The Perfect Hidden Marriage

440, he said: If you can’t bear it, let’s separate; he was worried: this decision is too difficult

In order to find out what Yang Jiahui was thinking, Jin Hengyuan asked Su Jin to turn on the phone speaker when talking to her, so that Bo Feihong could listen to his wife's thoughts.

At this moment, Jin Hengyuan sat there leaning back, his eyes fell on Bo Feihong's face and he said:

"Did you hear that?

"Yang Jiahui still wants this family, and she still has high hopes for you.

"In this case, the main reason why things turned out like this lies with you.

"You had a cold war with Yang Jiahui over a harmonica, even if it was left by Fan Chunyan, you don't have to be so serious!

"Women are very sensitive animals. As for the two of you, you didn't get together because you liked each other from the beginning. You worked so hard to get close to each other because of Xiaomi Tuan.

"Although the Yang family didn't welcome you very much at first, no matter what, everyone finally agreed with you, right?

"I can also see that Yang Jiahui is working hard.

"Since she has this idea to live with you and you also want to be part of this family, then the only people you will be responsible for in the rest of your life are her and Xiaomi Tuan. For others, you can help if you can. If you can't help, you If you have to break up your family to help, you will definitely regret it later.

"In a word, do you still want this woman Yang Jiahui?"

He talked a lot, and finally he asked a concluding question.

Bo Feihong’s answer is very affirmative:

"Of course. But I can't ignore Mother Fan's side."

Anyway, he just wants to take care of both.

The question is: How can there be such a good thing in this world that you can have your cake and eat it too?

Jin Hengyuan can understand his feelings, but many things in the world are always difficult to have both ways.

"Since you want it, you are not allowed to go to Fan's mother's place in the future.

"I will take care of all the expenses there, and I will also ask someone to provide special care for the service. From now on, don't worry about those things anymore. From today on, try to find a way to coax your wife, don't do it because of this This thing has ruined everything you have finally achieved now. This is the most important thing..."

These words made Bo Feihong frown deeply.

"Why, are you so worried about Mother Fan?

"I want to ask you, you can't let go of Fan Chunyan's mother, so how do you make Yang Jiahui feel that you care about her? How do you ask her to leave the rest of her life to you?

"I know that you owe Fan Chunyan an unspeakable debt, and you always feel that she died in vain because of you. But in fact, she died because of the involvement of our Xiao family.

"So, it's normal and appropriate for you to visit once in a while. But if you treat someone like your own mother and neglect your wife, daughter and family, that's very inappropriate."

Just as he was talking, Jin Hengyuan saw Su Jin and Yang Jiahui walking over together.

"What are you talking about?"

Of course Su Jin knew what they were talking about, but he deliberately asked in order to bring them into their conversation.

At this time, the food had been served, and Su Jin was sitting opposite Jin Hengyuan. While the man was busy serving food to her, he pointed with his chopsticks to the silent couple beside him, and then said:

"We are talking about this pair of living treasures!

"Why should we fight if we have nothing to do? Is it interesting to tear down my small home for the sake of an outsider?

“Helping people is nothing but helping people, that’s something other than living a normal life.

"In order to help others, it makes life difficult for both of us, so who else can we help?

"The first priority is to directly help yourself and stabilize your life."

“Everything has a degree.

"Boss, you must master that speed."

Bo Feihong didn't speak, he just drank three small glasses in a row.

In this world, there are some who are lustful, some who like to gamble, some who like to drink, and Bo Feihong likes to drink. Normally, if nothing happens, even at home, he will take a few sips with meals. But I never drink hard. If something like this happened today, it meant that he was very upset.

Su Jin looked at it, exchanged glances with Jin Hengyuan, and started to persuade him in a tacit understanding:

"Yes, I was just talking about this with Jia Hui: Bo Feihong, please express your stance! What will you do next to protect your family?"

As for Bo Feihong, he continued drinking without saying a word.

This is half dead

Yang Jiahui was so angry that she gritted her teeth and stood up fiercely:

"You've all seen it, he's like this. Do you think he wants to live with me? I'm sorry, Xiao Jin, Brother Jin, I'm angry if I eat at the same table with him. Forgive me. The solution awaits..."

"Wait a moment……"

Su Jin quickly held Yang Jiahui's hand, and then looked at Bo Feihong anxiously: "Old Bo, you should say something..."

Jin Hengyuan couldn't help but tease his old friend: "Hey, old boy, what are you doing?"

Didn’t you just say it well?

Bo Feihong paused the cup of white wine in his hand, glanced at them, drank the wine, and then his eyes fell directly and deeply on Yang Jiahui, and stood up, and he was still a standard soldier. Standing posture:

"Jia Hui, I know that I'm not good enough, I'm not good-looking, and I'm not good at ability. I've never been the kind of man in your heart that you can look up to.

"I have worked hard on our relationship. I was so squeezed by your mother before, but I never gave up. My desire for you has always been very strong.

"In the past two years, I have been thinking about managing my life well, marrying you, and living a beautiful life with you.

"Now I have a few things that I must tell you clearly:

"One, Fan Chunyan and I have already passed. I took the harmonica with me. It was just a commemoration, and it had absolutely no other meaning.

"Second, I take care of Mother Fan. In my opinion, Chunyan's death is entirely my responsibility.

"Had I not gone to deal with some personal matters that day, I wouldn't have missed my appointment with Chunyan, and Chunyan wouldn't have been dragged to drink by Gu Lijun, and then fell into that disaster.

"I am a motherless person. After Chunyan died, I said in front of her grave that in this life, I will take care of her mother as my own mother.

