The Perfect Hidden Marriage

500, unrequited love 40, indecent assault? Are you sure this is the truth? (Don’t miss it)

The man was not frightened at all. He only paused for a moment. Then, he calmly walked to the semi-open dressing room. From the closet, he slowly picked out a pair of black trousers and paired them with a white trousers. Putting on his shirt, twisting the buttons, he walked over.

His expression became extremely unfathomable at this moment:

"what's your name?"

"Jin Changning, how could you be so despicable and shameless? How could you molest me while I was drunk and unconscious?"

Xiao Jinghuan covered her chest with the quilt and immediately glared at each other.

She was heartbroken. She never dreamed that one day she would be bullied by the person she trusted the most.

Jin Changning raised his eyebrows, but was not angry. Instead, he sat beside the bed and stared down at him:

"Indecent assault? Are you sure this is the truth?"

He was buttoning his buttons, but because of these words, he unbuttoned them again, then pulled the collar of his shirt back and pointed to the tooth mark on his left shoulder, the red wound, which was so obvious:

"My dear wife, the blood on this is not dry yet. I can't possibly have bitten it myself..."

Of course, in that position, he definitely couldn't bite.

"Could it be...could it be that I bit it?"

Xiao Jinghuan stared at it for a moment, her head started to feel dizzy again, and then she asked in a low voice, very uncertain.

Jin Changning raised his lips and smiled, pointing to his forehead: "Huanhuan, before you accuse me, you should carefully recall what you did last night... I will give you five minutes without interruption to recall by yourself. I will first Go brush your teeth..."

He walked calmly to the bathroom.

However, he did not brush his teeth. Instead, he used a makeup mirror to reflect the situation on the other side of the bed.

At this moment, he only saw her grabbing his hair fiercely, thinking hard, her expression became frightened little by little, and finally she covered her mouth in shock, her beautiful body with her shoulders exposed, inch by inch. and slid under the quilt.

Obviously, she must have remembered everything and was so ashamed...

He curled his lips in a smile.

When you return to the bathroom, who is the man in the mirror with a mischievous smile and a look of success?

Why doesn't he recognize this face?

It turns out that he can be so evil sometimes!

Ha, as expected, it is true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.

Jin Changning had some fun for a while, brushed his teeth, then walked out with a serious look on his face and stood next to the bed.

A certain person is now completely covered under the quilt. Does this mean he is ashamed and embarrassed?

"Huanhuan, why are you covering yourself up?"

"you go."

Xiao Jinghuan shouted in extreme frustration.

"Are you angry with me or yourself? Huanhuan, this is normal, isn't it? We are husband and wife..."

He emphasized matter-of-factly, his voice sounding extremely happy.

Well, how could he not be happy? He got what he had always dreamed of.

But for Xiao Jinghuan, this was simply a stimulus.

"Shut up, get out, get out, you bad guy, you know that I'm drunk, but you still follow me around, Jin Changning, get out of here..."

Xiao Jinghuan screamed bitterly under the quilt.

Although she initiated this matter, most of the responsibility still lies with him, and he didn't drink, so he actually solidified the relationship between husband and wife in this way.

He clearly did it on purpose.

"You can go out, but you have to get dressed and go out for breakfast within half an hour. We have a flight at 7:30. You can't mess around with work matters. If you dare not come out in half an hour, I will come in. You pull me out of the turtle shell. Huanhuan, did you hear that? I promise I will do what I say..."

He is a lawyer and knows how to negotiate with people best.

"I know, I know……"

She was shouting irritably.

Now, she just wants to be quiet.

Jin Changning took a look and smiled when he turned around, feeling very happy.


Over there, Xiao Jinghuan was going crazy under the quilt.

I remember it, I remember it all.

She thought she was dreaming, but it turned out to be true.

It's all alcohol that's doing the trick.

She felt as if she had gone back in time, her soul seemed to have entered Xiao Huanhuan's body. She was sleeping hazily when she suddenly saw the light in the room turn on. Jin Changning was sitting next to her in pajamas, watching warmly and quietly. she. The eyes are extremely gentle. It makes people feel warm in their hearts.

