out to buy medicine, couldn't find his wife when he returned to the room, so he ran over here and happened to see this scene.

Jin Hengyuan stood at the window watching the rising sun; Jin Yuan rested on the sofa; Xiao Zhidong covered her with a thin blanket——

A family of three, so cozy...

He walked around, leaned on the aisle, looked at the medicine in his hand, and quietly hid it in his pocket...

She didn't sleep last night, no matter how much he tried to persuade her, she fell asleep as soon as Xiao Zhidong persuaded her.


She has never forgotten him in her heart.

This made him extremely uncomfortable - digression - first update.

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