The Perfect Hidden Marriage

716, Unexpected Marriage 39 You are in love with her, right?

716, Unexpected Marriage 39 You are in love with her, right?

A night of nightmares.

There were layers of fog in the dream that could not be cleared away. She could not find a way out in the fog. She did not know where she was going or where she was going. She only knew that she was in a hurry.

At this time, Peng Boran suddenly appeared with a smile and stretched out his hand to her:

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the sunrise."

That troubled heart miraculously calmed down because of seeing him, and she responded without even thinking:


So, he grabbed her hand and ran forward.

Along the way, the thick smoke turned into streaks of light and shadow, quickly disappearing behind them.

The wind blew my hair, and my heart became lightened inexplicably. All the anxiety and chaos disappeared.

The next moment, the white fog cleared and the sun suddenly appeared. They were walking on the cliff, and there was a cliff thousands of meters below their feet.

She was startled and pulled him in front of her. It was obviously supposed to be a pull, but somehow it turned into a push.

As soon as the camera changed, he fell down. She woke up with a scream, but she was in the ward.

"What, are you having a nightmare?"

The nurse who came to check the patient's temperature asked softly.

She ignored the sweat on her forehead and asked urgently: "What time is it now? Is the patient's surgery ready?"

"It's been done a long time ago. It's almost eight o'clock. You slept deeply last night."

"Then where is he now?"

"He has been sent to the general ward and the operation was successful. Don't worry..."

"Where is the ward?"

After a night's sleep, her body felt much better. Kuang Meiyun immediately sat up and put on her shoes.

"On the eighth floor. But you have to take your temperature first..."

This is the hospital's rule.

She held back and took her temperature. Naturally, there was no fever, but she was very dizzy, but she held on to the wall and still insisted on going out.

The nurse followed: "Are you okay?"


"I'd better help you over!"

"No, I can do it."


Following the location indicated by the nurse, Kuang Meiyun went there.

When she got to the eighth floor and looked at the ward number, she had some doubts in her mind: That guy has changed his gender and actually lives in an ordinary three-person ward?

In a blink of an eye, he thought, since he didn't come in consciously, how could he arrange the ward according to his own high standards for living in it.

She walked in. There were three beds inside.

She looked for them one by one, but found none of them.

Where are people?

Was it the wrong ward?

She came out and looked again, the bed number was correct...

"I'm sorry, nurse, where is Peng Boran who lives in 806? He's the one who was sent in for emergency treatment after being hit at the hospital entrance yesterday."

She went to the nurse's desk to ask.

The nurse glanced at her and said in surprise: "There is no one named Peng Boran in 806. Are you mistaken?"

It turned out that the nurse had indeed made a mistake.

Later, an informed nurse came and gave Kuang Meiyun a correct reply: "Peng Boran has been admitted to the VIP ward. The injury is not serious. He is just comatose. He should be awake by now."

No surgery?

Just comatose?

Thank God.

Kuang Meiyun's face suddenly showed joy. She did not care about the previous mistake with them, but asked for the room number and hurried to the VIP ward.


The door of the VIP ward was ajar, and a low voice came from inside:

"Finally it's not hot anymore. It's okay. You have a good foundation and you will be able to recover quickly."

It was Shirley Ann, her voice was so gentle and gentle, making people think that she was the kind of good lady who was kind and virtuous.

She stood at the door and looked. Shirley was sitting by the bed, taking care of the people on the bed. Her heart tightened strangely - was this woman here with him last night?

"Want some water?"


"Drink slowly."


Peng Boran's voice was weak and seemed a bit light.

Shirley Ann's voice was soft:

"You don't have to be so polite with me."

Peng Boran said no more.

"You can go back to sleep! I'll be watching over here! This fever probably won't go away for a while. I'm sure I'll still have to drink fluids..."

"Can't sleep. How is A Si?"

"Not too optimistic."

"Aqiao and the others have been here?"

