The Perfect Hidden Marriage

499, unrequited love 39, she said, there is no mystery, but she has hallucinations, drunken chaos...


She blinked suddenly, as if she was thinking about it, and her drunken and hazy look was very cute.

"For what? Forced"

He stroked her hair. The silky and satin feel was so good that people couldn't put it down.

"So familiar..."

She narrowed her eyes into a thin line and thought carefully for a while:

"To me, you have no mystery at all, no room for imagination...

"When I hold your hand, it's like my left hand holding my right hand. There's no blush or heartbeat at all.

"Yes, that's it.

"Also, you are too stupid and will only let me bully you...a bit...boring...

"You are so much older than me. You like a stable life and don't like taking risks; I am different. I like to travel around the world and am full of curiosity about everything.

"We're not on the same page. We can't integrate!

"That's probably all..."

After hearing this, Jin Changning suddenly had a dark look on his face.

You have bullied him since childhood, but you still have the nerve to call him boring?

It seems that this girl really needs to be dealt with. I really can't look good on her in the future.

"Huanhuan, are you sure you really understand me?" He asked enigmatically.


She tried her best to open her eyes wide, so that her innocent expression looked gloomy.

"Then let me ask you, what flowers do I like? What is my favorite dish? What do I most want to do? Which country would I most like to go to? Who is the person I admire the most? What is my biggest dream? Mine How do you plan your spare time..."

He threw out a series of questions like a machine gun, staring with burning eyes:

"Huanhuan, how many of these most basic daily habits can you answer?"

In fact, at this moment, Xiao Jinghuan's brain had been damaged by alcohol. Then, after hearing so many questions, she suddenly realized that she knew very little about her.

"The flower you like is peony."

She racked her brains and came up with the answer.

"Yes, my favorite flower is prickly pear."

"Your favorite dish is pork rib soup."

"Yes, what I like to eat is the old duck pot."

“What you want to do most is to be an excellent legal practitioner.

"Wrong, what I want to do most is to marry you..."

The last answer he gave was extremely gentle.

Xiao Jinghuan didn't pay attention. She only knew one thing:

She answered three questions in a row incorrectly.

She felt extremely dizzy, and then she smiled awkwardly, feeling a little unable to get off the stage. In the end, she even started to cheat:

"How could I not know any of it? No, you must be trying to contradict me on purpose?"

"No. Huanhuan, this can only mean that you have never really understood me. All this time, when you get along with me, you only know one thing..."

"What's up?"

She asked for advice like a good student.

"You only know how to exploit me whenever you have free time, and send me orders whenever something happens. When did you calm down and think about what I like and what I dislike?"

Probably because she was too dependent and too willful, she only knew how to ask for him and never knew anything in return.

She has long been accustomed to asking for these things, and he has become accustomed to giving them.

Just like parents' love for their children, they always give blindly, but the children are spoiled and always think that this kind of selfless love is a matter of course, neglecting that they should also respond to this love.

And this kind of sacrifice is not easy, and only when the children become parents will they understand the parents' heart.

Xiao Jinghuan squinted her eyes there for a while, as if she was drunk and sober, and sighed inexplicably:

"It really is……"

She reflected on it carefully and thought about it carefully:

On her birthday, he would always give her some small homemade gifts. On his birthday, she would always find out at the end, and the gift would always be late.

He would attend all her graduation ceremonies, and he

Tang's graduation ceremony, she is always busy with her things.

When she was sick, he would always stay by her bedside and tell stories, but he didn't seem to be sick.

When she quarreled with her family, he would always be the first to comfort her, but he was never in any condition and never needed her comfort...


She looked at the ceiling, her mind clear for a while and confused for a while, a little unclear whether this was a dream or reality. She didn't understand why she was thinking so deeply about her and Jin Changning's past at this moment.

For a moment, she thought, what's there to think about? He's her brother. He's so much older than her, so he should be nice to her. For example, she doesn't fully understand her brother's preferences. What's the big deal? .

