The Perfect Hidden Marriage

441, she said: You will spoil me. He said: I just want to spoil you

Outside the ward.

Yang Jiahui sat on the aisle, feeling extremely uncomfortable. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry, so she kept pinching her eyebrows.

A few steps away, Bo Feihong was leaning against the wall, looking at the woman opposite, wanting to comfort her, but was unable to comfort her.

Although Jin Hengyuan said that he did not blame them for this matter, after all, it was because he acted as their peacemaker that Su Jin's situation became like this. This indeed made them feel very sorry - if, the couple If you have been doing well, this kind of thing will never happen again.

The cell phone rang at this time, and Bo Feihong answered it. It was because the company had something to do.

He responded a few times and came to Yang Jiahui: "Xiao Tao called and said that a representative of C1 Company is here and wants to talk to us about cooperation. Go back to the company! Stay here and we will help. Not too busy."

"Go ahead! I want to watch Su Jin wake up."

Yang Jiahui agreed quietly, her tone was so decadent.

"Jia Hui..."

She is really worrying.

"I said, I won't leave..."

She lowered her voice and stood up with an angry look on her face.

Bo Feihong immediately shut his mouth and looked at it intently, understanding one thing in his heart:

"Are you blaming me?"

"No, I don't blame anyone. I just want to sit quietly for a while. You are the director of the company's affairs. You can still do well without me, right? I don't want to be tied to you. Just now You have also said that we have broken up. Now, I am in a very bad mood. I want to take leave, I don’t want to go to the company. Director Bo, please let me go, okay? "

Yang Jiahui lost her usual calmness.

"But the other party needs you to explain your design blueprint. We can't delay work because of emotional matters. We have been eyeing this case of C1 Company for so long. Do you want to lose it just now?"

He tried to reason with her. Normally, it would be easy for her to make sense.

But today, she just got into trouble: "I said, I won't go, I won't go, I won't go..."

After she said "I won't go" a few times, she nervously grabbed her short hair:

"What I need is some quiet time alone."

Now she doesn't want to face him at all.

After saying that, she turned around and walked away.

Bo Feihong wanted to stop her, but finally swallowed it, turned around and hit the wall with his palm, feeling very upset.

Okay, how could they make such a fuss?



Su Jin woke up.

When I woke up, I saw total darkness.

It felt like it was back to when I first regained consciousness. My hearing became very sharp, but I couldn't see anything.

The difference was that at that time, her eyes were closed and she had no sense of touch: she could not feel any touch.

Now, her eyes are clearly open, but they are dark.

No matter how hard you blink, you just can't see the light.

Darkness is always scary.

However, she heard the sound of breathing, which sounded evenly in her ears. The light and cool breath was familiar to her.

Hengyuan was right next to him, with a pair of hands on his waist gently pressing him.

She moved, and the people around her noticed it immediately.

"Xiao Su, you're awake."

Jin Hengyuan took her hand over and touched his face.

It turned out that hearing his voice in the dark was so calming.

Especially the warmth on her fingertips, which seemed to be infinitely amplified because she couldn't see it, instantly dispelling the coldness in her heart.


She responded softly.

"Can you see me?"

He asked softly with a hopeful voice.

The result was destined to disappoint him.

"Can't see."

Very calm answer.

She smiled slightly: "However, I can feel that your hands are warm, your breathing is heavy, and your heartbeat is steady.

Tang sounds very good..."

She leaned over and pressed against his chest.

At that moment, his heartbeat was so reassuring to her.

Jin Hengyuan looked at her quietly:

There was no fuss or panic.

She is so calm. Who can adapt from the colorful world to eternal darkness all at once?

But she accepted it calmly.

He knew that she didn't want him to worry about her, so she acted so calmly.

He felt sorry for her, but faced with the current situation, he could do nothing. He could only let her hold her, and after a while he asked:

"Are you hungry?"

It's evening now.

He led her to sit up.

"Kind of."

She said with a slight smile.

"Wait, I asked Lao Xu to cook some dinner. Come on, try his craftsmanship."

