
With a sound of computer knocking, An Li quickly entered the back-end system of his futures market, and then without seeing him look at more, he directly began to set the price at which to close the position.

4276 yuan!

Like buying, futures closing positions can also set the price, once the price touches the set price, the futures held will be sold directly and exchanged for money into the account. And this price set by An Oak is the peak of the price of red adzuki beans in the previous life.

In his previous life, An Que never speculated in futures, but he also paid attention to and contacted many people who speculated in futures.

These people are like speculators, like to boast everywhere about what stock crashes in the past few years, what monster stocks and so on, and among them, An Li has naturally heard of the weirdest demon flower in the futures market this year.

Adzuki beans.

Soaring, plummeting, soaring again, and finally reaching the top.

An Li didn't remember a few futures, but this red adzuki bean remembered it particularly clearly, because this futures had caused a existence worth tens of millions to finally fall and break the blood flow in the previous life, and even finally jumped on the rooftop.

That existence, An Li did not know, but had heard of his name.

And he entered at 3500, when all the copyists were fleeing, but he entered at that time, and at the beginning he was very angry, because the next day it directly rose to more than 4000, and even rose all the way to the price of 4276.

But unfortunately, at 4276, the overall price of adzuki beans plummeted, and in the end, it did not even look like a person.

In fact, in this wave of red adzuki beans, only a small number of people have lost their money, and most of them have made a lot of money.

Afterwards, many people analyzed the situation of adzuki beans, and finally concluded that this time adzuki beans actually had the figure of the national team, but they did not suppress as in previous years, but raised the price. After all, the price increase of adzuki beans was initially caused by data from the Ministry of Agriculture, and the production of adzuki beans was halved, which naturally caused a price rebound.

This wave of increases is actually a benefit for the country.

Under such circumstances, An Li to take this ride is naturally more stressless, 250 million smashed down, the margin ratio is 5 billion assets, it seems very large, but in fact, this money is not too outrageous in the entire red bean market, so An Li naturally becomes more and more logical.

However, setting the price, An Li couldn't help but frown.

"Mr. An, isn't our price a little too high?" Cheng Peng saw An Li frowning, and immediately opened his mouth to tentatively ask, not that he did not believe An Li, but because this price was set a little dangerous, although the price of red adzuki beans has now broken through the 4,000 mark, but the fact that the increase has slowed down.

At this time, it is too risky to set such a high price.

And listening to Cheng Peng's words, An Li's brows became more and more furrowed.

What the reborn people are most afraid of is the variable, that is, the butterfly effect, and An Quercus suddenly remembered this problem at the moment when the price was set.

In the previous life, the rise of adzuki beans began to skyrocket after the Agricultural Bureau announced good news.

But in this life, the rise of adzuki beans began from their own smashing of the market!

It seems that the difference between before and after is only a few minutes, and the increase of adzuki beans on that day is not much different from the original historical development. However, the change of a few minutes, no one knows if it is the same, and the closing price of the red adzuki beans that day is not much different, but there are some subtle differences.

In the futures market, every dollar increase involves countless funds.

Under such changes, no one is sure whether the price of adzuki beans will change in any way.

This is what An Li is worried about.

Will the price of adzuki beans really be the same in this life as in the previous life?

The principal of 5 billion is not outrageous in the market of adzuki beans, but it is definitely not a small amount, and with its own five billion to join it, it will inevitably cause a series of chain reactions, and the price of adzuki beans seems to be different.

"The biggest question now is whether the price of adzuki beans will rise or fall.

An Li frowned and muttered to himself.

A moment later, An Li's eyes lit up:

"Since the increase in red adzuki beans itself is a national benefit, and since there is a national team behind it, then the price of red adzuki beans this time must be as high as possible, which is a good opportunity for the country."

"In other words, the price of adzuki beans will definitely be higher!" An

Li guessed in an instant.

He no longer looks at it as an ordinary retail investor, nor does he think according to a copyist thinking mode, but brings himself into the identity of becoming a behind-the-scenes national team to see all this. Since this red adzuki bean is originally for the future, then this price is naturally the higher the better for the country.

Of course, this high also has a limit.

After all, even if the national team shoots, it is impossible to really raise the price to an outrageous level, and at the same time, it needs to be analyzed and compared according to the existing circulation in the market.

In this way, a lot of things can be traced.

So far, An oak in the red bean futures market almost 10 billion funds, this capital accounts for about 0.7%, since the price will rise, then even volatility, will be within 0.7, that is, the previous life 4276, need to increase 0.7%.

Picking up the computer, An Li crackled and pressed it.


Nearly thirty!

That is, the price will basically be between 4276-4306.

Integers will definitely not, after all, the traces are too heavy, generally speaking, they will choose a little more, or less, and combined with some futures with heavier traces of the national team in later generations, An Li finally came up with a result on the computer.


This result, An Que was a little hesitant.

To be honest, he didn't have a bottom in his heart, just simply thought of this, and then made such a decision, but in the end, whether there will be such a result, An Li himself is a little uncertain.

One false step will make a great difference.

"Mr. An, the price has exceeded 4200!" At

this moment,

Cheng Peng on the side had already screamed in surprise, he felt that An Li was like with a magic power, originally just broke through the price of 4000, after An Li came to the company, there was a small burst, and in a blink of an eye, it directly rose by two hundred yuan!

And hearing this, An Li looked sideways at the time in the lower right corner of the computer.


An Li raised his eyebrows, and finally made a decision:

"Fight!" In

an instant, An Li changed the price he had originally determined.

In the blink of an eye, the original price of 4276 yuan per ton was set to 4305 yuan in an instant!

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