This kind of picture is too familiar.

When she was a child, she often saw him coming to the room to check if the quilt had fallen off.

At that moment, real thoughts and some childhood pictures created an illusion of time and space. So, as a young Jing Huan, she asked an adult Jing Huan what she wanted to know:

"what do you like about me?"

Later, they had a conversation without a word. She asked a little too deeply and spoke out everything that was on her mind, and he answered her one by one, leaving her speechless.

Later, when he said he was going to sleep, she gave up half of the bed.

It really doesn't mean anything else.

At that moment, her soul completely shrank into Xiao Jinghuan's body, and she thought it was normal to sleep together. When she was little, she loved sleeping on him. His arms were warm.

Later, she seemed to feel a different temperature.

This strange body temperature seems familiar.

She looked up and saw Shao Feng. He lowered his head to kiss her. She was so happy that she kissed him back without thinking, and touched places she shouldn't have... peeled him clean...

Throughout the whole process, she was very proactive, enthusiastic, and desperate...

In the end, she was so tired that she fell asleep, also because of alcohol...

Xiao Jinghuan hit the wall with hatred.

She sat up and wanted to chop off her hands.

It was actually him who flirted with him.

It was actually him who broke this layer of defense.

In less than a week from her brother's wedding to last night, she was thinking about how to divorce her, but in the end, she had such a continuous relationship with him.


She's going crazy, she's going crazy.

Frustrated, she rushed into the bathroom, stood under the lotus flower head, and washed away desperately.


But the feeling of being caressed by him seemed to become more and more obvious. When their bodies merged, she felt extremely...

Oh, my God, my God!

What did she do?

What has she done?

How can this be?

But it was impossible to turn back time and erase memories. It was a naked fact that she had gone to bed with him...

What a mess!

Under the lotus flowers, she hit the wall in distress, wanting to look up to the sky and scream:

God, you didn’t play like this!


Jin Hengyuan came back with breakfast and had it ready. Xiao Jinghuan hadn't come out yet, so he had to rush him.

There was no one in the room and the bathroom door was locked.

He went to knock on the door.

"Huanhuan, are you okay?"

no sound.


Still no sound.

"Huanhuan, if you don't answer me again, I'll kick in the door and come in..."

This time, there was finally a reaction. The door opened suddenly, and a angry face appeared:

"Jin Changning, how can you bite me like this? Things are like this here, and you can't wear high collars. Tell me, how do you want me to go out to meet people?"

She pushed her still wet hair to one side and pointed at the two or three very obvious kiss marks on the back of her neck, which were green and purple on the snow-white skin. She was furious, with sparks in her eyes.

Jin Changning took a look and said, "Oh, please forgive him. He couldn't control himself. He couldn't hold it back for a moment, so he said it without any seriousness:

"Next time I will pay attention."

Xiao Jinghuan: "..."

He, he, he actually wanted to have a next time.

She looked choked and stepped back in horror.

He didn't know what she was thinking, so he picked her up, studied her carefully and continued:

"Wait for some medicine. As for today, just wear your hair... Come, I will blow dry you, hurry up..."

He wanted to hold her hand, but she was so frightened that she hid, slammed the door again, and screamed with gritted teeth:

"I don't want you to be pretentious, I'll do it myself! Jin Changning, you are a complete hypocrite. I will remember you..."

He was startled, then touched his nose, smiled, and finally said happily:

"Huanhuan, a gentleman means one who has both ability and political integrity, is well-mannered, does something good and does something else, is good at helping the world, and is poor when he is alone. This is the ideal personality that Chinese people have been pursuing for more than two thousand years.

"Please remember, that is an ideal personality, and since it is an ideal personality, many people must not be able to achieve it.

"I never think that I am a gentleman. In bed, you have to follow the rules of husband and wife. Huanhuan, I think you did a good job and I cooperated well. Don't be angry. Come out for breakfast..."

Xiao Jinghuan: "..."

She thought of a saying: The hooligans are not to be feared, but the hooligans are literate.

She had known him for more than twenty years, but it was only today that she discovered: It turned out that he was just a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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