The income of nearly 20,000 in two minutes, even before An Li crossed, was still a terrifying number, let alone when this white-collar salary was 5,000 to 8,000.

The point is, this is just the first stroke.

And the two million list An Que set five, more importantly, An Li said, half an hour two million, that means that this increase is likely not so low.

Two minutes to go up a dollar.

In fact, for red adzuki beans, this increase can only be regarded as an ordinary increase, and even this increase is considered low.

Just when Cheng Peng was still stunned, An Li's second hanging order was also successfully purchased.

Whether it's the price or the time, it's exactly the same!

The second one, like the first transaction, was purchased on time, and then red adzuki beans are still growing slowly, three mao, five mao, six mao, one piece!

When another two minutes passed, the price of adzuki beans once again successfully increased by one piece!

By now, An Que's income has become fifty-seven!

And when it just grew, Anque's third automatic transaction was also successfully purchased in an instant!

This overlay is amazing!

And the income of Quercus is also growing.



In ten minutes, the five transactions set by An Li were successfully purchased.

Ten minutes, 190,000 earnings!

Many people can't earn money in a year, but An Li only took ten minutes to earn it.

What's even scarier is that this is just the beginning.

If it's an appetizer first, it's a real gourmet meal next!

Ten minutes passed, and the red adzuki beans, which were originally just slowly growing, began to climb violently at this time, as if stimulated by these capital injections.

One minute, two bucks!

When Quercus was first purchased, the price of adzuki beans was only 2105 per ton, and after ten minutes, the price rose to 2110 per ton. And in the eleventh minute, in just one minute, the price soared directly to the price of 2112 per ton!

Just this one minute, profit of 190,000!

One minute, caught up with the first fifty minutes of profit!

And this increase, still did not stop, the next twelfth minute, thirteen minutes, fourteen minutes... The price of adzuki beans is still rising, although it is no longer as regular as before, but it is undeniable that the increase at this moment is like a rocket, soaring upward at a very fast speed.

When the time arrived half an hour, the price of red adzuki beans had reached 2138 yuan!

In the futures market, the price increase of any futures item is elusive, from 2110 to 2138, although this increase is surprising, but in fact it is not too terrifying, but the difficulty is that you can accurately buy this futures.

And now, An Que has successfully bought it.

In this short period of half an hour, An Oak's income has reached 2.85 million!

Two million in half an hour from what An Li said, and more than 850,000 at this time!

2.85 million in half an hour?

If it can be maintained steadily, does that mean that an hour is a two-color ball jackpot?


Unable to help it, Cheng Peng gasped.

So much money, it's crazy to earn!

Although the futures market cannot grow so steadily, speculation in futures is like this, either on a rocket and into the sky, or the elevator fails straight into the abyss.

"Hey, Xiao Gu Shen didn't set up automatic selling!"

At this moment, Cheng Peng's brows suddenly tightened.

Playing futures and playing stocks are not the same, although they can be held for a long time, but in general, stocks you can hold for a long time, but futures absolutely no one dares to hold for a long time, after all, what rises now, may all fall back in minutes, at that time is the real abyss of hell.

Therefore, the average master will set up to observe the situation after buying, and generally set up to sell.

For example, to what extent the price rises, the futures in hand will be sold on time.

A powerful futures expert, the test of him is not only buying, but also selling, after all, now it seems that there is more money, but if it is not sold, this money will never be yours. Don't look at the red adzuki beans that have risen by 28 pieces in just half an hour, but if the price falls, don't take a minute, or even a second, it will fall directly.

Therefore, when experts buy futures, they generally determine their strategic goals.

First of all, set your own purchase price, and when the price reaches this level, it will automatically buy in. Next, they will observe the growth of futures, investigate various news, and finally set an automatic selling price, the price setting is complete, as long as the price of the futures increases to this extent, it will be automatically sold.

At that time, this is the money you really earn.

If you want to make money in the futures market, it will never be that simple, even if you buy and rise, but if you don't sell decisively enough, it may also make you lose money.

But now, An Que is not set to sell!

"Oops, he must have answered the phone and forgot." Cheng Peng frowned, picked up the phone and dialed An Li's phone at the first time, but his heart was anxious, earning so much in just half an hour, in Cheng Peng's opinion, it was already a big profit, and he should decisively withdraw at this time.

The moment the phone was connected, Cheng Peng hurriedly spoke: "Mr. An, your futures have not yet set a selling price, do you need me to help you sell them?"

In Cheng Peng's mind, saying this by himself can be regarded as reminding An Li, and it can be regarded as making up for the previous mistrust.

But to Cheng Peng's surprise, An Li on the opposite side seemed stunned:

"Sold? Why sell?

Cheng Peng was choked enough that he almost didn't vomit blood directly.

Mud horse, don't you know how futures play?

Also why sell?

Do you think this futures can go up again?

Holding back the complaining in his heart, Cheng Peng took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down: "Mr. An, you may not know, futures and stocks are not the same, stocks are no problem to hold for a long time, but in terms of futures, I have never seen long-term holdings come out, and we generally recommend short-term holding."

"Why should I sell what I worked so hard to buy?" An Que is unclear.

"This... I..." Cheng

Peng smacked his lips, feeling a little unsure of what to say, if it weren't for the first time An Li contacted the futures market, Cheng Peng would have suspected that this kid was deliberately here to entertain himself, and couldn't help but say at the moment: "This, Mr. An, you have already earned two million eight hundred and fifty thousand in half an hour just now, so much money has been earned..."

An Li interrupted Cheng Peng's words: "President Cheng, I can take out a hundred million, do you think I will care about the small money that is less than three million?"


But anyone who has a hundred million will not care about the small profit of three million, otherwise people will take one hundred million to the stock market, and what futures will they play?

"Could it be... Mr. An believes that adzuki beans can still rise? Cheng Peng gave birth to this idea.

But An Li on the other end of the phone just smiled and didn't explain.

He really didn't have to explain.

But Cheng Peng was shocked, after hanging up the phone and sitting in front of the computer for a long time, looking at the rising price of red adzuki beans, Cheng Peng picked up the phone, dialed a number and sighed:

"Xie Lin, good brother!"

"Introduce Xiaogu God to me, this is a great favor!"


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