Have an opinion?

This is nonsense, of course there are opinions, and still big opinions!

Yes, the prospect of the Happy Gathering Era is indeed worrying, at least from the perspective of its practical available data, the current results of the Happy Gathering Era are definitely good.

Looking at the capital invested in the Huanju era, at the beginning of the Huanju era, Lei Jun invested a million US dollars, which is also more than 7 million, and how much did Lei Jun hold at that time?


And now, An Li wants to add 10 million in this case, but wants to directly take 80% of the shares, which is completely foolish, not to mention that the value of the happy gathering era has increased, even if he invested so much at the beginning, it is impossible to get so many shares.

"Mr. An, I think if we want to continue talking, maybe we should be sincere, or at least let me see your sincerity." Li Xueling was a little distressed.

As for Lei Jun, he surprisingly did not interject at this time, just quietly watching this scene.


An Li shook his head: "Mr. Li, I think my sincerity is enough, those data that fool outsiders, let's not talk about it, everyone is an understanding person, you should know better than me about the situation in today's happy gathering era, this price is sincere enough."

"Moreover, I said before, if the direction is wrong, even if I invest 100 million, it is still a waste, but if the direction is right, then the situation will be completely different, spend money on the blade, even if it is 10 million, it can be broken and used as 100 million."

"This investment, it seems that you have lost money, but have you ever thought about what if you can double your shares?"

"And this doubling is not just one or two times, but ten times a hundred times!"

This is a simple math problem.

A company valued at 50 million and holding 70% of the shares, and a company valued at 500 million and holding 10% of the shares, the difference is not ordinarily large.

It seems that you have fewer stocks in your hands, but in fact, you can earn more.

"But what can this ten million do, our financing goal this time, at least 50 million to start, if it is less than 50 million, it has no meaning for today's gathering era, if we want to do a large volume, we can only see the opportunity to return if we continue to burn money."

Li Xueling obviously couldn't be fooled so simply:

"Moreover, you directly want to take away 80% of our shares, which is too much and no different from the lion's big mouth."

An Li smiled, passed Li Xueling, and looked directly at Lei Jun, he is the major shareholder of the current Huanju era, and the most powerful representative of the Huanju era:

"Mr. Lei, value is relative, I don't think I need to repeat it anymore, right?"

Facing An Li's gaze, Lei Jun finally stopped being silent, but asked: "Then you first say, if we follow your proposal and you become the largest shareholder of the Happy Gathering Era, what will you do next?" "


An Li didn't think that Lei Jun was a foolish person at the beginning, and smiled slightly at this time and raised a finger: "The information piece is a dead end, and it is also a good way to open the route, everyone knows that the game industry is getting hotter and hotter, we will not leave this industry, but we will no longer just do the information piece." "

Transformation?" Lei Jun frowned: "Be detailed."

"It's very simple, information is what we have been doing, and it is also a way to accumulate users, but in fact, whether it is publicity or information content is not too professional, what I want to do, the first step is to improve the professionalism of information content and increase the stickiness of players."

"That's it?" Lei Jun was a little disappointed.

What An Li said didn't make sense, in fact, they wanted to raise money in order to go in this direction, this is what they had already thought of, if just such an idea to expect success, then this joke is a little too big.

But An Li smiled and continued:

"That's just the first step, and what really matters is that I want to do more than just information, I will invest in the voice call industry, now the game is more and more about collaborative combat, and game voice is very important, as long as there are users, information as the attraction, voice call as the main direction, and finally a set of combination punches."

"Kind of interesting!"

Lei Jun's eyes finally lit up, but soon he shook his head again:

"I can tell you, in fact, our gathering era is also trying in this direction, at present we have developed a set of products called multi-play voice, but the current game voice industry has basically been occupied, IS and UT are the current mainstream two ace voices, one free, one good quality, we want to kill it, it is very difficult."


Hearing these two current mainstream voice software, An Li couldn't help but shake his head and smile: "These two software have never been opponents in my eyes!" "

Oh?" Lei Jun couldn't help but look at An Li in surprise:

"What can you do?"

He really doesn't understand why An Li is so confident, the current game voice call market has been divided by these two software, and others want to get involved, the difficulty is not generally low.

Although he advocated playing more voice, he has never been able to think of a countermeasure against the two products.

But just when Lei Jun and Li Xueling both stared at An Li with curious faces, An Li suddenly shook his head and smiled: "Of course, this is a business secret, if you accept my conditions, I will naturally say it."

Seeing that the two looked unbelieving, An Li said again: "Of course, this is a bit false, but we can list this clause in the contract, at most half a year, our products will completely surpass IS and UT voice, and completely sit on the throne of game voice!"

As soon as these words came out, the two were finally moved.

If it is only a verbal promise, it may still be a bit false, but if it is written in the contract, then the situation is different, which is limited by the provisions of the law.

Couldn't help it, Li Xueling and Lei Jun looked at each other, and then looked at An Li in unison.

He, is there really a way?

"And I'm going to do more than that."

An Li's words are still not over: "Since it is a three-board axe, naturally there is the last axe, when information and voice are both pronged, we will also open the third stage, the initial idea of playing more, completely realized, to create the first game platform in China!" "

This last one is different from the development of YY in history.

But in fact, from the moment of the birth of multi-play in the era of joy, they are doing it with the idea of the game platform, similar to foreign Steam game platforms, but because of the problems of the management and the decision-making level, multi-play finally became a rogue software with various bundled installation packages and various spam page game recommendations.

But in this life, An Li intends to be more than that.

YY voice made a lot of money to play more, but after sitting firmly in the voice overlord brother, the various decisions and directions of more play made this company quickly overdraft its life.

And in this life, if you play more in your own hands, An Li doesn't mind building it into a super empire.

No less than the super kingdom of Tencent Games!

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