The Perfect Hidden Marriage

717, Unexpected Marriage 40 Life-saving grace is usually promised in person.

717, Unexpected Marriage 40 Life-saving grace is usually promised in person

When Kuang Meiyun calmed down and walked into the VIP ward again, Shirley Ann was not there. On the hospital bed, Peng Boran was lying quietly with a bandage on his feet. A wound on his face was opened by a sharp object until his forehead, which had been wiped. The ointment is still red and swollen, and the wound looks hideous.

Peng Boran's face, with its cold look, is very manly. At the same time, it makes people feel dangerous and unapproachable. However, that mysterious and a bit bad-tempered smell is very attractive to girls. .

Now, after having such a wound on my face, I am even more exuding an aura that I am not a good person.

Even with his eyes closed, there was still a sense of rejection that kept strangers away from him.

Only those who know him well know what kind of person he is.

The person lying down seemed to know that someone had come in, and suddenly opened his eyes. His dark eyes stared at her deeply. He was not surprised at all when he saw her suddenly appearing:

"woke up?"

Kuang Meiyun seemed to have become a thief, a little embarrassed:

"Well, how are you?"

"It's nothing serious. It's just a disfigurement and a few stitches on my feet. What about you?"

He spoke very lightly.

How could a tough guy like him lie down if he wasn't really injured?

She heard Xiao Jinghuan talk about this person who worked very hard. Because of this, Jing Huan's mother was very disgusted with her working with Peng Boran: first, Jing Huan was never short of money; second, the work was tiring, hard, and dangerous.

"Of course I'm fine. Except for a little pain from the fall, nothing else happened."

She approached and saw that he seemed to be sitting up, so she rushed to help and put a pillow behind him to make him more comfortable.

"Well, it's much more comfortable this way."

He gently flattened his feet, his eyebrows slightly relaxed. Although he was injured, it seemed that he was still in a happy mood.

This kind of optimistic spirit is very admirable.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have been killed long ago."

These words definitely come from the heart.

Thinking about the scene at that time, if he was really hit, he would probably lose his life.

"How can I thank you?"

Peng Boran stared at her and asked extremely seriously.

Kuang Meiyun was stunned for a moment.

"I see, it turns out you just said it casually."

He nodded in confusion.


All she had to say was:

"I'm serious. But, I don't know how to thank you? I don't have anything. The most I can do is make you some soup. By the way, have you had breakfast?"

She suddenly remembered this.

"not yet."

"How about I go buy you breakfast!"

This is considered sincere!

"No, someone went to buy it."

She was startled and immediately understood:

Yes, Shirley Ann wasn't here, so I guess she went out to buy it.

Also, of course, this kind of job of waiting on people is the most honorable for a girlfriend to do. Who does she count?


Her mood suddenly hit rock bottom, and she suddenly felt that she could not thank her for this life-saving grace.

It does seem insincere to express gratitude only verbally.

It's even worse to use money to thank her. Firstly, she has no money, and secondly, he doesn't care about money.

Do you want to thank your son? Or, she could give her son his last name.

Peng Boran also noticed that this woman had a strange expression.

"Why don't you speak?"

What's going on in that furry head?

He really wanted to know, so he couldn't help but ask:

"What are you thinking about?"

Kuang Meiyun came back to her senses:

"Oh, I was thinking that we didn't go back yesterday. Although I called my aunt to tell her, I didn't say that we were hit by a car because I was afraid that she and Xiaoyin would be worried. I will tell her when I get back later. I understand, I just want Xiaoyin to come and see you then..."

She couldn't find the words to say, so she deliberately made such nonsense.

"No need. Since I told you so, just keep it a secret for a few days! I don't want Xiaoyin to worry."


"You haven't said how to thank me yet!"

He still remembered this.

"How do you want me to thank you?"

She had no choice but to ask bravely, not sure what he wanted to do.

He thought for a moment and looked at her from head to toe:

"Give me a glass of water, my mouth is a little dry."


She can still do this little thing.

Taking the cup, she went to pour it.

The man behind him said calmly at this moment:

"Kuang Meiyun, do you really not know, or are you pretending not to know? Life-saving grace is usually promised with one's own body, isn't it?"

