The next day, Quzhou Airport.

An Li pulled his suitcase out of the airport and felt the breeze: "The air in Quzhou is good, and the place in the deep city is too hot."

With a sigh, An Li stretched out his hand and hailed a taxi:

"Master, go to Shengshi Mansion."

"Okay!" The driver answered and went straight to his destination.

Just returned to Quzhou, Li Yue did not go to the hospital, nor to the company, nor did he go home, but chose to go to another place.

Prime Building.

He's going there and make a fortune!

If you want new investment, money is an important thing, so far, whether it is the development of DNF, or the investment of Mule Investment, or YY Voice in the Happy Gathering Era, it is a matter of burning money, and it takes a lot of time and development to achieve profitability.

And now, although An Que still has some spare money, this money is really not enough for development.

"Hey, Mr. Xie, yes, I've already received it."

"Okay, thanks, I'll treat you to dinner another day."

"Haha, okay, let's do it first."

Hanging up the phone, An Li smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Nailed it.

Before returning, An Li had already contacted Xie Lin, the boss of Xiaxin Securities, and he was not looking for him to continue speculating in stocks, but because An Li was going to officially enter the futures market.

Futures are not the same as stocks.

If stocks are Asura farms, either crying or laughing, then futures are slaughterhouses, and more than 95% of those who enter never come out again. A small part of the stocks on the rooftop actually come out, and a large part of them basically come out of the futures market.

An Li has actually never played futures much, and he has always been in awe of futures.

Because among the people he knows, not just one, but many, and among those people, some are low-level employees, some are middle-level leaders, and some are even the bosses of the company. Without exception, some of these people began their careers on the run with huge debts, and some of them stepped onto the high platform, and finally took a look at the world and finally jumped.

Many people know that futures are the same as stocks.

But in fact, these two are completely different, although they are also marked as high risk, but in fact, after really touching these two things, you will find that the relationship is completely different.

Stocks, you invest 10,000, the rise and fall are 10%, up you earn a thousand, fall you lose a thousand.

But futures, however, are different.

The same investment of 10,000, the increase and decrease is also 10%, rise, you earn 10,000 yuan, fall you lose 10,000 yuan, the real blood is nothing.

This does not actually include borrowing leverage, if you use leverage, you may not only lose money after falling, but may even owe money.

An Li had previously contacted a futures speculation boss, the other party allegedly obtained a certain inside information, and then frantically bought, the amount was as high as 10 million, and even got 20% leverage, but in the end, the so-called inside information was fake news, and his final result was that all the tens of millions of properties invested in it were lost, and even owed tens of millions of assets.

Moreover, the futures market cannot have the same chance of turning around as the stock market.

In the stock market, if the stock falls, you can choose to continue to hold, because the stock may still rebound, maybe today you fell 10%, but tomorrow it may rise again, many people actually hold this kind of thinking and end up trapped in the stock market.

Although he is trapped, he still has a chance to turn over.

But in the futures market, such a situation cannot occur.

Because the two investments are different, stocks are paid-up capital investment, you can buy as many shares as you have, but futures are different, futures are debt investment, futures are their own only part of the margin to the futures company, the other money is equivalent to borrowing the futures company.

This leads to the fact that if you lose money today, the futures company will choose to close the position in the first time in order to stop the loss in time, which means that once you lose, you will lose your money and even have no chance to turn over.

Futures are real gambling.

If you win, you win the clubhouse tender model and lose the daily steamed bun pickles.

But futures are different, if you win and double your assets, if you lose, you will either sell blood and organs, be chased for debts every day, or get the number on the rooftop.

Every year, because of futures, less than 100,000 or 80,000 jump.

But the reason why it can still attract countless people is because this place, faster than the casino, may be able to easily double the asset tenfold with 50,000 yuan, which is full of temptation for many people.

And to buy futures, what is needed is to find a reliable futures company, fortunately, Xie Lin has been involved in this regard, and introduced a company to An Li.

Arriving at Shengshi Building, it is slightly inferior to the Pilot Building where he is, but it has always been a landmark building in Quzhou before. According to the address sent by Xie Lin, as soon as I entered the company, I saw a reception staff wearing professional clothes and a figure of at least 80 points standing at the front desk:

"Hello sir, do you have an appointment?"

"Yes, my surname is An, and I have made an appointment with you Cheng." An Li nodded.

"Wait a minute." Although the front desk was a little surprised that such a young man as An Li would know Mr. Cheng, he still nodded politely, and after making an internal phone call to confirm, his smile became brighter: "Mr. An, Mr. Cheng is already waiting for you, I will take you over now." "

Thank you." An Li nodded.

Under the leadership of the front desk, An Li saw the company's boss Cheng Peng, this is a shiny bald head, but wearing a suit and leather shoes, wearing glasses, although it is a big bald head, but it will not give people a feeling of banditry, when he saw An Li come in, he got up as soon as he got up to greet:

"President An, please come in, please come in, Xiao Li, pour a cup of tea for President An!"

The two sides sat down, although Cheng Peng was always very polite, but An Li could feel that the other party was obviously polite, some people don't look at the smile on their faces, they look like they want to push their hearts with you, but in fact, people are just simple professional habits.

After greeting for a while, Cheng Peng asked, "Mr. An, since I received a call from President Xia Xinxie last night, I arrived at the company this morning and pushed off all the affairs waiting for you, I heard him say that you seem to plan to try the futures market, hasn't Mr. An played futures before?"

"Nope." An Li nodded: "It's just a general understanding, but some specific operation details are not clear, it should be similar to stock operation, right?"

"Hehe, it's okay if you haven't tried it, our side will give you full authority to Mr. An some of your operation methods, in fact, it is very simple to be proficient." Cheng Peng smiled slightly, licked his lips, and asked with a smile:

"I take the liberty of asking, I wonder how much Mr. An plans to invest in the futures market?"

"One hundred million." An Li spoke flatly.

But Cheng Peng was stunned, as if he had misheard:

"How much do you say?"

"One hundred million." An Que repeated again.

At this moment, Cheng Peng could be regarded as hearing clearly, but when he heard it clearly, he was even more surprised, and he couldn't help but ask again:

"You said... How much? "


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