She frowned for a while, thinking of that kiss, the passionate kiss, which shocked her so much that she became very confused.

For a while, my head hurt so bad, it felt like I didn’t know where I was, it was so disturbing, my eyebrows were wrinkled...

"Okay, close your eyes, don't think about anything, and rest! I'm going to sleep too!"

Jin Changning didn't know what she was thinking, and he didn't want to talk to a drunk cat anymore. He touched her hair, told her to sleep, and prepared to leave and go back to the study to sleep.

He felt that he shouldn't stay here any longer. This was really a test of his willpower.

Although his willpower was quite firm, he was not sure he could resist the beauty.

"what time is it now?"

Xiao Jinghuan turned around and took a look, asking seriously.

"It's almost time."

"Well, it's time to sleep."

She suddenly rolled to the side, giving up half of the bed, and patted the pillow.

"Go to sleep!"

Jin Changning was stunned for a moment:

"You...let me sleep here?"

"Well. We didn't always sleep like this before, right? You told me stories... the stories you told were quite nice..."


What's going on?

Drunk and confused?

It must have been before she was twelve years old that they slept in the same bed!




While Jin Changning was thinking attentively, he suddenly didn't want to understand what kind of mental state she was in now, so he shamelessly planned to take advantage of the situation, and slipped under the thin quilt.

Then, the furry little head rolled back and rolled into his arms, grabbed his waist, found a suitable position like he did when he was a child, and fell asleep...

He was secretly happy, but because of her move, the hairs all over his body stood up.

It was really terrible. His willpower was already on the verge of collapse. How could she bother him and tease him like this?

At this moment, he truly felt that another terrible change had occurred in his physiology. His whole body became hot and manic, and his heart was beating rapidly... There was an impulse running through his blood vessels.


He whispered hoarsely.

"Don't make any noise."

She wanted to sleep.

"Let go."

"don't want."

"Huanhuan, I can't stand it anymore..."

"Can't stand what?"

She was confused. When she finally opened her beautiful, drunken eyes again, hallucinations appeared in her eyes. That face turned into Shao Feng's face. No, no, what does it mean to become? He was originally good... …

Look, those gentle and affectionate eyes are as passionate as ever.

Oh, this cold person is always unrestrained in bed.

She looked at it and suddenly smiled, extremely beautiful.

He was so tempted that he finally couldn't help it, came over and captured her lips...

She didn't refuse, and a wave of heat spread over her. When she felt his invasion, the most primitive female self-consciousness in her body seemed to be drawn back.

The next moment, she hooked her arms around his neck and kissed him back, so passionately... that he almost lost his mind...

"Huanhuan, I want you, is that okay?


Holding on to the last ounce of lucidity, he asked her for permission to go further.

Without thinking about anything, she touched his abdomen and crawled in. His whole body shivered, and things got out of control.


In the early morning, the alarm clock rang.

Xiao Jinghuan instinctively sat up from the bed and scratched her head. She had a headache. She seemed to have drank too much yesterday.

Alas, she was turning into an alcoholic and couldn't stop drinking. If you can't stop and keep it, something will happen.

Oh, by the way, how did she get home last night?

It seemed that he was brought back by Jin Changning.

Huh, how did this guy find her?

She tapped her forehead and was about to crawl over and turn off the damn alarm clock.

Who opened it is really disturbing.

The light clicked on. It wasn't her who turned it on. Someone sat up next to her.

"It's half past five, get up... I'll go down and buy breakfast... Huanhuan, please move faster..."

Jin Changning lowered his upper body and stepped off the bed, wearing only a pair of tight underwear. A lean body, fair and clean, with wide shoulders and narrow hips, full of strength. I have to say that this figure is really great...

No, no, that's not the point, the point is...

She slowly lowered her head, and then saw her naked body...


A scream burst out of his throat without warning. ---Digression---First update.

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