The first game platform in China!

These eight words, with a certain special attraction, made Li Xueling and Lei Jun's eyes ignite a trace of flame.

There's no gaming company that doesn't want its platform to grow bigger and stronger.

The foreign Steam platform has actually attracted the goals of many game companies, after all, this game platform that only appeared in 02 has now become the first overseas game platform, and its experience and course have almost become the benchmark and dream of the game industry.

And play more, the original idea is also to build such a platform.

However, the dream is beautiful, but the reality is cruel, the success of Steam's platform is impossible to replicate in China, because the domestic people because of various piracy, the concept of payment is weak to the extreme, although initially play more games, but the purchase rate is extremely low, and even many games on the multi-play platform after the shelf, immediately a large number of pirated players came out.

Therefore, this dream, from the very beginning of its establishment to the present, is becoming more and more distant.

The two did not expect that An Li actually had such an idea!

"This... It's crazy, domestic stand-alone games you may not understand, they do not have foreign genuine awareness, in fact, since Microsoft seized the domestic market, the domestic atmosphere has changed, game platform this kind of thing, domestic can not be done. Li Xueling sighed, although he admitted that An Li's words moved his heart, he still had to analyze the current situation.

Do a genuine game platform in China?


Li Xueling's statement is actually very correct, in the nineties of the last century, there was actually a lot of work in China dedicated to building computer operating systems, at that time the domestic sense of authenticity was very strong, Microsoft wanted to enter the country at that time, but because it was not comparable to the system created for domestic people, so it opened up piracy in China.

A system costs money, a good system doesn't cost money.

Which do you use?

This move, Microsoft did succeed, the first time to defeat many companies focused on the system at that time, so that the Windows system instantly entered the country, and became the first domestic and even the only domestic operating system.

This approach has brought about the rise of piracy in China, and the original awareness of authenticity established by the people has completely become a joke under this move.

This effect, even before the Oak crossed, was not much relieved.

Therefore, An Li's ideal is indeed grand in the eyes of the two, but combined with the actual situation, you will find that An Li's idea is a little too naïve.

Pipe dream!

"I know you're suspicious, but have you ever thought about it?" Faced with the doubts of the two, An Li smiled: "Why do people use pirated copies?" "

Why use piracy?

It's free!

Is there a free one?

"Free is very good, but what if it is not free?" An Li looked at the two with playfulness in his eyes: "If our game is not free, or free without any sense of experience, will you still use pirated copies?" "


Lei Jun and Li Xueling looked at each other and both saw shock.

Even Lei Jun couldn't help but say at this time: "There are many cracking masters in China, and it is basically impossible to completely eliminate piracy in this regard."

"It's impossible, you don't know until you do it."

An Li smiled mysteriously: "Of course, this is all a later story, and the most important thing for us now is the present." "

From beginning to end, An Li exuded a sense of confidence.

Although he only brushed it off, I don't know why, both Lei Jun and Li Xueling felt An Li's confidence, as if he really had a way to put an end to piracy.

However, since An Li did not dwell on this topic anymore, although the two were curious, they could only keep talking.

The question, back to the investment side.

"I have to admit, your words did arouse my interest, can I ask you a more personal question?" It was Lei Jun who spoke, he looked at An Li with doubts, and after getting An Li nodding, Lei Jun took the lead and asked:

"What are you doing at home?"

He was genuinely curious.

Whether it was in the hotel restaurant before, or in the conference room of the gathering era at this time, Lei Jun actually had a doubt.

What kind of family can cultivate such talents?

More importantly, where does Anque's investment company get the money?

Now the domestic economy is very good, people worth hundreds of millions of dollars are not uncommon, but a high school student worth hundreds of millions, this is absolutely rare, he has checked the qualifications of Mule Investment before, this company registered capital of 100 million.

For the big guy, one hundred million is not much, and it is nothing to him Lei Jun.

But for an eighteen-year-old, it's a bit of a fantasy.

Eighteen years old, just graduated from high school, has a hundred million investment!

Not to mention the present, even in the future, this is a little too dreamy.

"You asked, how did I get my money?"

An Li saw Lei Jun's doubts, and at this time there was a little smile on his face: "Mr. Lei, you can rest assured, I earned all this money myself." "

Earned yourself?

These words are even more shocking than An Li saying that he came to the proud gate.

Both looked incredulous.

An Li naturally understood why they didn't believe it, in fact, it was impossible to believe that an eighteen-year-old high school graduate could earn 100 million with his own ability?

What an international joke!

However, he knew very well that this issue seemed to have nothing to do with this negotiation, but in fact, An Li knew that this was actually to review whether he was the person worth entrusting, and if this question satisfied the two, then this investment could be regarded as a certainty.

"I know you won't believe it." An Li smiled and took out his Apple notebook from behind, the world's thinnest computer appeared, which immediately made the two couldn't help but feel a heartbeat.

That's a good thing!

However, An Li ignored the eyes of the two, but directly turned on the computer and pointed to a program of Xiaxin Securities: "I started with this." "

Stocks?" Lei Jun's face was full of surprise, and he looked at An Li in surprise.

Such a young investor?

But at this glance, Lei Jun's heart suddenly clicked, because he saw confidence in An Li's face, the kind of confidence that was calm and calm from beginning to end, as if nothing could deprive this confidence.

Although he did not click on the program and did not see the background, Lei Jun understood.

An oak in the stock market, I'm afraid I made a lot of money!

Young, make money....

These data came together, Lei Jun thought of the three words that he often heard in the stock market during this time, and couldn't help but look at An Li: "You are... Small strands of gods? "

Lei Jun is also an expert in stock speculation, and the most awesome thing during this period is undoubtedly the small stock god.

ST Jintai, the god of small stocks is a mythical figure in this stock, starting from the first day of the limit to enter, until the last day of the price limit successfully escaped, completely became a myth.

There is also Sanlian Trading Company, the same operation, shocked countless people.

Lei Jun has heard the name of the small stock god more than once, but he has always felt that he is very far away from the small stock god, but now An Li is standing in front of him, pointing to the program on the computer, but he unconsciously coincides with the small stock god in his heart and An Li in front of him.

And this coincidence, Lei Jun felt even more incredible.

Calm, wise, calm, confident, discerning and bold.

These converged on one person, an eighteen-year-old high school graduate who had just come of age, and finally summed up only two words -


And when Lei Jun's face was full of shock, he saw An Li nodding slightly: "It's me!" "

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