The Perfect Hidden Marriage

442, the crux of the problem is: is it spiritual cheating?

On Saturday afternoon, Yang Jiahui brought her daughter Xiaomi Tuan to visit Su Jin.

Although she couldn't see the child, Su Jin couldn't help but hug the soft little baby.

When she heard her child calling "Auntie" tenderly, her whole face smiled softly, and she said with emotion: "If my child was still here, he could be friends with Xiaomi Tuan now, how interesting it would be..."

Yang Jiahui felt sad when she heard this, knowing that she regretted not being able to keep the child in the house.

However, if you think about that situation, if you really want to save it, the child may become deformed because of the mother's daily injections and IV drips.

Rather than this, it would be better not to keep it, and feel sad for a while, but without the regret later, and the pain of raising a disabled child.

"Xiao Jin, as long as you get the surgery quickly and take good care of yourself, you won't have to worry about having children. You can have a good couple by then, and then we can go swimming together, with the children running in front. We are chasing after..."

This is a word of encouragement.

In fact, they are not sure whether there will be such a scene in the future.

Su Jin smiled, did not respond, and just asked:

"How have you and Lao Bo been doing these past few days?"

As soon as this person was mentioned, Yang Jiahui felt bored. She didn't want to answer, but she saw her good friend staring at her. Although she knew she couldn't see her, the look of expectation in her eyes that she wanted to know the latest situation showed, But it was something she couldn't ignore.

"It's impossible for us anymore! He is still the same as before. After work every day, he goes to see the Fan family like a filial son. His daughter is no longer important in his eyes."

At the end of the sentence, the tone was breathy and bitter.

"How could it not be important? Jia Hui, please don't say that in front of your children..."

Su Jin gently blamed her, but fortunately the child was still young.

As for Yang Jiahui, thinking that Su Jin had become like this now, how could she bother her with her own affairs anymore, she immediately changed her tune:

"Okay, okay, I know what I should do. You, please don't worry about me. Just look after yourself..."

But the more she behaved like this, the more worried Su Jin became.

After Yang Jiahui left, she forced Jin Hengyuan to call Bo Feihong and asked him to come. She wanted to talk to him again:

How could such a good couple get into such a mess?

But her man was not very happy and said, "They are all adults, and they will have a sense of how to deal with it. It is not good for us to interfere too much."

He didn't want her to worry too much.

"No. Anyway, I want to talk to Lao Bo. I can't watch them go further and further away... If you don't want to call, just give me your phone and I'll call."

Su Jin persisted with such persistence that Jin Hengyuan couldn't handle it, and in the end Bo Feihong was invited.


While Su Jin was talking to Bo Feihong, Jin Hengyuan was not there and went to the doctor's office. It was a cute little nurse who came here specially to invite me. I don’t know why?

That's not what Su Jin wants to care about. At the moment, she is most concerned about Bo Feihong and Yang Jiahui.

"Old Bo, you should be able to guess why I invited you here, right..."

Leaning on the sofa, Bo Feihong sat opposite.

She couldn't see it, but through the sound, she could correctly judge that Lao Bo was sitting opposite.

"Su Jin, the most important thing now is that you should calm down and take care of yourself instead of worrying about me and Jia Hui..."

Bo Feihong looked at this strong woman and wanted to persuade her to stop meddling in their affairs.

But the unwillingness to compromise on her face told him that there was no way she could give up this idea.

"Lao Bo, Jia Hui, me, and Han Tong, the three of us have been accompanying each other since childhood and stepped into society step by step.

“Our biggest wish is that all three of us can marry the men they love and live out their lives without regrets.

"Now, Xiaotong is abroad, and I am beyond my control as to whether Xiaotong's life is good or bad, but Jia Hui is by my side and knows that your life is not going as well as you want. How could I not care about you?"

Su Jin quietly expressed her inner thoughts. At this moment, she suddenly sighed softly:

"You also know my situation. Once I undergo surgery, life or death will be unpredictable. Boss, if I don't care about you now, in the future, maybe I won't have the chance to care..."


Don't talk nonsense, you will be fine... stop saying depressing words. "

Bo Feihong immediately interrupted. He really didn't like hearing such unlucky words.

Su Jin smiled, not caring about the luck or bad luck, and said with emotion:

"There is nothing to be taboo about. I also hope that I can be well, but matters of life and death are often beyond my control. Unlike other things, if you work hard, you may be able to change the development of the situation.

"In my opinion, except for death, everything else can be changed more or less through one's own efforts, and the probability of change is quite high.

"So, Boss, please tell me: That day you insisted without giving up that you couldn't ignore Mother Fan, and you said it so stubbornly. Did you have any other thoughts in your mind?"

The room was silent for a while.

Bo Feihong was naturally surprised, Su Jin was really as considerate as dust!

"Old Bo..."

she urged him.

Over there, Bo Feihong sighed deeply. Originally he didn't want to say more, but since this girl was so concerned. In order to allow her to have a good rest, it is not impossible to say something clearly.

