"Mr. An, I hope you don't forget last year's incident, at this time you still dare to get involved in red adzuki beans, either stupid, or tired of living, after all, so many things have happened, and it involves international relations, if you focus on buying will definitely be monitored by the key, I still recommend you to try precious metals." Cheng Peng's saliva was about to dry, and he was still dissuading An Li in his right.

But alas, his strength was used in the wrong place.

In the face of Cheng Peng's persuasion, An Li always had a confident smile and had no intention of changing his mind at all.


Unable to help it, Cheng Peng felt a pang of grievances in his heart.

Made, he is also the boss of the company, so dry and explained so much, you didn't even listen to a word.

But these words can only be thought of in the heart.

"Don't worry, Mr. Cheng, I understand your kindness, but I also have my own considerations." An Li finally spoke: "In this way, first two million two million in, the margin is 5%, invest 10 million, and then 20 times leverage, this money is definitely not much in the futures market."

"This..." Cheng Peng wanted to persuade again, but seeing that An Li had already begun to operate on his account, he could only shake his head and sigh at the moment.

Yes, you decided, so what else can I say?

Although authorized by the Securities Regulatory Bureau, futures brokerage companies have the right to refuse customers' transactions, but in fact, when customers do not operate in violation of regulations, futures companies cannot interfere too much with customer selection, otherwise it will burst out, and the company will be cool, and he has no way to refuse at this time.

Not refusing, but it does not mean that he cannot continue to dissuade:

"Mr. An, think about it again."

"If you want, I recommend a few precious metals for you to try, and you will definitely make a profit."


unfortunately, his words are still on the ears, and An Li even means to reason, but has already hung up the price on his computer.

"Red adzuki beans, 2105 yuan per ton, 2,000,000 yuan of original capital, 20 times the highest leverage..." "Red adzuki beans, 2106 yuan per ton..."

An Que hung an order every two minutes, a total of 5 orders, and 10 million was spent.

Cheng Peng looked at the backstage with a depressed face, wanted to say something but didn't know what to say now, looked at An Li's gaze, and gradually lost his kindness.

But after the operation, An Li raised his head and looked at Cheng Peng:

"President Cheng, I know what you are thinking, you must think that I am crazy now, I am a neurotic, I am a suspect, right?"

"This..." Cheng Peng naturally denied it, but the brilliance in his eyes was obvious.

What An Li said was what he was thinking at this time.

Made, if this is not a madman, then what is this?

"In fact, I can have today, because of this, in fact, in the stock market, Xie Lin has definitely had such thoughts no less than ten times, and every decision I made, he thought I was crazy at that time." An Li smiled slightly:

"But it turns out that I was right."

"I know that you are a professional manager in futures, and I also understand that your analysis and data are very accurate, and I am even more grateful for your idea of making me seek stability."

"However, people are different, some people seek stability, and some people like to take risks."

"And I'm such a person, I understand the consequences of things, I am willing to take risks for it, I enjoy this process, and if it's a gamble, then I'm the one who is willing to play a full hand with a bad hand."

"So, I hope Mr. Cheng will not interfere with my decision again."

These words made Cheng Peng stunned on the spot.

Just now, he forgot that what stood in front of him was not an ordinary young man who had just turned eighteen, but a stock god who had created a legend in the stock market!

I have to admit that An Li is right, how Xiao Gu Shen succeeded, everyone knows that in addition to having an eye that ordinary people do not have, he also has courage that others do not have.

Not to mention that he successfully bought the monster stock, but more importantly, he was able to hold on until the last moment.

That's what makes him most impressive.

Thinking in another way, if I had bought ST Jintai at that time, not to mention that more than forty one-word boards were up and down, it was estimated that at most ten, I couldn't help but sell.

This is the reason why An Que can become a small god, but he cannot.

The next transaction went smoothly, Cheng Peng finally didn't waste more saliva, and directly confirmed An Li's purchase order, although he still felt unbelievable, but what he thought in his heart was no longer his own set of inherent thinking.

What he should have said has already been said, and the result is none of his business.

At this moment, the phone in An Li's arms rang:

"Hey, Dad, what's wrong?"

"You're buying a car? Okay, which one do you value, I'll transfer the money to you now. "

Two hundred thousand cars?"

"Let's change one, at least more than a million."

"Dad, how can you say that you are the boss of the company now, and in the kind of international big city of Modu, a car of 200,000 is not a luxury car, and if I want to talk about it, it will cost more than 2 million."

"It's a window dressing problem."

"Too expensive?"

"Don't worry, dad, it's just two million cars, if you like it, buy it, these two million for your son and I can earn back in half an hour at most, so don't worry about buying it boldly."

"Want me to help test the car?" That...... Okay, I'll come here! An

Li threw Cheng Peng a phone contact gesture while holding the phone, and turned to leave the futures company.

And when An Li left, Cheng Peng was at a loss.

What did you just hear?

Can An oak earn two million in half an hour?

What stock can be so accurate, and it is not speculation in futures, how is this possible?

But at this moment, the afterglow from the corner of Cheng Peng's eyes swept across the computer desktop, and the picture above was still stuck on the futures purchased by An Li, and when An Li answered the phone, the five orders that An Li hung up had automatically purchased the first order at this time.

It seemed as if there was some effect, and at the moment when An Que bought two million, the price of red adzuki beans, which was still falling, climbed up in an instant.

And the speed of growth made Cheng Peng's face full of shock.

"Did he say, two million in half an hour, referring to... Futures market?

And when Cheng Peng guessed, the price of red adzuki beans continued to grow, two minutes, no more, no less, just two minutes, the price of red adzuki beans purchased by An Que had climbed up by one dollar, and at the same time, the second transaction set by An Li also happened to be purchased.

Two minutes to rise by one dollar, compared to red adzuki beans is not high.

And An Que's first Ding Nan has also begun to make a profit, and this first order has already earned An Li 19,000 in two minutes, close to 20,000.

And in the future, this money will continue to increase.

An Li said that two million in half an hour, does it mean that it will skyrocket in the future?

This...... Is it possible?

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