Hou Jieren lay down, which made everyone stunned.

Teacher Wang hurriedly stepped forward and flattered: "Teacher Hou, you see what I said is right, this essay is simply ..."

Hou Jieren sighed.



Teacher Wang's words were swallowed abruptly, his face was full of puzzlement, originally thought that Hou Jieren wanted to say that this composition was too bad, but he didn't expect that this was completely a look of appreciation.

Hou Jieren did not notice Teacher Wang's face, his eyes were shining at this time, full of admiration:

"First of all, the subject matter, our requirement is to write out the imagination of the future, and there is no limit to the form, I have read the answer sheets of this exam, many of them are good humanities, and the rhetoric is also very gorgeous, but the ideas and angles are definitely not comparable to this composition, boldly using future letters as the perspective to present the future world."

"After saying the title, look at the content."

"This student conducted a comprehensive analysis from communications, transportation, biotechnology, artificial intelligence and other aspects, which we do not have at present, but will strive for in the future."

"What does that say?"

"This shows that this student's imagination is very bold, and he often follows these aspects of news and reports, and even this student knows more about certain areas than you and I are here."

"Shouldn't such an essay be a full score?"

Hou Jieren's face was full of admiration, and he appreciated the composition in front of him, but the next second, when he noticed that there was a twenty-minute score hanging on the scoring interface, Hou Jieren suddenly looked extremely ugly as if he had eaten a dead rat.

Such an essay, someone actually gave only 20 points?

Even...... Not even qualified?

"Twenty points, such an essay, you actually gave twenty minutes?"

"Teacher Hou, I think this essay shouldn't actually give full marks."

Teacher Wang on the side hurriedly stepped forward to speak at this time, although he knew that he might have done something stupid, but the scores had already been beaten, it was better to go all the way to the dark, and at the moment he did not wait for Hou Jieren to question, and explained first:

"Teacher Hou, the title of this article is indeed novel enough, but from a literary point of view, the writing of this essay is actually very general, except that it is amazing at the beginning, but there is nothing particularly outstanding in the back."

Of course, the writing is only one of them, and the main thing is that many of the things on this article are somewhat ethereal, and some aspects are even very profound. This kind of conjecture is not in line with the original intention of our college entrance examination, but it is a bit deliberately playing tricks.

"After all, I haven't even heard of what he mentioned, and it's hard to imagine it."

"To resonate with your readers, even if you can blow it, at least let the reader know and understand, but with this essay of his, I can't even understand what he says and what it is for."

"So, in the end, I think that giving this essay 20 points is an incentive."

"So..." Hou Jieren's face was still ugly, and he sneered: "That's why you only give twenty points?"

"This..." Teacher Wang looked embarrassed.

Hou Jieren had already waved his hand, signaling that Teacher Wang did not need to continue to explain, turned his head to Teacher Zhang on the side and asked, "Teacher Zhang, why are you willing to give full marks for this essay?"

Teacher Zhang on the side hurriedly replied: "Teacher Hou, I and Teacher Wang's concept is exactly the opposite, our essay requirement is to boldly expand the imagination, imagine what the future world will be like, from this point of view, this essay is based on his own letter ten years later, and it is extremely suitable for the theme."

"As for what Teacher Wang said, it seems to me that this student's knowledge is very broad, and he knows enough to say so much."

"If you don't understand, it can only be the problem of the teacher, not the student."

"Whether it is subjective thinking or objective conditions, this essay itself does not depart from the requirements of the topic itself, but it is bolder than other candidates."

"If there is something wrong with boldness, then there is something wrong with our educational system!"

Teacher Zhang's words were sonorous and powerful, not humble or arrogant.

"What about you?" Hou Jieren turned his head to look at the last teacher who did not score, who listened for so long at this time, and hurriedly raised his hand: "I think this essay really deserves full marks!" Soon

, the three scores for this essay were finally determined.

20 points, 60 points, 60 points!

Such a score has far exceeded the maximum error value, it is obvious that such a score cannot be used to calculate the average score, Hou Jieren frowned, as the head of the arbitration team of the language group, he thought deeply for a while and then decided:

"Since we can't understand this essay, then let's find someone who can understand this essay to give us an answer."

"I apply, find a professional group to see!"

"Let the professional team come and give the final score!"


The grading mechanism of the college entrance examination is serious and meticulous, in this case, the groups set up by the college entrance examination examination examination are also divided into categories, including each marking team, arbitration team, and... Very professional professional group. Generally speaking, the marking group gives a score, and it is enough to get an average score, if there is a dispute, the arbitration team can solve it, and as for the professional group, it is basically a decoration at the beginning of the year.

It's not useless, but it's not necessary, after all, the professional group is already a super god, for a small problem to ask the professional group, that is a bit of a cannon to fight mosquitoes overkill. Over the years, there have been only a handful of requests for professional groups to come forward.

Now, the language team asked the professional team to intervene, and the news spread to the ears of all the teachers in an instant.

"Amazing, the language group actually invited a professional group, and it is not a language group, but a professional group of other subjects!"


"Did someone write calculus on the language test paper?"

"Haha, are you trying to laugh at me, did the previous student who used calculus thinking to answer questions scare you?"

"But no, this exam is really surprising, for ordinary students, this college entrance examination is indeed a nightmare level exam, but for Xueba, this is the best platform to show themselves, not only our mathematics, I heard that there is also a full score student over there!"

"English too, I heard that the composition is particularly beautiful."

"The expert group is here!"

I don't know who said it, everyone immediately turned their heads to look, and at first glance they saw an old man with white hair, thick glasses, and crutches in his hands, he walked towards the reading room under the crowd of everyone, the whole person looked ordinary, but he carried an air of not angry and self-threatening.

"This is..."

"Professor Fu!"

"Hey, this great god is here!"

"This time in the language group, I'm afraid something terrible has happened!"


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