"Been here. Then they went to track down the perpetrators. This is what Azi said. Yesterday was so dangerous. Why were you so desperate? Seeing you being knocked out really scared me to death... Edward , are you always so desperate when investigating cases?"

Her voice was full of lingering shock.

"Sometimes there are risks, but more often than not, there is no danger. Especially in China. Holding guns is illegal. Relatively speaking, it is safer."

He responded in a hoarse voice.

"From now on, don't work so hard. It's really heartbreaking to watch. Although you are a man, you are not made of iron. You are all flesh and blood. Your body and bones cannot withstand such torture. The hospital is still a rare place. It's a good idea to come. It's very unlucky."

"If you want me to work hard, it depends on the person."

He said calmly:

"Isn't she awake yet?"

"I heard that I woke up once and then fell asleep again. But the doctor said it's nothing serious."


"Are you so desperate just because she is your son's mother?"

She asked again softly.

There was silence in the room, and after a while he responded calmly:

"A child can live without a father, but not a mother."

Shirley Ann was silent for a long time, then gently continued:

"I've known you for so many years, and for the first time I realize that you don't hate children at all. It seems that your previous behavior of avoiding children was just because you haven't met a child who can develop the sense of fatherhood in you."

"Maybe. This feeling is very subtle."

"I believe it must be very subtle. Only by experiencing things like flesh-and-blood family love in person can you know what maternal love is and what father's love is... Well, I have decided that I want to be a mother early."

When she said this, there was more yearning in her voice.

"As long as you think about it, this kind of thing is not difficult..."

This back-and-forth conversation has the flavor of a couple who have been together for many years: it is so warm that one cannot bear to destroy it.

Kuang Meiyun's steps were deeply stumbling, and the urge to go in just disappeared.

The facts are already there: this man saved her just because she was the mother of his son.

Gritting her teeth, she turned around and walked out, feeling extremely frustrated. She thought about how Shirley Ann had pushed Peng Boran away so hard before. After all, she loved this man very much. Judging from their conversation, Xiaoyin may have younger siblings in the near future...

Such a future was originally not something that would be particularly surprising, but for her today, how could it become so unacceptable?

She leaned against the wall outside the door, breathing secretly, trying to control the mood that had become particularly bad. She couldn't figure out what was wrong with her.

Do you really like this man?

When she thought of the word "like", her eyebrows were completely knotted.

How could she fall in love with this man?

This is a really, really bad thing.

In a daze, she walked out of the VIP ward, got on the elevator, and went all the way downstairs. When she walked out along the flow of people, she was confused and walked toward the garden behind the inpatient department. Her heart was dull. I feel so uncomfortable and frustrated, and I don’t understand, why am I so unlucky?

Sitting there, she was in a daze for a while, shocked by her discovery, and then she felt sad. When she looked up, it was clear that the sky was clear, but why did it look like a cloudy sky to her?


VIP ward.

Shirley Ann smiled a little sadly: "But it's hard to find a man like you who makes me happy."

She sighed softly and stared straight at the man in front of her:

"Edward, does it have to be like that? We have always been getting along very well before, haven't we?"

"Feel sorry."

Peng Boran closed his eyes.

Shirley Ann's expression darkened, and she felt very unwilling. What was wrong with her? Is it because of bad looks or bad background? Or haven't you treated him well enough?

"I really don't understand. How could you fall in love with such a woman? She's so ordinary... To be honest, I'm not willing to lose."

Shirley Ann sighed softly and finally spoke out what was in her heart:

"You're in love with her, right? Otherwise, how could you risk your life to save her?"

Peng Boran remained motionless.

How could Shirley Ann know what he was thinking!

She has known this man for several years, but she has never figured out what his heart is like.

She likes him because he is very masculine and meets her high standards and requirements for men: he can fight, he can speak multiple languages, he is good at reasoning, and he is very good at pampering when he is happy. Although he is usually very cold, he is very kind. As long as he doesn't touch his bottom line, he's pretty good to the women around him.

However, she never got into his heart. After many years of following her, she still did not become the one who broke his rules.

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