"Men have to take responsibility for what they say.

"Third, I took your money to pay for medical expenses. It was my fault. But at the same time, I also said that I was willing to give you an IOU...

“But that doesn’t mean that I still think about Chunyan’s thoughts.

"Chunyan has been gone for so many years, and my heart has been dead for so many years.

"You saved my heart again.

"But just because of this, I can't ignore Mother Fan.

"As for Fan's mother, her son is a gangster who is very unsatisfied and cannot treat her. As for me, I happen to have some money, so I want to take care of Fan, both financially and in life. Mom, as my compensation for her old man.

"Jia Hui, I have been in the army for so many years. The army teaches us that as men, we must be responsible.

“From a big perspective, you have to sacrifice your personal interests for the interests of the country. From a personal moral perspective, you have to have the courage and courage to take responsibility.

"So, if you want me to let go of Mother Fan and just ignore her, I'm sorry, but I can't do that.

"Jia Hui, I am such a stubborn person. If you can stand it, just follow me. I said that I will treat you well all my life and will never have second thoughts. I can do this. If you can't stand it, we will Let's separate, I don't want to cause you any pain..."

After talking a lot, they finally came to such a result, which really made Yang Jiahui very angry:

"This is what you said, okay, we'll divide it up. You think I care about you..."

She was so angry that she was shaking all over. She immediately broke away from Su Jin's hand and walked out. She never wanted to waste any more words with this man.

Su Jin suddenly became anxious after hearing this. They were obviously here to persuade them to make peace, so why did they end up like this?

Oh, this Bo Feihong is really good at talking.

She wanted to pull, but failed, and staggered, but she felt a pain in her head, her eyesight went dark, the sound in her ears roared away, and she fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Jin Hengyuan's face suddenly changed at the sight. He wanted to grab it, but was still a step too late.

When Feishen arrived, she had already fallen onto the carpet.

"Xiao Su..."

He quickly hugged her into his arms.

This shout stopped Yang Jiahui from leaving. She turned around and saw this scene, her heart suddenly tightened, and she rushed over with a scream:

"Xiao Jin, why did you fall..."

Su Jin looked blank and showed no reaction.

That expression made Jin Hengyuan extremely scared.



"Xiao Su, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

He patted her face gently.

After a while, she reacted: she turned her head, stretched out her hand, and waved it randomly in front of her face. Then, her face turned as white as a piece of paper for a moment, her lips trembled, and her mouth was extremely wet. With difficulty, I uttered this sentence:

"I...I can't see...Hengyuan, I can't see my hands, I can't see you..."

Jin Hengyuan froze, and hurriedly reached out and shook her eyes. There was really no reaction. He immediately remembered what her attending physician had said before:

"If one day, she loses her sight, it means that she must undergo surgery. If not, she will most likely become mentally retarded due to damage to her brain nerves and lose all ability to take care of herself..."

God, how come this day comes so fast!

How many days have they had a comfortable life?

The condition was very good during the previous inspection. How can I say that it has deteriorated since it got worse?

"It's okay, it's okay, we'll go to the hospital right away. Xiao Su, you'll be fine."

He held her face in his hands extremely calmly, and while comforting her, he picked her up and ran out as fast as she could.


Yes, Su Jin is blind.

The doctor's diagnosis was that a craniotomy was necessary, and the problem would only get worse if it was delayed.

"What's the success rate?"

Jin Hengyuan asked in a deep voice the attending doctor who had been treating Su Jin for the past two years.

"I asked my teacher Robert to perform the operation on Mrs. Jin. The probability of success is 60%. If it were me, it would be only half."

The foreign doctor named White persuaded him in very jerky Chinese: "Mr. Jin Hengyuan, you have to understand one thing. Mrs. Jin is in the best physical condition now. The longer she delays, the worse the situation will get." Not ideal. The possibility of success will only get smaller and smaller...My suggestion is to have surgery as soon as possible...cannot delay it any longer..."

But this is not something that can be decided casually.

He was silent for a moment and shook hands with White:

"Thank you! I have to discuss this with my wife later."

"Yes, but it must be as soon as possible. The sooner, the greater the hope. I also hope that Mrs. Jin can get better."



When Jin Hengyuan returned to the ward, Su Jin was still sleeping, and Yang Jiahui and Bo Feihong were standing by with a look of guilt on their faces.

"Xiao Xiao, I'm sorry..."

Bo Feihong felt very sorry. If it hadn't been for them, Su Jin wouldn't have...

Jin Hengyuan shook his head: "This is none of your business. This situation will happen sooner or later. The hidden dangers always exist. You go back! I want to spend some time alone with Xiao Su."

He issued the expulsion order, not because of blame, but because he really didn't want anyone to disturb them again.

Yang Jiahui wanted to say something, but was finally pulled out by Bo Feihong.

Finally, he was the only one left in the ward, and she, who was sleeping deeply.

He walked over and sat on the bedside, guarding her, feeling confused.

There is a 60% chance, the risk index is too high, and there is a 40% chance that he may lose her again.

What should I do!

This decision is so difficult! ——Digression——First update, sorry, I took my son to see a movie yesterday. Throughout the summer vacation, I have been coding and have never taken my son out for a walk. Yesterday, I squeezed out a day to take him to see two movies. It was almost midnight when I finished the manuscript. I really didn’t have time to revise it, and it was really too late. I don't have time to change it, so I didn't have time to post it in Lingchen. It's even later today. Please forgive me. PS: There will be another update at around 12 o’clock.

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