Of course, the charm of futures is indeed attractive enough, but the world is fair, high income means high risk, which is the same nature as gambling, even the most powerful gambling master, there is a possibility of overturning, not to mention such a dangerous futures market.

At least, among the people An Li knew in his previous life, there were only two kinds of futures buyers.

First, there is no place to burn a lot of money, and investing a little in the futures market is a kind of pastime, they are not afraid of losing, and they will not care about the little money they earn.

The second is the typical gambler's mentality.

First invest a little spare money, then sell cars, sell houses, sell companies, and when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, all they think about is to go back and earn this money back, and finally force themselves step by step to the roof.

The stock market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the bank.

Futures are high-risk, and you have to chop your hands when entering the industry.

This thing has been a flood beast in An Li's heart from the beginning, but fortunately, as a traverser, An Li is sure to make money in the futures market. Although he has not had much contact with the futures market, he knows many people who speculate in futures, chats a lot, and knows a lot of things inside.

After all, what people like to say the most is: "I was in the futures market for quite a few years, you know when I was in 0X, XXX skyrocketed that year, buddy I saw the opportunity, smashed pots and sold iron to enter the futures market, and finally fought to a billionaire..."

These are not isolated cases.

Just as a gambler likes to share with you the glorious history of his successful counterattack, the more you listen, the more you naturally remember a few special things.

"Mr. An, your account has been opened for you, I wonder if Mr. An has any goals?"

Cheng Peng asked.

"If the goal is to put in the crops, I want to put in the crops." An Quercus spoke.

"Crops..." Cheng Peng frowned slightly, glanced at An Li, hesitated and said, "Actually, I personally don't recommend investing in crops. "

Oh? Why? An Li asked.

Professional things, Chen Peng can naturally answer one, two, three, four: "Xia Guo is a big agricultural country, agricultural and sideline products are basically unique to Xia Guo, the space gap for speculation is too small, similar to rice, wheat, cotton or something, in fact, looking at the futures market data in previous years, you will find that there is not much room for improvement."

"Moreover, the recent international situation is not good, there has been inflation overseas, many places have been affected by the economic crisis, the global market is not optimistic, and the crop is too volatile, the risk is too high, put in, there is likely to be nothing left."

"In fact, for each of me, I am more inclined to precious metals, especially gold and the like, all say that the troubled gold is prosperous antiques, the more this time, the more gold retains its value, although the plate is now locked, but the victory is stable."

"As long as you go in, it's a good thing."

It is said that there is a specialization in the art industry, which is not false at all.

At least these things that Cheng Peng said, many things that An Li had not noticed before, listening to his analysis at this time, it seems that it is indeed the same as the results later, and there are two of the hottest this year.

Oil, and gold.

Oil is rising all year long, but unfortunately it is difficult to buy in the country, even if you buy it, you can't buy much, and as for gold, everyone is speculating in this thing, and the price is the same every day, but this also makes it difficult to buy, basically not too much.

However, since it is a future, stability may make money, but it must not make a lot of money.

What An Li wanted was to quickly double his assets tenfold.

"I want to buy adzuki beans." An Quercus spoke.

Cheng Peng raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "Red adzuki beans? "

Adzuki beans are a high-protein, low-fat, multi-grain that is grown on less acreage in the world. Xia Guo is the country with the largest planting area and the highest output of adzuki beans in the world, with an annual output of 300,000-400,000 tons, and a considerable part of it is exported to neon, Korea and Southeast Asian countries.

The yield of adzuki beans is greatly affected by natural conditions, climate change and domestic and foreign market demand, and its price fluctuations are more frequent.

The average person, even the people who know adzuki beans, are not many.

And An Que not only knows, but also intends to buy this!

"Actually, Mr. An Li, I personally still don't recommend buying red adzuki beans." Cheng Peng frowned and thought for a while, and decided to rationally analyze and analyze An Li, although he has money whether the customer wins or loses, but everyone wants the customer to make money, so that he can continue to invest in the futures market.

Approaching, which futures manager is unlikely to think about how to ask for a debt when facing a customer....

"Although the international demand for adzuki beans is very large, just a neon The number of adzuki beans required every year exceeds 150,000 tons, but in fact, this thing is very risky, the previous 602 incident is still vividly remembered, everyone includes the hope of adzuki beans, the domestic futures market, but directly fell from 5600 to 3600 a ton, but many people died that year."

"Even if it has been stable in the past two years, but the neon side has begun to build its own environment to produce adzuki beans, which is bound to have a great impact on this year's adzuki beans, and if you are not careful, this year's price may fall below the historical low price."

"I don't recommend Mr. An to buy such a product."

Cheng Peng said a lot, the analysis is also very thorough, as a futures manager, he supports customers to fight, but does not mean that he supports customers to send death, if An Li invests a hundred million, owe a billion in minutes, do you expect to get back from him?

However, An Li's attitude was extremely resolute: "I do want to buy red adzuki beans, tell me how big this leverage can be?"

"This..." Cheng Peng still fulfilled his duties after all: "At present, the maximum allowable leverage for domestic red adzuki bean futures is 20 times, and the margin is 5%, Mr. An, I still don't recommend you buy red adzuki beans."

Although the maximum leverage is 100 times, not everything can do 100 times double.

Similar crops, in fact, there are very few that can reach 50 times leverage, let alone 100 times.

Red adzuki beans, in fact, have not been very honorable in the history of the futures market.

It can even be said that it is highly regarded by public opinion.

Several major events about adzuki beans in history, each time is enough to break people's eyes, and now An Li actually wants to buy red adzuki beans, I have to say that he is really bold.

The most recent time was last year, the price of red adzuki beans has continued to fall since its listing, and the main bulls have bought a large number of spot goods in the spot market on the one hand, and on the other hand, they have pulled down the chips and gradually raised the futures price.

After that, the main force exerted its strength, pulled two price limit boards in a row, and rose to 5400 yuan per ton.

In order to curb excessive speculation, the exchange even asked to increase the margin, and then it was still useless, when the price was about to catch up to six thousand, the national team directly suppressed, declaring all red adzuki bean transactions that day invalid, and then requiring members to force liquidation, and the iron and bloody wrist directly made the speculators lose money at that time.

This year, affected by last year's events, red adzuki beans tend to stabilize, and the price is also in the early 2,000s, and no one dares to touch red adzuki beans again.

At this time, An Li showed a very interested look, which made Cheng Peng frown.

This guy is looking for death!

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