"One hundred million... All for futures speculation?

Looking at the bank card handed over by An Li in his hand, Cheng Peng's face was sluggish, and the whole person's previous spring breeze and indifference had completely disappeared at this time, replaced by a face full of horror.

A hundred million, this is a hundred million!

Now the domestic economy is developing rapidly, and the money in the hands of Chinese people is increasing, and the previous 10,000-yuan households are at most similar to the current million-dollar level, but 100 million is still a huge wealth that countless people cannot see in their lifetime.

And now, a young man who is only eighteen years old calmly took out 100 million.

More importantly, he took out this 100 million, intending to use it all to speculate in futures!

The richer the person, in fact, the more cautious, take out so much money out to speculate in futures, don't say that you have seen it, even if you have never heard of it, no matter how rich people will not do this, after all, although futures come quickly, but the risk is greater, a hundred million may make him quickly double his assets, but it is more likely to be in debt of several hundred million in an instant.

"Mr. An, your joke is a bit big." Cheng Peng swallowed, a little incredulous.

"I'm not joking, you see the funds in my card." An Li shook his head: "Moreover, I am not a person who likes to waste precious time on joking. "


It's true?

Even though An Li said this with a serious face, Cheng Peng still felt a little dreamy.

Made, a hundred million!

One hundred million to speculate in futures, he is not afraid of losing?

With so much money to do something bad, then give himself enough to have food and clothing for a lifetime, but he has to use it to speculate futures, how strong is this heart to do such a terrible thing?

As a futures manager, Cheng Peng encourages and supports customers to increase investment.

After all, the more the customer invests, the more fees and commissions he can receive, but to say that 100 million to take out all the futures, even Cheng Peng is not lightly scared.

Swallowing his saliva, Cheng Peng couldn't help but ask: "Mr. An, I don't know if your money is..."

An Li naturally saw his concerns, such a large amount of money, if Cheng Peng didn't ask anything and directly helped him get the futures market, then he really had a problem. Without waiting for Cheng Peng to suspect, An Li had already said again: "I earned all this money myself, and I have the legal and reasonable right to use it, which you can completely rest assured."

"This..." Cheng Peng hesitated.

The money was earned by the young man himself?

To be honest, Cheng Peng really doesn't believe it, this is not 10,000, this is a whole hundred million, just a kid who has just grown up can earn 100 million by himself?

Can't help it, Cheng Peng has already begun to suspect in his heart, An Li was probably born very big.

I heard that the children of those big families like to prove themselves, and most of this money is asked for by the elders, and it is actually his own ability to calculate it.

However, the more so, the more Cheng Peng hesitated.

A family that can give 100 million to the younger generations in the family, will it be a small family? If An Li took out this 100 million to enter the futures market and made money, it would be good to say, but if he lost money, or even owed money, his own little manager is afraid that he will be sunk tomorrow.

"What did Xie Lin say to you?" An Li saw Cheng Peng's hesitation and asked with a frown.

"Mr. Xie said that you are his important customer and said that you are interested in the futures market, so introduce you to me and let me treat you as the highest level VIP user." Cheng Peng answered honestly, but in his heart he was angrily scolding Xie Lin for being unreliable.

Made, so many years of friendship, I'm afraid it's plastic love!

This kid is so big, and he pushes people here, he just wants to harm himself.

To An Li, when he heard this, he nodded slightly, and silently added a few points to Xie Lin in his heart, not to mention anything else, the protection of his own information is really in place, in fact, thanks to Xie Lin, otherwise with the heat of a small god, now his identity has long been picked up.

Seeing that Cheng Peng was still entangled, An Li smiled slightly:

"You can rest assured that my 100 million yuan was earned from Xie Lin's company, so I am very clear about the risks."

Hearing this, Cheng Peng was stunned.

One hundred million, earned from Xie Lin's company?

What is Xie Lin's company doing, Xiaxin Securities, specializing in the stock market, that means that this young man has earned 100 million in the stock market?

How can this be... Wait a minute!

Suddenly, Cheng Peng's heart moved, and he faintly had a guess, and looked at An Li with shock: "Could it be... You...... You're the one..."

"Yes, it's me."

Without waiting for Cheng Peng to say the three words of Xiaogu Shen, An Li had already admitted it, while handing over his own information:

"Now, you can help me open an account, right?"

Cheng Peng's face was shocked, but at this time he finally no longer refused: "Of course, I will handle it for you now."

Saying that, Cheng Peng quickly operated.

Are you kidding?

Small stock god wants to come to the futures market, what hesitation do they have?

It's just that occasionally when Yu Guang saw An Li's handsome and young face, he still couldn't help but feel a fluctuation in his heart.

Young, too young!

The name of the small stock of God is well deserved!

Mad, when he was so young, he was still rubbing mud, and now people have already made 100 million from the stock market, and then come to the futures market.

I have to say that he can do this at such a young age, and he really admires it.

And when Cheng Peng opened an account for An Li, An Li had also picked up a data book to look at, the current mainstream futures are mainly oil gold and the like, this thing is hard currency, this year has been rising, many people have made a profit.

However, these basically need to be speculated in the international futures market.

Cheng Peng's company can also speculate, but you need to open an account in the international futures market, and the transaction is all about American knives, with the current exchange amount, An Li can not get so many American knives, even if it uses the company's reputation to exchange American knives, it is still not enough for An Li.

Therefore, at present, if An Li wants to speculate in futures, he can only speculate in the domestic futures market.

At present, most of the mainstream recommendations in the futures market are some mung beans, rice, etc., An Li swept around, did not find his goal, simply picked up the customer operation manual and read it.

Futures operation software is actually similar to the software of the stock market, but there are also differences in details.

The main thing is that futures can set their own leverage multipliers.

In fact, futures themselves have a leverage effect, which is also different from the biggest feature of stocks, because futures are all margin system. When you buy stocks, what you buy for 100,000 yuan is 100,000 yuan of stocks.

But futures, you need to set the margin ratio, which is commonly known as the leverage ratio. Generally speaking, many people will set a 10% margin ratio, which means that you have 100,000 yuan, and with a 10% margin ratio, you can buy a million goods.

A 10% increase is ten percent of a million, which is a direct doubling of the principal.

And falling, the same is true.

More importantly, you can not only set 10% leverage, you can even set it to 1%, so that you can buy 10 million goods for 100,000 yuan.

In this case, if you earn 10%, that is ten percent of ten million, that is, one million!

100,000 yuan, directly earn a million!

That's the charm of futures.

For a hundred dollars, do something for ten thousand dollars!

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