He thought for a while before speaking his mind:

"Su Jin, I am self-aware and know that I don't have much education. Unlike Xiao Xiao, who is eloquent, capable, good-looking, and easy to attract the attention of women. I also know that I am not the one that Jia Hui likes. That kind of man.

"She should like a man with high intelligence and good looks.

"If we hadn't slept together, maybe we could have been brothers for life. But because of Xiaomi Tuan, we both wanted to get closer to each other for the sake of our children.

"Yes, we have gotten along pretty well in the past two years. However, as time went by, problems emerged one after another.

"The fact that I take care of Mrs. Fan is just one of the contradictions.

"Another contradiction, I know that Jia Hui has someone else in her heart. She has also met that person several times in private. She never forgets that person..."

This last statement made Su Jin extremely surprised:

"This is impossible!"

According to him, Jia Hui's spirit was cheating?

"Jia Hui Ming Ming..."

She wanted to defend her friend, but Bo Feihong said:

"Lang Dashan, you recognize it, right?"

Hearing this name again, Su Jin felt like he was in another world.

Of course she recognized it, it was Jia Hui's first love.

"What's up with him?"

"In the past, Lang Dashan was a poor boy from the mountains; however, he is no longer the same as before..."

Bo Feihong's deep voice reached Su Jin's ears:

“He was married and made a fortune through his wife’s natal family.

"At the beginning of January last year, his wife fell ill and died. In March this year, Lang Dashan came to see Jia Hui.

"The man said that the reason why he left Jia Hui was because Yang's mother arranged it. Yang's mother did not allow them to be together. She put pressure on him.

"In addition, something big happened to their family at that time, so he was determined to break up with her.

"After that, under the introduction of a relative, he married the daughter of a wealthy family through a blind date. His health was not very good. He passed away within a few years.

"He said that he had never forgotten her over the years.

“That time he came here just to get back on track with her.

"By the way, Nalang Dashan also looked for me. He told me all this. He hoped that I could let go.

"My answer is: Who does Jia Hui want to live with? It's up to her to decide. Don't ask me.

"In my opinion, although she and I live together, in fact, we have neither a marriage contract nor a registration, so I have no right to influence her future.

"And it was after that incident that Jia Hui was always in a trance. I also personally saw them making an appointment to meet together in private, and I also saw Lang Dashan hugging her..."

These words were spoken with certainty.

"No, no, there must be a misunderstanding. I can see that Jia Hui cares about you. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so sad...Boss, I think you two really need to have a frank talk. Already..."

Her intuition told her that this was definitely not the case.

"Otherwise, I'll call Jia Hui and ask her to come guys should explain it to me face to face..."

She groped up, trying to find her phone, but she didn't want to be tripped, so she fell down involuntarily.

Almost at the same time, a pair of arms snatched her away, and a helpless and annoyed voice sounded in her ears:

"Su Jin, when can you think about yourself... just talk, sit down and sit down, why are you wandering around?"

Jin Hengyuan didn't know when he walked in and caught her in time.

"It's okay, it's okay, I... I just wanted to call Jia Hui..."

At this moment, Bo Feihong's cell phone rang. He took a look and was a little surprised because it was Yang Jiahui's number - this woman used to call him constantly, but now, she almost never talks on the phone.

"Hey...Jia Hui..."

He got through.

The next moment, his expression changed drastically, and he stood up in confusion:

"Just wait, I'll be right over!"

Immediately afterwards, he gave a few more serious warnings, and then hurriedly hung up...

"What happened?"

Jin Hengyuan asked with great concern and found that Bo Feihong's face was serious.

Bo Feihong replied: "Something happened to Jia Hui. She was locked in the elevator. The signal inside was not good and she couldn't contact anyone... I have to go there right away... If anything happens, we will contact you later."

He walked as fast as flying and ducked out of the way of Jin Hengyuan and Su Jin.

"Hey, Bo, after the matter is resolved, please give me a call to say that I'm safe!"

But this man was so fast that he didn't even have time to stop him, so he didn't bother to answer.

"Oh, you obviously care a lot, but you still want to break up. These two people have emotional intelligence problems..."

Su Jin leaned into Jin Hengyuan's arms and muttered.

But the man snorted coldly: "Your emotional intelligence is not very good either..."

Su Jin could only smile naively: It seems so!

"Get some rest, dear. I've been busy with all these messy things all afternoon without even taking a break. Do you want to take care of me?"

There was blame in his words, but his concern was obvious.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to have a rest right away, I'm going to have a rest right away... But you have to accompany me..."

"Hmph, do you still need my company?"

"Of course you need it!"

"I don't think you need it."

"You're jealous..."

"Yes, I'm jealous! You care too much. If I had known this, I wouldn't have told you anything."

Su Jin smiled, gropingly kissed him on the lips, and asked flatteringly:

"Are you still jealous like this?"

"Su Jin, don't think that this trick will work every time, well..."

She kissed him deeply: he must have felt that her kiss was too insincere...then she would show her sincerity properly...

By the way, this trick definitely works. Look, a certain man suddenly forgot to complain...

Ha, this is a great trick! ——Digression——First update. One more update. Please vote for me!

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