He helped her down to the bed.

He understood that right now, she didn't need any comfort, she just needed to be treated as usual.

"Did Lao Xu do it, or did you do it?" she asked curiously.

"I made the porridge last time, and Lao Xu made today's dinner. I don't have time to cook... Lao Xu is also one of my teachers. The dishes he cooks are mainly light. They are very popular among patients and family members in this area. I like it. Be careful not to knock..."

He helped her sit up.

But next, how should we eat?

Su Jin was a little confused.

Whether she used chopsticks or a spoon, she couldn't eat the rice in the bowl accurately, and it spread all over the table.

"Don't laugh at me. I'm not used to living as a blind person yet. But it will get better gradually."

She was a little helpless.

After living for so many years, she never imagined that one day, she would even have trouble eating.

As for Jin Hengyuan, her nose felt sore, but she smiled, took the rice bowl from her hand, and said:

"Don't laugh. I'll feed you."

"You'll spoil me this way!"

For this reason, she even deliberately frowned.

"I just want to spoil you."

He said it very gently.

She was a little reluctant:

"Only three-year-olds need to be fed."

"Well, from now on, I will raise you as my daughter."

She chuckled.

He also smiled. At this moment, she naturally couldn't see how distressed he was smiling, because he brought pity into his laughter and didn't let her notice the pain in his heart:

"Come on, Xiao Su, be good and open your mouth when you're ready to eat!"

He brought the spoon to her mouth.

She opened her mouth, enjoying his doting.

For this, he was extremely satisfied, turned to look at the dishes on the table and asked:

"What to eat?"

"What have you done?"

Jin Hengyuan reported the name of the dish.


He immediately took it and put it into her mouth.

"Is it yummy?"


On the first day after Su Jin lost her sight, she had a warm meal accompanied by Jin Hengyuan.

During this time, she said: "When I was very young, my grandma fed me, but after that, I never enjoyed this kind of treatment again."

He was surprised and said "Oh": "You remember such a distant thing?"

She nodded: "I remember. I remember everything. But many times, I don't want to recall. Oh, by the way, after the accident, when I woke up, a nurse fed me... At that time, I Thinking how nice it would be if you were here.”

He said: "Congratulations, you got your wish. From now on, I will be responsible for your food. And I can feed you for the rest of your life."

It sounds like a favor, but thinking about it carefully makes you feel helpless.

She chuckled: "Aren't you bored?"



He answered firmly: "Don't worry. I will pamper you for the rest of my life."

She smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

I agreed very docilely, and the atmosphere was so warm.

But she knew in her heart that a lifetime could sometimes last for decades; it could also be a few days and pass by in a flash.

After experiencing life and death, the fragility of life gave her a deeper understanding. But now, when her eyes can no longer see her lover, she doesn't know how far she can go in the future, and neither does he.

In this case, what she wants is to create more happy memories and not to have regrets for the rest of her life, so she will follow him in everything.


Soon, the family knew about Su Jin's blindness.

The result: people come to see her every day.

Su Jin talked to them with a smile, and was so strong that everyone cried when they saw it.

And behind her back, they negotiated with the doctor again and again, always hoping to get a higher probability from the doctor's mouth.

However, the doctor told them respectfully: 60%, that is the highest probability.

This made them extremely uneasy.

In the next few days, Su Jin underwent all the necessary examinations, and all indicators met the requirements for surgery. But no one can make the decision whether to have surgery or not.

There will be life and there will be death, and the ratio is still so large.

Two years ago, Su Jin died in the sea. Because of this, Jin Hengyuan could not smile for two years. There was even a period of time when his spirit was so dazed that he had to see a psychiatrist. Later, he finally cheered up, but his heart was completely dead. Likewise, there is no passion for anything, and living has become just an expression of responsibility for one's parents.

If Su Jin doesn't survive this time, no one can predict what Jin Hengyuan will become! ——Digression——See you tomorrow. Please give me monthly passes, dears. If you still have monthly passes, can you give them to Chen...

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