The door was pushed open at this moment, and the glass in Kuang Meiyun's hand shook for some reason and fell to the ground with a bang, breaking into pieces.

The base of her ears suddenly felt hot, and she didn't know if it was his words or because she broke the cup clumsily.

"Why are you so careless?"

The man blamed him from behind.

This accusation made her very depressed.

She swore that she really wasn't careful.

"Is it okay..."

At the door, Shirley Ann came in. Seeing her in the ward, her face changed slightly, but she still walked over and asked with concern. This person was holding a thermos bottle, which should be the breakfast she had just bought out. .

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll go take care of it."

Kuang Meiyun went to get the trash can and picked up the broken pieces bit by bit and threw them away. Unexpectedly, she was accidentally cut by the sharp edge of the glass shards, and blood immediately came out.

"Oops, you're hurt."

Shirley Ann whispered there.

"it's okay no problem."

Kuang Meiyun put it in her mouth, it was just a small wound.

"Stop it."

The man on the bed suddenly let out an unusually cold and angry cry.

Her body froze immediately, but she still stretched out her hand and continued picking.

"I told you to stop doing it, didn't you hear me?"

His tone became extremely impatient.

She bit her lip, slowly picked up the last few pieces, and put the trash can aside. Then she turned to Shirley Ann, who had been staring at her blankly, and smiled:

"I have something else to do, so I won't disturb you anymore..."

When she turned around, she saw Peng Boran staring at her angrily. With that look, if his foot hadn't been injured, he would have wanted to come up and beat her up.

"You should have breakfast first... I will go through the discharge procedures in a moment, and then go back to the villa..."

"Are you going to leave me here and leave me alone? Kuang Meiyun, do you have a fucking conscience?"

The man roared out of nowhere, his eyes full of disbelief.

Kuang Meiyun is very hurt!

It's really strange, why does she have no conscience?

She was making room for them so that they wouldn't be an eyesore here!

No, to be more precise, he was embarrassed in front of his girlfriend - how could such a careless woman, who couldn't even take care of herself, and such a low-class appearance, be involved with him in such a way? relation?

Thinking of this, her heart trembled, and she ran away in panic.

The man on the bed frowned when he saw this scene.

Is he a scourge? Why is she running away like this?

They just got to the point, okay? What does she mean by running away like this?

If you don’t want to commit yourself to me, you can just say so. As for whether you want to blame him for being like this?

Besides, what's wrong with him?

There is a long queue of women out there who want to take the opportunity to commit themselves to each other. Why can't he get into this woman's heart?

"Are you... okay..."

Beside her, Shirley Ann asked cautiously, not even daring to take a breath. She was sincerely shocked that that woman dared to be so disobedient and make the man on the bed so angry.


Although he said it was okay, Peng Boran was still extremely depressed.

He and that woman were nothing at all. How could this not make him feel frustrated?

Well, he was going crazy.

When he was talking to Shirley Ann before, he understood one thing: I'm afraid he really fell in love with that woman, otherwise, how could he risk his own life to save her?

Over the years, he had experienced no matter how dangerous the situation was, but he had never gone crazy to protect a woman like this time.

What is this if not love?

But unfortunately, in this relationship, I am just wishful thinking and being sentimental.

"Want to have breakfast?"

Shirley Ann gestured to the food she had just bought, not sure whether he would still want to eat in this situation.

Sometimes, he is difficult to serve, and his boring gourd-like temperament makes it difficult to guess what he is thinking.

"I won't eat anymore."

He lazily closed his eyes again, his whole body becoming sleepy. This man's mood has always been moody, but today, she can be sure that his bad temper is all because of that woman - Kuang Meiyun.

Kuang Meiyun just cut her finger, and his tone was unkind, but she bet that he was just anxious. However, Kuang Meiyun did not give up on his account, but insisted on doing what she thought should be done, starting and finishing.

What's going on with these two people?

She rolled her eyes: He likes her, but she doesn't like him? But if she didn't like him, how could she have given him a son? This logic doesn’t make sense!

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