The reading room for Chinese subjects occupies the largest area in the entire college entrance examination, and it is also the largest number of participating teachers. After all, whether it is English or mathematics, although there are subjective problems, they are not too many, and no matter what the idea and process of solving the problem are, there is an accurate answer there.

But the language is completely different, and the main battlefield is composition, and even more than half of the teachers are responsible for reviewing the language composition.

At this time, a dispute was taking place in the Chinese reading room:

"Teacher Zhang, didn't I say, you give full marks for this kind of essay, are you sure?"

", it's all!"

"Composition and composition, no matter how the subject matter changes, but after all, the test is the writing, the rhetorical device, and the gorgeous rhetoric that makes people's eyes shine!"

"But you look at this essay, the writing is okay, but look at what he said, it's complete nonsense!"

"What is the first year of mobile phones? What is high-speed rail? What is micro-scalable 3D printing technology?

"This is conjecture, and it is completely irresponsible conjecture!"

"Such an essay, if it weren't for this handwriting, I wouldn't even want to give him a point!"


teacher with silver hair was talking loudly there, constantly preaching to one of the young teachers, his face full of hatred and steel: "Teacher Zhang, you are still young, the first time you came to participate in such a grading paper, but don't forget that this is a serious college entrance examination, not you comment on students' essays in class!"

At the silver-haired teacher's roar, the young teacher Wang frowned, but finally couldn't help but say:

"Teacher Zhang, this essay deserves full marks in my opinion, isn't the essay topic said, let the students boldly imagine, I think this student's ideas are very good."

"Young, you're still too young."

Teacher Zhang disdained: "Yes, we said that we can imagine boldly, but when did we say that we can speculate irresponsibly, this is completely nonsense, you tell me, how can what he said be achieved?" Just say that what micro-expandable 3D printing technology have you heard, this composition, just give 20!

To Teacher Zhang's words, Teacher Wang finally couldn't bear it, looked directly at Teacher Zhang, and retorted:

"I admit that I have not heard of micro-scalable 3D printing technology, I have not heard of high-speed rail, and I don't know what the so-called first year of mobile phones refers to, but I think that this student's imagination is very rich, which is enough to be recognized."

"You can't blame your students for not understanding the content of the essay."

"The college entrance examination essay topic has been said very clearly, you can boldly imagine that this student just meets the requirements, we ourselves are asking students to imagine the future, why can such a perfect essay only score 20?"

"Now the college entrance examination has paid more and more attention to diffusion thinking, if such an essay can not get a full score, then what kind of essay is worthy of full score?"

"This essay must have full marks!"

Two Chinese teachers, just arguing in front of a test paper with a red face and a thick neck, one has participated in the college entrance examination examination ten times, and the other has participated in the college entrance examination examination for the first time this year, but the two did not have half a fear, the needle pointed at Mai Mang, and did not flinch at all.

Next to the two, the third teacher was full of embarrassment, wanting to persuade but afraid of being involved.

In fact...... He also doesn't know how many points to rate.

From a literary point of view, this essay is actually not very good, but the angle is clear, and the fact that you write a letter directly to your current self with your future self is enough to make people shine.

And the most controversial, and the most uncertain place for him.

These things are written in this essay.

The first year of mobile phones? Aren't all mobile phones used to make calls? When will I be able to use my mobile phone to work? Where's the computer?

So what micro-expandable 3D printing technology, and what is this thing? Create biological tissue with blood vessels? Are you kidding?

There is also a whole bunch of words in the back that have never been heard.

What high-speed rail?

What artificial intelligence?

And a whole bunch of stuff in the back.

Are these things sure they are not made up?

However, even if it is made up, to be honest, these imaginations are amazing enough, if it really becomes like this in the next ten years, he can't even imagine what kind of world it will be.

As the quarrel between the two teachers became more and more intense, more and more teachers have also been attracted to it.

"Calm and calm, we have something to say."

"Isn't there still an arbitration team, if not, let's declare it and let the arbitration team take a look."

"Yes, don't be impulsive, it's normal to disagree."


group of teachers gathered around, An Li's essay on the computer was waiting for the grading teacher to score, and other teachers came together and inevitably couldn't recognize the essay, but at this glance, many people also exclaimed:

"I rely on, how much knowledge is this student?"

"The future self writes to the current self, this angle can ah, interesting!"

"Hey, these things involve many aspects, is it really just a college entrance examination student who learns about it?"

"This... It was the first time I saw an essay and I didn't know how to answer.

"I can only look at an approximate one."

"Is it grandstanding, or is there really a real talent?"

"I'm afraid it's a real talent, otherwise the professional terms involved in these various industries cannot be written down by imagination, this student is amazing!"


Now that the Chinese teachers who had come to persuade them, they all joined the argument.

The same as the two teachers of Zhang Wang.

The young teacher advocated that this essay should get full marks, because in any case, the angle and ideas of this essay are very sci-fi meaning, and many things are written that make people's eyes shine, bold imagination, and thinking expansion, which makes people have to marvel.

Older teachers, on the other hand, mostly advocate giving low grades.

After all, this is a language test, people want you to write an essay, and as a result, you blow a few handfuls here, and even many things that everyone present has not heard, which is completely out of the way a language test should be.

And when everyone was arguing, this matter finally alarmed the leader of the arbitration team.

The significance of the three teachers' marking papers, the arbitration group is to arbitrate when encountering large differences, although the college entrance examination composition finally finds out the average score after the three teachers score, but the difference between the three teachers' scores cannot be too large, and the biggest error is about five points.

If it exceeds five points, the arbitration panel needs to discuss and come to a result.

"What's the noise, what's the noise, do you still look like a teacher who teaches and educates people?"

The leader of the arbitration group, named Hou Jieren, immediately made everyone who was arguing shut their mouths as soon as he appeared, and Hou Jieren shook his head slightly, a little angry.

When is this all this, still noisy?

If you can't finish all the papers today, it will be a real delay.

His gaze couldn't help but sweep over the composition on the computer, and the next second Hou Jieren was suddenly stunned, the whole person was dumbfounded, staring at the composition deadly, and after a long time, a foul sentence burst out:

"Lying groove!"

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